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I have done research and I’m almost 100% sure that I want one, but I still have some doubts, because I read they can become a problem. I LOVE animals in fact I’m thinking about becoming a vet, and I own two dogs, three turtles and I LOVE to take care of them. So I don’t mind spending time or cleaning after them. PLEASE! I need answers from people who owns or owned a ferret, or maybe that got one and it didn’t work out, or someone who loves them or knows someone that has one (like a sibling, parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, close friend). I know they can be a bit smelly so I would appreciate if no one goes: “ EWW! I saw one once in a pet shop and it smell horrible! Need the advice because I don’t know anyone who owns a ferret.

2007-01-31 18:58:41 · 10 answers · asked by ketsyanise 2 in Pets Other - Pets

10 answers

i have had a ferret then i gave her to my sister bc we couldnt keep her in the house anymore (my sister lives with our dad in another house) i loved my ferret and i still do
im not sure what problems you are talking about we had no problems and still dont to this day

now their cages will stink if you dont clean it ATLEAST every other day
and dont bathe them too often, they smell worse after their bathes
and i suggest taking them to a vet to get their nails cut because they rarely sit still and will need something to calm them down

if you want my advice, get one!
they are loving sweet animals, who will make your heart just melt

2007-01-31 19:20:04 · answer #1 · answered by Jessabeth 2 · 1 0

Ferrets are absolutely the best pet ever. I live with 4 ferrets and 5 cats. As for dogs, that's an iffy subject. Terriers will not work with ferrets; it's more likely they will kill the ferret because it resembles the animal they were bred to hunt. Each dog has to be considered carefully. Many a beloved ferret has died from an attack by a trusted family dog, but many others cohabit quite well. Ferrets are naturally clean animals, don't need bathed more than once or twice a year, and, as long as their bedding, litterboxes and living areas are cleaned on a regular basis, smell better than most dogs. Most ferents like their scent. Get yourself a copy of Ferrets for Dummies - it's a ferrets owners bible. Maybe join a forum or two. Questions are encouraged and answered and experiences are shared by other ferret owners. You don't have to own a ferret to join, you just need to be interested. I love these little guys and often wonder why it took me so long to get them. Mine are all rescues from people that got them and then decided they really didn't want them. They are a lot of work, but they are also loads of fun. Be aware that Marshall's ferrets come with built-in health problems that will show up eventually. Be sure you know a ferret knowledgeable vet and start setting money aside for a vet fund. It sounds like a lot, but, really, they are so worth it. Unfortunately, they have a relatively short lifespan - 5-9 years, but I have know some to live to 12-14 with very good living conditions and care.

2007-02-01 02:55:00 · answer #2 · answered by Susan R 2 · 0 0

I'm not going to write you an essay (looks like you got enough of those :P) but I will say this. Ferrets are wonderful pets. They bring lots of joy into my heart and I wouldnt give them up for the world. I am owned by 8 ferrets and loving it. Oh and the reason why they smell so bad at the pet store is because they use wood shavings that trap the urine smell. As long as you clean the litter box once a day you shouldnt have any problems with smell. (oh and NEVER use wood shavings!!!)

2007-02-02 08:03:44 · answer #3 · answered by Naru 4 · 0 0

Yes, ferrets make GREAT pets. It is usually best that they be in pairs, and have either a REALLY large cage (which www.martinscages.com has some HUMONGOUS cages for ferrets!) or a ferret proofed room that you can set up for them. They require shots, special food, and live about 15-20 years, are very intelligent, needs lots of "out" time, or time with you.

Look up some ferret forums. They may be able to help you. I know that www.goosemoose.com/rfc has a ferret forum, and some people on there own ferrets. Goodluck with the little hyper kits!

2007-01-31 20:04:19 · answer #4 · answered by Sapphire 4 · 0 1

Well I have two ferrets and they are the best pets in the world. The weird thing is I went to one pet shop and their ferrets smelt like skunks but the one I bought mine from didn't stink and everyone says they don't stink. Maybe I have special ferrets(I don't know), but personally I think it's there poop that really stinks. Thats why I bought the kitty fresh step litter instead because it doesn't clump and it smells good. The stuff they sell at the pet store doesn't get rid of the smell. My ferrets will go "ahhh" if they have to poop anytime I take them out of there cage so I know when to put them back. I also suggest you get two because my first ferret got happier when I got the other one. They really are great pets and I would reccomend them. They really are clean animals I mean I rarely have to clean up after them(usually they just tip over their food bowl). You also have to clean their poop box which is stinky...they poop alot. I got a cat litter box because I had a corner one and sometimes they would poop in the other corner but I solved that when I got the big one. Make sure if you get them to let them have playtime everyday...personally I built a special cage so that they could play and sleep anytime they want.

2007-02-01 11:03:45 · answer #5 · answered by Elizabeth 3 · 0 0

It looks like you are getting all kinds of good advice(or some not so good, but that's the internet for ya).
There is one thing you need to think about and that is vet care.
Every ferret needs to see the vet once a year for a quick check up and vaccinations against rabies and distemper. Most vets can handle that even if they are not ferret specialists.
BUT, you need to find a vet who's knowledgeable about ferrets and everything pertaining to them. Ferrets are prone to several diseases as they age. Some of them are at least treatable if not curable, but it takes a vet who knows what he/she's doing to get your ferret the help it needs.
Ferrets are also very curious and can and WILL get into and out of anything and everything. They get injured sometimes and some of them will swallow things they shouldn't. That's when they can get bowel obstructions that usually need surgical intervention to keep your ferret alive. Ferrets are also known to get hair balls, sometimes even IF you give them hair ball preventatives. It happened to one of mine just recently.
Thank God I found a good vet who specializes in EXOTICS. Yes, ferrets are still considered exotics by most vets.
So, almost $800 later my ferret is in recovery and doing a lot better. I love my ferrets, all four of them, but sometimes I worry about what'll happen if another one of mine were to get sick.
That's why I always suggest to start an emergency fund or get a credit card for pet emergencies.
You can also check into CareCredit at http://www.carecredit.com/ It's not just for medical doctors, it's also for veterinarians.
Either way, make sure you are prepared.
Good luck with your new pet whatever you decide to get.

2007-02-01 03:22:43 · answer #6 · answered by Huh? 6 · 0 0

I have had ferrets for 15 years. I have 12 ferrets in my home.I've had dogs, cats, you name it. I would truthfully rather have a ferret over a dog or cat etc.. Ferrets are alot of work and time to take care of. They need alot of attention. And you have to train them as you would a dog. If your ferret as a baby plays a little hard and nips a little hard then you have to train them not to do that. They will not have behavioral issues if you know how to train them and you also have to teach them "no".You can teach them tricks like you would a dog. But if you are going to let your ferret run around your house or a room then you need to baby/ferret proof the room because they are really curious!They are a source of never ending love. You newspaper or litter train them. I have trained all of my ferrets to roll over, stand, come here, and beg on cue. They steal whatever items tickles their fancy and then they make a hidden stash. I found one of my ferrets hidden stashes and in there he had 2 empty soda cans, a baseball hat, 12 pens, an oven mitt, a few socks, a spatula (I have no idea how he got ahold of that!), three toothbrushes,
and alot of ferret toys. Needless to say, I now know where all of my pens are going!
To cut a ferrets nails, you put a drop of Ferretone or other ferret vitamin on their tummy while they are laying in your lap on their back and they will lick the vitamin and you can cut their nails. They will not care what you do to their nails as long as they can lick the vitamins!
If you feed the ferret a good quality ferret food it will not have smell issues. No fish in the ferret food ingredients = no stinky ferret.
All of my ferrets are free roam thru out two levels of my house. All newspaper and litter trained. If you cage your ferret they need at least 4 hours of playtime out of the cage per day.
Another one of my ferrets had fallen in the toilet once. (We always keep the lid down but a visitor had forgotten.) Since then if she sees the toilet lid up (even if you are sitting on it) she will shut the lid. So, they are smart. They learn quickly.
Needless to say, I love my ferrets and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. They are always happy and they are funny little guys with so much personality.

2007-01-31 19:35:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I had a cousin that had one when i was about 10. I always thought it smelled like chocolate. And i have a superb sniffer, if I may toot my own horn.... I just know that of the three people I spoke to about it (online in Games) they all said that they couldn't keep them for various behavioral reasons.

Pets should be lifetime under takings.. So if you've done the research and know a bit about thier behavior then get one....

2007-01-31 19:16:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All I know about ferrets is that they have a mean bite.I was in a park and it came up to me and bit me.I was little.

2007-01-31 19:15:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

i have a ferrit named bandit and i love her. they do smell but its not bad. its a usual animal smell like a cat or dog. she sleeps all day and never makes a sound. when i let her out shes happy and hyper active, so just keep them confined to one room and you will be fine. its simply the best animal i have ever raised.

2007-01-31 19:29:06 · answer #10 · answered by collins_boy 1 · 0 0

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