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We were once the liberators, and defenders of freedom. Now we are the invaders,oppresors, and torchorers. We have become all that which we despise. My God have mercy on us.

2007-01-31 17:10:32 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

27 answers

It depends what we do with Bush. Do we impeach him, force him from office, and try him for war crimes?

If we do not, do we really deserve a reputation as "good guys"?

2007-01-31 17:19:05 · answer #1 · answered by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 · 6 5

What we saw the other night, when he proposed more war against more "foes" was the madman the last six years have created. This time, in his war against Iran, he doesn't even feel the need for minimal PR, as he did before attacking Iraq. All he is bothering with are signals -- ships moving here, admirals moving there, consulates being raided in this other place. He no longer cares about the opinions of the voters, the Congress, the generals, the press, and he especially disdains the opinions of B/S/and B [Bush Sr, Scrowcroft, Baker]. Thanks to Gerson, he identifies his own little ideas with God (a blasphemy, of course, but hey, there's lots of precedent on this), so there's no telling what he will do.

We can tell by the evidence of the last two months that whatever it is, it will be exactly the thing that the majority of the voters do not want him to do, exactly the thing that James Baker himself doesn't want him to do. The propaganda that Bush's sponsors and handlers have poured forth has ceased to persuade the voters but succeeded beyond all measure in convincing the man himself.

He will tell himself that God is talking to him, or that he is possessed of an extra measure of courage, or he that he is simply compelled to do whatever it is. The soldiers will pay the price in blood. We will pay the price in money. The Iraqis will pay the price in horror. The Iranians will pay the price, possibly, in the almost unimaginable terror of nuclear attack. Probably, the Israelis will pay the price, too.

Little George isn't the same guy he was in 2000, the guy described by Gail Sheehy in her Vanity Fair profile -- hyper-competitive and dyslexic, prone to cheat at games, always swinging between screwing up and making up, hating criticism and disagreement, careless of others but often charming. He is no longer the guy who the Republicans thought they could control (unlike, say, McCain).

The small pathologies of Bush the candidate have, thanks to the purposes of the neocons and the religious right, been enhanced and upgraded. We have a bona fide madman now, who thinks of himself in a grandiose way as single-handedly turning the tide of history. Some of his Frankensteins have bailed, some haven't dared to, and others still seem to believe. His actions and his orders, especially about Iran, seem to be telling us that he will stop at nothing to prove his dominance. The elder Bush(es), Scrowcroft, Baker, and their friends, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gerson, and the neocons have made the monster and in the process endangered the country, the Constitution, and the world, not to mention the sanity of wretches like Jose Padilla.

Maybe the bums planned this mess for their own profit, or maybe they planned to profit without mess; maybe some of them regret what they have wrought. However, they all share the blame for whatever he does next.

2007-02-01 01:45:08 · answer #2 · answered by dstr 6 · 2 1

Well history shows we were never just and good. After all we invaded Triploli when our nation was quite new (1801) in a very similar fashion to the Iraq invasion. We also had a hand in Pol Pot being the horrific leader he was so don't see things through rose colored glasses but check out our "real" history. We have always claimed to be defenders of freedom but we have rarely actually done so. We still haven't done anything on our own shores for native americans who live in third world conditions right here in America. We have a lot of nerve claiming to help others when we still haven't taken care of our own. Most don't even have running water in 2007 America! What's up with that?

2007-02-01 01:27:15 · answer #3 · answered by MissWong 7 · 3 1

Since Reagan we have become the whore chasers, liars, deceivers, cowards, thieves, money worshipers, unjust and a few more I can't think of right now...and I haven't even got to the Bush administration.

With Bush we have let the weaker party spread their hatred and lies for political gain and question every move in Iraq therefore making the world question it also. We have let the weaker party deceive the masses into believing we don't have a chance to win in Iraq and it's best to run and run NOW. We have let this fester our hatred instead of our resolve. Shame on us!

I pity the next president no matter which party they are from. This person will bear the burden of all of the hatred that our political views have amassed. We all are the proverbial "parents who want our kids to win no matter what" when it comes to politics today. No matter how much shame we have to endure it has become more important to win than be an American.

In the past many of the world leaders looked up to us as an example of how they wanted their politicians, people and countries be like. Now they see how trying to hold on to or get into office has swayed our morals. We are not true friends to many of the nations that once made us powerful with their alliances. They now know we will not stay and fight until the end.

2007-02-01 01:35:01 · answer #4 · answered by bamafannfl 3 · 1 4

America has always been a country of freedom and liberation to the Anglo-Saxon White American. But if you speak to anyone that has been oppressed by this country they will say that we are far from it. This is an American myth, this has never been the true face of America. As long as we try and impose our beliefs on other nations and people, and as long as we deny rights to our own people that we so clearly state should have those rights in the consititution, then we will never have a reputation as a good and just nation. A statement that should be used when talking about this subject is that America "should practice what it preaches!"
Think about it this way, every group, every race in this country has been oppressed. Groups and races are still being oppressed by our government. Where is the good and just nation that we were living in the last 200+ years? It was never here in the first place!

May God bless you and Have mercy on your soul. Have a good night!

2007-02-01 01:16:17 · answer #5 · answered by someone 2 · 3 4

end of time got it right. Reputation is very important. I have heard people say that America has become a facist nation.

Facist not in a bad or an evil way like the Nazis, rather in a very stupid way.

The war on terrorists must go on with the support of all parties, and not bombing entire countries back to the stone ages; it just scares people and doesn't restore faith in America's credibility.

2007-02-01 01:20:23 · answer #6 · answered by Zabanya 6 · 4 2

In the eyes of quite a few people in the world, regardless of who is President, we are the bad guys. We are the most powerful and wealthy nation in the world. We control more than half the wealth and resources of the world, yet only account for less than 6% of its population. We also are the biggest users of oil and other resources (don't worry China will pass us in the next fifteen to twenty years). While people in parts of Africa are worried about finding food for thier family to eat every day and not getting shot or raped, our biggest worry is who got kicked off of American Idol or Survivor last night. The fact that we are that much richer than the rest of the world makes us a target for thier hatred.

Is it fair that we are targeted solely because we are American? Of course not. Is it fair that we happen to get lucky enough to be born in the richest, most powerful nation in the world, while others are born in poor slums? Of course not. No one ever claimed that life was fair.

2007-02-01 01:20:49 · answer #7 · answered by msi_cord 7 · 3 2

ONLY the liberals would have you believe that president Bush is the problem! Our reputation is intact despite what THEY may state.

2007-02-01 07:49:55 · answer #8 · answered by tcbtoday123 5 · 0 0

I don't think it was all Bush. Any president that has had a hand in a war has made it harder if not impossible for our nation to become loved again. In some situations we are loved, but it will take more than getting Bush out of office. For starters, listening to the wishes of the U.N. would help us out bundles. Numerous presidents have gone against the wishes of the United Nations but none like Bush for sure. So my answer is it is not that simple but getting rid of the Bush administration will help put us one step closer to becoming a democratic nation again.

2007-02-01 01:16:48 · answer #9 · answered by ~Les~ 6 · 4 4

Whether we choose to admit it or not - Bush damaged our image. Maybe not forever but for a long long time.

What is worse is that he changed a type of innocence (for wont of a better word) in the whole world that will never be repaired.

The effects of Bush's actions will be felt long after his term expires and new people of both parties come to power.

I don't think most countries will trust us in the same way as before.

Most Americans will forget the origins of behavior as it continues, but I won't. I keep up with when, who and how.

2007-02-01 01:18:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

We already have and it was the damaged run and hide of worthless Bill Clinton that damaged America

2007-02-01 05:59:45 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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