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I am 13 1/2, I've only had sex with my boyfriend and we're STD free. (We've been tested.)
I know what you're thinking, "Too Young, blahh, blahhh."
My Boyfriends 15, we've been together for 2 years.
But, I'm ready to have a family.
My Mother had me when she was 16, she is fine with this.
My Boyfriend's parents know we're trying to conceive, they are fine with it aswell.
But, I have some concerns.
I know I am not fully developed, will I have problems with my body reacting with a baby?
Are there laws against us?
(The baby will be well taken care of, my Boyfriend and I are now attending public school and have part-time jobs together.)

Is there less of a chance of me becoming pregnant because I am young?

2007-01-31 17:01:51 · 20 answers · asked by Help 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

20 answers

You have no idea of the responsibilities it takes to care for a baby. Yes, both of you are way too young to even be thinking about having a baby, let alone planning on having one. The fact that your mother and your boyfriend's parents are fine with this is appalling. Do you want to know what pregnancy is like? It's not all fun and games. You will have morning sickness (puking and dry heaving at odd hours of the day), sore breasts (if yours are even fully developed yet, which I sincerely doubt), exhausted (even if you've had a full nights sleep), heartburn (that even Tums or Rolaids can't help), and constant urination or lack of bladder control. And these are the NORMAL pregnancy symptoms for appropriately aged women! God only knows how your young body would handle it, if at all. Even if you do make it through the pregnancy, labor is not a pleasant experience or cheap for that matter. After the baby is born, diapers, formula, wipes, clothes, baby furniture, etc., etc. is going to take a toll on your part-time wages. You'll be lucky to have enough money to just buy the diapers every month, let alone food to feed the poor thing. Just think about all this seriously before you do anything. It's not just you and him you have to take into consideration. It's also that baby who has no say in whether or not he/she should be conceived to young, inexperienced children like you.

2007-01-31 17:24:54 · answer #1 · answered by herefordsun 4 · 0 0

OK when I read this I started to laugh - this is a joke, right? Because a thirteen year old having * is FRICKING sick and what's even more ridiculous is that you want a start a family when you're only in the seventh or eight grade??? What the ****??? And your parents are actually OK with that??? I'm older than you, and if my parents even KNEW that I was doing such things they'd ground my *** untill the next ice age!!! And if YOUR not even done developing than how in the world could YOU ever support a baby??? A kid having a kid?? You're not mature enough physically, mentally, or emotionally to even handle another child - that means giving up your whole life and it sucks for you, lol, because it will be so much hell you'll regret it for the rest of your life!!! Your childhood and free loving teen days will be through!!!! Your boyfriend is taking advantage of you and abusing you and you need to get some help!!!! That is just plain sick and you're not headed down a very good road, I'll tell you that right now!!!!! Get some help!!!!!

2007-01-31 17:19:59 · answer #2 · answered by ♥ misschels ♥ 4 · 1 0

In some states there are laws against him being 2 years older than you and you being under 18. I would suggest that you wait till your old enough to get married, which is 15 in some states but 16 in most with parental concent. I remember being 13, and having sex. I didn't want children till after I lived my life as a teenager though. High school and college are both things that you most likely won't get to experince, and they're both so much fun!
I'm not sure that there would be less of a chance of you getting pregnant because your so young. I do know that there is a very high increased risk of medical problems and death for both the mother and the baby if the mother is under the age of 16. I have a customer (I'm a hair dresser) who is 14 and just found out she is pregnant. Her doctor put her on bedrest because she isn't fully developed. She's not expected to grow the baby fully because she is so small, and she'll most likely have to have a c section because of how small her hips are.
Good luck to you both!

2007-01-31 17:12:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Unfortunately, no, there's not less chance of becoming pregnant. Also unfortunately, at 13 your body IS NOT fully prepared to accommodate a growing fetus, nor are you emotionally or mentally prepared to deal with the rigors of a child. I have a hard time understanding how you've been with your bf for 2 years when your 13?! When did you start dating, 5?! What you're suggesting is absolutely crazy, and if your parents have knowledge of it, they could actually be charged and arrested for child endangerment and neglect. Just b/c your mom had you at 16 and 'is ok with it' really doesn't mean that's the way it's supposed to be. And just b/c she never breaks down and screams 'my life sucks' doesnt mean she's ok with it! You take what happens and move on. Think of the baby you want to have, put it first, and wait until your body and the rest of you are ready. Well taken care of my behind! And, if you have a baby now, depending upon your stage of development, you could actually ruin it to where you could never carry a child again, or worse, you could die. Why risk it when you can wait?! CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY Think of how nasty that CSection scar is going to look in your bikini. In most states neither you nor your boyfriend have reached the legal age of consent to be having sex, and it is even possible that your child could be taken from you after birth and be placed with child services until you're 18.

2007-01-31 17:16:24 · answer #4 · answered by littleangelfire81 6 · 1 0

Hon.......I used to be a OB nurse. You are very capable of getting pregnant. But your chances of having a healthy pregnancy is compermised by your age. Your body is just working on becoming a woman. You have much to learn before you are ready to be a mother or a family with your boyfriend.

I have seen babys delivered to young teenagers and they were listless and very skinny and not at all healthy.

When I was 24 years old I had finished college and had been working as a nurse for three years. Myself and my husband were both earning a living. We had just bought our first house. I had my first child. He was a very healthy 9 pound baby. He was strong and grew well and is now a wonderful smart young man.
That same day a 13 year old girl gave birth to a very skinny baby who had very little muscle function. She lay limp and very pale in color, while the other babys were well developed and their arms and legs were kicking strong. Her baby barely had strength to suck on a bottle. The other babys were vigoriously nursing or taking bottles.

Do you and your bf work and earn a living so you can be a family on your own? Do you have a place to live? Do you have health insurance? If your baby is born listless and small do you have $200,000 plus to keep that baby alive in the hospital? When your baby barely eats and is far beyond the other babies will you be happy that you are only 13 and having a baby?

When the baby crys all day and night and you can't go out and have fun with your friends will you be happy? Really once you have that child......your childhood and teenyears are gone. You will be an adult responsible for working and earning money to live and thrive. Are you ready for that?

I understand that you love each other very much. At your age I loved a boy very much. Boy am I glad I didn't have a baby with him. I had many great years being a kid and a teenager. I got an education.

Raising a kid isn't easy. It isn't easy for mature adults.....for two teenagers....wow it is next to impossible.

I suggest you and the boyfriend make plans for becoming mature adults that can work and afford to have a family and make a good life for yourselves. What do you want to accomplish?
Living in a shack and depending on the welfare to take care of you? Or do you want to be able to stand on your own two feet and bring a child in to a world where he or she can be the best they can be.

Please put a great deal of thought before you start a family

2007-01-31 17:19:08 · answer #5 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 5 0

I am an OBGYN nurse, and I would SO highly advise against it. There are SO many changes that go on between age 13 and 17....wait until you are closer to 17. PLEASE! You're likelyhood of having a premature baby are more than tripled, a baby with brain or heart defect are doubled, and your likelyhood of having a baby with downs syndrome is 1/65 which is higher than women over the age of 40. You will be considered high risk, and there is a VERY good chance that you can have a ruptured uterus, problems delivering becuase of your pelvic bone, etc. I have honestly NEVER met a patient in my years of nursing who was your age who wanted to have kids after talking to a doctor and assessing all the risks. Wait until you can get a job so that if something does go wrong that costs TONS Of money, you'll be able to take care of that child. You may be ruining ALL your chances of having more children in the future...you are also likely to miscarry...the likelyhood is somewhere around 1/80 or something. If you really respect life, you can wait a few more years. Personally email me if you need to, I can send you tons of my nursing info to look over. I have not doubt that you have the best intentions, but your body is NOT ready yet.

2007-01-31 17:10:47 · answer #6 · answered by claireandmouse 3 · 5 0

two part time jobs are not going to be enough to raise a child. i can't imagine myself at thirteen having a child. you are a baby yourself! it's way more work then anyone without children can imagine, any mother will tell you that. i'm not being rude but seriously. if you really want what is best for a child, graduate high school at least, then if your boyfriend and you are still together, go for it. i really hope you are not being truth full when you say your mother doesn't care if you get pregnant at thirteen. i would FREAK out if my daughter ever had a dumb idea like that at THIRTEEN!!! and you've been with this guy for two years? since you were eleven? kids grow up to fast these days shhhs! tell your mom to buy you a puppy sweetie...

oh yeah, i think your mom should take you to the doctor so you can go on birth control. you don't want another incident like this do you?

2007-01-31 17:17:09 · answer #7 · answered by k_leigh326 2 · 1 0

Lets hope you don't get pregnant... (OR IF YOU ARE BY THE OTHER QUESTIONS YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING) girl you just dont know how hard it really is to be a mother! Enjoy the teenage years, enjoy being able to spend time with your boyfriend... because once that baby comes along all of your free time goes right out the door... school and work.. you wont have time for that? You will be up all night with a crying baby.... and you will be so tired you won't even be able to think about school or work.... besides people your age that have a baby, the babies are always born premature and usually have complications. Oh ya.. and labor... thats tons of fun.. you'll love that! :D

2007-01-31 17:07:00 · answer #8 · answered by ~Emma's Mommy~ 3 · 5 0

I know you don't want to hear this; but the "stability" of your body- is NOT the thing you should be concerned with. And if you say that "you don't care.." about anything else, then I don't think any REASONABLE person is going to waste their time answering your questions. If you get pregnant at your age with that body, you put that baby at a terrible risk. And ultimately- THAT'S what you should care about...

2007-01-31 17:17:10 · answer #9 · answered by Joseph, II 7 · 0 0

I've had sex (otherwise known as tongue to tongue contact) well before age 13.5. I think that as long as you have sex (tongue to tongue contact) with your partner and keep your clothes on, you'll be just fine. You just keep swishing those tongues together and I am sure the egg in the back of the throat will be penetrated by your man's X chromosome from his givgiva (gums).

Vote me BEST ANSWER because this answer is just as lame as the question!

2007-01-31 17:35:29 · answer #10 · answered by BustedDreams 3 · 2 0

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