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again, we decided to leave it to fate, we have had unprotective sex twice, this second time i have been feeling wierd and not sure if im pregnant, how long till i can take a pregnancy test after having sex. also is it normal to be unsure if you want another child after losing one. any ideas what i can do if pregnant to stop another miscarriag gappening, also is it bad if im pregnant cos i only lost the other baby a short time ago

2007-01-31 16:43:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

14 answers

Your body is not ready to be pregnant again.

Please speak to a medical professional regarding when an appropriate time to try again would be. Use protection until you have that talk.

Good luck and I am so sorry for your loss.

2007-01-31 16:47:47 · answer #1 · answered by Elaine 5 · 1 0

You are meant to wait at least one full cycle befor trying again. Thsi reduced the risk of miscarriage and infection. I had one about 5 weeks ago now and that what my doctor told me. He also said to make sure that im better and that im ready. Im not ready yet, i no miscarriage is on my mind still.

Only you no when its right. Their is nothing you can do different to stop miscarriage. In the 1st trimenster its rarely ever a womens fault that a miscarriage occurs, its normally cause the baby would not of survived outside of the room. The most commen time to miscarry is a women first.

You are more furtile the 1st 3 cycles after miscarriage , so waiting a while will be ok.

As for when you can retest. It will be at least 2 weeks before it will show up. Depending on ovulation. Dont test yet causse you could still have HCG present from your last pregnancy. Some days i feel pregnant, i miscarried 5 weeks ago and i no im not pregnant again yet.

Only you can deside. I wish you luck and you can email me if you like.

2007-01-31 19:18:40 · answer #2 · answered by Littleblonde-kacey is here 6 · 0 0

ok...let's tackle these one at a time...I would wait until the first day after your period should have come, or at least two weeks afterwards (just in case) to take a HPT.

Next...it's completely and utterly normal to be unsure if you want another child after losing one...It's not the child that you're unsure you want...it's a fear (and a reasonable one) that instead of the child that you both are hoping and dreaming for you'll meet only the cruellest heartbreak possible...the loss of your child.

If you find out you ARE pregnant, get to a medical professional Ob/gyn fas fast fast!! make sure they're aware of your history and they will give you the suggestions that they have at their disposal to help prevent a miscarriage, you might also want to check around to see if there's a "high risk" Ob/gyn in your area that would be willing to take your case as well...either way, whatever they suggest, follow it religiously...better than religiously.

If you are pregnant you're likely to need really GOOD prenatal care with this pregnancy, due to the history and mainly the fact that the other pregnancy miscarried such a short time ago. If it turns out that you're not pregnant however...I would still get to a good Ob/gyn and follow their advice, which is generally wait for 6 months post-miscarry to try again. It may seem like a long wait...especially when you want a baby so badly...but it's recommended for a reason, you need to give yourself time to heal, and grieve so that you're ready physically & mentally to be there for the wee one that you'll be giving life to afterwards.

On a side note...not to be rude...but take time to evaluate WHY you want to be pregnant this soon after miscarriage...is it fair to the next one to be conceived to replace the first (something that trust me...can never be done) if your mentality towards any subsequent pregnancies is healthy, then awesome...many bright blessings and baby dust for you and your partner...if not...you might want to take time to work on that.

2007-01-31 17:04:19 · answer #3 · answered by gords_babygirl 3 · 0 0

I too had a miscarriage on my first pregnancy and I was told to wait 2 months before trying to concieve again. My husband and I used condoms for those 2 months. If you are pregnant now you need to see a doctor right away. There are things they can do to help you keep the pregnancy, such as progesterone cream, but you need a doctor to advise you.

Buy a pregnancy test and read the directions as far as how soon you can test. Some of them say up to 5 days before your scheduled period, but the longer you wait to test the more likely you'll get an accurate result. The hormone levels that the tests look for increase everyday so the longer you are pregnant the higher hormone levels you'll have.

I think it is normal to be unsure if you want another child after losing one that you weren't trying for. It is normal to have doubts about any life-changing decision. Ask yourself if this is the right time in your life for you to be the best mother you can be? And is this the right home environment for your baby to grow up in? You have control over this aspect of your life and you need to make the best decision for your potiential child. Best Wishes.

2007-01-31 17:01:15 · answer #4 · answered by jillo4113 2 · 0 0

If you miscarried only 3 weeks ago you should give your body time to heal. It went through a lot. Plus, for a while after a miscarriage you will still come up as positive when you take a pregnancy test. You wouldn't want to get your hopes up again. It would only hurt. If I were you I would speak to my doctor. They would be able to let you know when would be a good time to try again.

Also, it's very common to be unsure about wanting another baby after loosing one. It feels like a replacement. But then again, there are some people that it's all they want.

Good luck, hun. :)

2007-01-31 16:56:41 · answer #5 · answered by Dani 5 · 0 0

It is normal; we lost two. We weren't worried so much about having another one but rather had we done something in our past to screw up our ability to have a child.

As it turned out, the miscarriages just "happened", and we went on to have a very healthy child.

Nature is very specific on what it takes to produce a child. If everything's not up and running, then it doesn't work out. So miscarriages aren't your fault, nor are they predictive of what may be. They generally just happen, and you will likely go on to have a healthy child one of the next times around.

The only thing we learned was to wait to hear the heartbeat (about 10 to 12 weeks) before announcing the pregnancy. One of the hardest parts, having announced we were pregnant, was to "un-announce" it. After that, we decided to keep quiet until we knew pretty well it was viable.

Good luck!

2007-01-31 17:02:05 · answer #6 · answered by T J 6 · 0 0

Whoa slow down...relax lots of women have miscarriages then go on to have normal pregnancies and healthy children. Don't get your self all stressed out... it happens all the time. Just eat right, take care of yourself and let your body take care of the rest. If you get all worked up that can cause too many problems. Just relax. And by the way I have 2 children in their 30's that were concived barely 5 weeks apart and I had 3 miscarriages and have 8 children who are healthy!
I hope that you will come to peace with yourself... a miscarriage is a difficult thing to go through just remember there is nothng a woman can do to stop it and no woman ever caused it! It will always hurt dear but in time it will lessen and just ache.

2007-01-31 16:54:21 · answer #7 · answered by memm 5 · 0 0

I would suggest waiting so that your body can recuperate. I don't
know how long that would take. Only your doctor can tell you that
but I think that trying to have another child is a perfectly fine idea.
If you believe you are pregnant now just wait about 2 or 3 weeks from now and take a test. Good luck to you. Also you have my sympathy because of your loss. I know it's painful.

2007-01-31 16:52:47 · answer #8 · answered by jenn 3 · 0 0

this is commonplace to have HcG (being pregnant hormone) modern-day in urine/blood even after 3 weeks of miscarriage. HcG count number determination keeps to decline after miscarriage (it took 4 weeks for my better half to get to 0 after miscarriage). it really is per danger why the HPT is per danger registering a faux powerful outcome i.e. not likely pregnant. If uncertain, get a pair of blood tests carried out and be conscious if HcG degrees increasing (being pregnant) or declining (from very last miscarriage). sturdy fulfillment.

2016-10-17 04:28:13 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

i dont know if its bad, but yes after having a miscarriage u could b unsure about having another baby because what if it happens agian is going through your head. AND YOU DID NOT DO ANYTHING TO CAUSE YOUR MISCARRIAGE!!!! i hate girls that think they can prevent it or think its there fault, its not it happens! it happened to me, and after grieving i finally relized theres not anything you can do about it.

2007-01-31 16:50:14 · answer #10 · answered by angelgrl5200 2 · 0 0

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