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Taxes, Corporate greed, Govt scandals, massive layoffs, illegitimate wars, Bush and Co. stripping the rights of the American people one at a time, no health care for many Americans, Govt spending going out the roof, BIG GOVT (now including Homeland Security) Congressmen getting full pensions for life after only 2 years of "service to the American people." Everyone in the govt is out to benefit themselves and screw over the American Taxpayers that elected them all to the tune of personal gains, interests, and lobbyists. Now they want to form an "ETHICS COMMITTE", give me a break! Remember America was formed because of the intolerance of GREEDY GOVERNMENT, and we need to get the country back on track.

2007-01-31 16:43:50 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

19 answers

It is definitely just you. The very idea is revolting.

2007-01-31 16:48:37 · answer #1 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 13 6

Oh we most certainly are being stripped of our rights and our property too. In Kelo V New London the Supreme court decided it was fine to take private property for private use. That one decision strips of of our ability to feel property is secure or the desire to be productive and create and accumulate. Our privacy long gone, government makes proposals daily to inspect private homes because of one dog 1 puppy being born, Why? Vegans are running a private PAC called HSUS it is them that made meat prices rise, the same ones people donate to thinking they have shelters but instead they use that money to soften our all but honest legislators. Vegans like HSUS and Peta want to end all pets. Pets eat meat, this is no secret, just a scam and a fraud from which Americans are fooled and legislators are tempted into greed. As for medical care, I don't think that is a right but I do think handing our productivity to China was a great mistake, and we will soon be the poorest of nations. How much wheat can we grow? What are we making? The new industrial revolution is going on now, and it isn't happening here. Google "America, Freedom to Fascism", and find out who owns the Federal Reserve! It will put a whole new look on how you think about globalization and taxation. The worst abomination in all of this is that our society seems to want to act as though citizens are guilty until proven innocent. Pry open the doors of private homes without just cause, pay inspectors to oversee puppies while babies and elderly Americans get no such oversight. Amazing, what greed will get these guys to support.

2007-02-08 14:55:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Interesting question. Thomas Jefferson thought a revolution about every 50 years would bring "new blood" to the government. In 2007, however, who would we revolt against? Would you shoot your mayor, congressman, or senator? Would you shoot the police, or a corporate executive, or a local judge? Are you willing to do this?

Mao Zedung said, "All power comes from the barrel of a gun." He may be right. Are you willing to die for your beliefs? Or send others to die for you beliefs?

In 1976, during the bi-centennial, there was a movement out there to have a constitutional congress. A lot of politicians were in favor of it until they began thinking about would would happen to them. It suddenly disappeared off the radar.

And what would separate you from any of the other terrorists that want to kill our politicians, police, or local judges?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Well who is this "self-evident" to? The government, the corporations, who?

If you want a revolution, go ahead. I wonder how many would join you, even if you are right?

2007-01-31 17:48:58 · answer #3 · answered by jcboyle 5 · 1 0

I agree but I don't think it would go that far if the gov,sees enough people are pissed off enough to fight , i think they will abandon this selfish B,S, and get rid of the Zionist who have control of our monetary system ( federal Reserve) make these bankers pay back the money they have stolen from the tax payer, our debt to the Federal Reserve is one hell of a lot more than the Iraq war or any other debt we owe and for what??
they have not loaned the U,S, sh,,, yet all of the income tax Americans pay go toward payments to the Federal Reserve for interest alone, there fore we are slaves to them, and by all means we should get rid of the Zionist AI pac the richest and biggest lobby in Washington ,so they can't buy our politicians votes, and get $billions for the bandit state of Israel , our 2nd biggest expense,

2007-01-31 17:24:30 · answer #4 · answered by james w 3 · 0 0

First of all, the word you are looking for is not revolution..it's government over throw. Second of all, last I checked, even the talk of over throwing the United States government is considered treason. Punishable by death by firing squad. Good job for making to the FBI watch list. You have a right as a US citizen to question your authority. However, you do not have a right to discuss taking out the government. If you dont like the way it's working right now, do something about it instead of complaining about it on the internet.

2007-01-31 17:59:12 · answer #5 · answered by texasbelle_80 2 · 1 0

Get a clue. How much do you make, and how much do you pay in taxes? I will tell you.....jack diddly sh*t! What rights have you personally been stripped of? Since when did healthcare become a right? I agree that government is too big. I also agree that in Congress, they all are guilty of being greedy and putting themselves before the people they are elected to serve. It will stay this way until people vote for term limits, or start voting these b@stards out. No it is not time for a revolution. It is time for term limits!

2007-01-31 16:55:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

"Everyone in the govt is out to benefit themselves and screw over the American Taxpayers that elected them..."

Your sentence here belies the need for a revolution, if these folks have been continuously elected, who should claim culpability for the state of affairs?

2007-02-08 11:15:12 · answer #7 · answered by Yote 2 · 0 0

Amazingly people keep voting for laws like the one that says you can't use a cell phone while driving, can't smoke in a restaurant, you must wear a seat belt, etc, and then complain that someone else is stealing their rights. And they keep putting the same politicians in office who support such things, including gun control, all in the name of safety or "the greater good", yet cannot understand who took away their rights.

2007-02-06 17:00:45 · answer #8 · answered by Jerry347 2 · 0 0

The Times They Are A Changin'.

No health care for Americans? Where in the Constitution does it say that government will provide health care? Where in the Constitution does it say that government will provide education to illegal immigrants? Where in the constitution does it say that every employer has to provide a "minimum" wage to everyone living in America?

People living in America have become greedy and selfish, enabling American government, the Presidency, Legislative, and Judicial branches to adjudicate the lives of those living in America.

Only when Americans, and those who have been given the privilege of living in America, choose to regain their individuality, empower themselves through the original Constitution, will the U.S. become a Nation again.

2007-01-31 17:20:54 · answer #9 · answered by Baby Poots 6 · 3 1

there is a line of thought that the whole 911 thing was manipulated to crush a rising of revolutionary sentiment. people seem to forget the general feeling in america of 2000-2001. it was certainly not pro bush. personally i have no opinion, expressed or implied.

just read the post above about term limits. i might agree except some of the first politicians to run on a platform of "term limits" have now been in office almost thirty years.

2007-01-31 16:56:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am all for a revolution and think now is the time for people to act before there is no country to save. Great question and I have asked this before, but as always their are some naive people in this country and they believe everything the government and Bush's say.

2007-01-31 17:02:29 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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