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i don't want to be very religious but how would you know whether you are content with the life you are in? i have a job, a wife and a baby girl but i feel there is still a big void inside me.

2007-01-31 16:39:46 · 19 answers · asked by ahleks 2 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

19 answers

I am getting to that place of inner contentment now. I left a bad relationship 9 months ago..now a single mom..i recently took a course thru a "single parents" program and it was called "Choices and Changes" . this course was the most beneficial life skills course I could ever have chosen for myself. I feel that it should be part of the high school curriculum ! It has opened my eyes to a lot of things, and I have actually gained inner strength and peace from this one. I live in Canada and I hear that this is in place at other locales as well. You sound as though you could use some insights and gain that inner peace as well. I am not deep into religion and consider myself to me more spiritual. There are 4 quadrants that make up the human being. spiritual you seem to be lacking in...getting to your inner self is learned in this course. You can utilize many teachings here ...not only this one topic but several. check it out though. see if there is such a course in your area. you will get a cert at the end of this course. it's self improvement oriented .totally awesome .think about it. it could change your life for the better.(no religion involved btw).............katie

2007-01-31 16:52:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm 15, and I am NOT content with my life. I hate my life, it sucks. But I hear that most teens say that lol. Hopefully it will change!
You said you have a job, a wife, and a baby girl but there is still a big void inside you. Maybe you really don't like your job? Do you get on with your wife? Maybe you want another child?

2007-02-01 00:42:48 · answer #2 · answered by Joseph 2 · 0 0

I know what you mean, buddy.

You need to stop and ask yourself - is it me?

Try getting involved in charitable projects to give meaning to your life. Try giving back to the community.

Try being a better husband and a better father (not saying you are bad, just try being better). Go the extra mile in your relationships and see if you don't get it back tenfold or more - and start to fill some void.

You say baby girl... If you do have a baby, this can make the daddy feel alone. Momma is busy, baby too young for dad to truly get involved with on a meaningful level... Be patient, daddy's little girl will fill that void quickly once she can walk and talk and play...

Pursue hobbies and interests of your own. Help somebody else. There are many things you can do to make life more meaningful - but it takes time and effort...

2007-02-01 01:25:58 · answer #3 · answered by j_mang 3 · 0 0

You did something wrong if you feel something is missing, or maybe you're just not there yet. Are you sure you married the right person? Did you finish having fun or traveling before you settled down? Things like that. Or maybe you subconciously want more kids, and when they are born, you'll be happy.

There's also the very real possibility you're clinically depressed. You should talk to a doctor.

As for my life, which is your question, I'm happy. The key to being happy is to look at all the good things you have, and ignore the things you don't have. I don't mean things like a wife and baby, I mean things like running water, heat, AC, carpetting, a comfy sofa... think about the people in 3rd world countries who are ecstatic when there's enough food on the table. Think about that long and hard, and maybe even research into it so it really sinks in. It's sunk in for me, and I'm very happy with my apartment that I can afford on my $900 a month, and a running car, and food in the fridge, and heat. I'm also grateful I have all these things and I don't have to live with my parents. I may be below the poverty line, but I really have it good... in other countries, my "poverty" is their "rich"

2007-02-01 00:43:16 · answer #4 · answered by T.M.Y. 4 · 0 0

Life started out really tough for me. It was probably too difficult but I am glad I made out of it alive (and relatively sane).. Now I look around at the little that I have and I am thankful. I have a good job, a nice house to live in and am able to care for my elderly mother who has done so much to make sure I did not have to live as she did. My contentment lies in the fact that I no longer hurt and I am at peace with my life. I am happy. Your emptiness has nothing to do with your job, wife or daughter. It's got to do with your own identity and direction in life. If you feel you have a void, nothing we say can help you. Find out what it is you think you need. I can assure you it'll never be a better job or a bigger house or more money.. What gives you peace? Listen to your heart. I think you know what is missing.. Just listen to your heart..

2007-02-01 00:52:32 · answer #5 · answered by aken 4 · 0 0

hi , human being is never satisfied with what he/she gets in life. They always want more then what they have already. I think you are kinda getting bored with the same life style you have everyday. You might wanna discuss this with ur wife and later you can discuss how can you bring excitment in ur life again. life change after marriage. a person gets into responsibilties of every thing but that should not stop you from having fun. There are ways you can fill that void in ur life by doing something exciting everyday , every moment. I feel the same, but then I take a paper and pen and write down want I want from life and is that doable. trust me wrtitng gets all ur though in front of you which might be creating a mess in ur mind and as a result void in ur life. I would suggest take a vacation and go out with ur family to some place you really want to go but have never been there....basically make ur dream or imagination come true..good luck

2007-02-01 00:48:07 · answer #6 · answered by applecity 1 · 0 0

on I am not content at all, but there's still hope for me. As for you though all you have to do is find out what that void is and then find a way to fill it. You have a lot gong for you but then again you might be missing something however small and it's making you feel this way. Find it and work on it.

2007-02-01 01:28:59 · answer #7 · answered by angel h 4 · 0 0

...are you defining your success in life based upon your family? What are your expectations of marriage & family? What do you want to do? That void is a true sign of discontentment. You should discover what really makes you happy as an individual so you can fill whatever void you're experiencing without scarficing your family life (you made your bed...) Sounds like the marriage life is more than what you bargained for.

Many Blessings to You & Yours

2007-02-01 00:47:14 · answer #8 · answered by motherkc 2 · 0 0

It is a human tendency. It is always not easy to be contented with what you have in life. There is always something or other human beings crave over and above what he has. He needs to understand what he wants in life and whether is it possible to achieve the wants? Speaking out feelings is also important.

2007-02-01 00:47:09 · answer #9 · answered by msrv2005 1 · 0 0

We only have one life to live so we need to make the best of it. You need to make yourself happy in order to make others happy. We all have our down falls but we just need to pick ourselves up and see what really matters in this life we live. Thank God you have a healthy daughter and wife and your health as well. Thank God you have a job where you can make money and support your family. You need to stop focusing on this void you feel you have and focus on what you do have. Good luck!!!

2007-02-01 01:15:17 · answer #10 · answered by luvlisteningtomusic 6 · 0 0

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