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Hilary has a history, understood if you have an opinion on her. But what reasons do you have against him EXCLUDING:
fake muslim schooling story
expirence (because who the hell has presidential expirence prior to being sworn in, I mean really, come on)

2007-01-31 16:09:02 · 28 answers · asked by Baby 3 in Politics & Government Politics

28 answers

It's possible for him to become President, but he's got a tough uphill battle to win nomination in his own party. If Hillary runs, then he'll have to contend with the large political muscle that her and Bill Clinton wield. John Edwards has the well-spoken, good-looking guy image going for him as well, (plus he's white). However, Hillary does have Bill's Lewinsky's smell around her as well as her support for the Iraq war. John may get tied again to John Kerry who's been slipping in popularity over the last six months. If Barack Obama were to run and win, he would be good President but only if he is committed (i.e. his marriage and parenthood could suffer).

Even though the US Presidency is argubly the most important political position in th world, the President does not have to have a wealth of experience that allows him (and maybe one day her) to govern an entire country. He has a Cabinet as well as other high ranking supporters aiding him in his decision process. I am always amazed that when people talk about Barack Obama, his "lack of experience" is seen as a negative. To be President, one only needs to be intelligent, thoughtful, decisive and committed. If I am a manager for Apple looking for someone to program the new I-Pod/Cell phone, I would want to hire someone with experience. But politics is open enough to have a President who is a peanut farmer, an actor, a lawyer, or a businessman .

2007-01-31 16:21:45 · answer #1 · answered by GL Supreme 3 · 1 6

Obama was elected to the Illinois state senate in 1996. Four years later, he made an unsuccessful run for the U.S. House of Representatives. After rededicating his efforts to the state senate and winning reelection unopposed in 2002, Obama ran for an open seat in the U.S. Senate two years later. Midway through the campaign, Obama delivered the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, raising his national stature. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in November 2004 with a landslide 70% of the vote.

I know you've discounted experience but someone who only has 2 years experience on a national level isn't someone I deem worthy of my vote. Had he been at least a Governor at some point I would consider him. This is the biggest reason I will not vote for him if he gets the nomination. He seems to have a good start on a promising political career. Perhaps in the future (2012 or 2016) he will have the kind of track record that makes me want to vote for him.

2007-01-31 16:28:43 · answer #2 · answered by noxturnxonxred 2 · 1 0

Yes I am sorry I do.

But I am not happy about it. He has charisma no doubt about it. And he seems to real want some nice things for the county but....... I once asked him why he voted the way he did on something I disapproved of--he blamed Bush for his vote. Now I am not a Bush fan but Bush did not twist his arm. He passed the buck, I didn't like it. When I asked again why (saying he made the vote not Bush) He passed the buck again (with a smile). I'm afraid I don't want someone like that running the country.

We will just have to see what happens but again yes he has a chance, people often vote just on ones charismatic personality and little else. Even when told of a great fault. And passing the buck on his own wrongs is a biggie, he did what others wanted him too--he looks the part but doesn't truly act it.

I did give you want you asked for, I hope your big enough to accept it.

I would hate for Hillary to be my only other choice--she has been in more greed related scandals than I can count. True not convicted but how many times do we have to see it before we see something is wrong there.

It is like picking between a Charismatic heart attack or Rotting Cancer. Stuck in the middle there.

2007-01-31 20:46:23 · answer #3 · answered by *** The Earth has Hadenough*** 7 · 3 0

MY MAIN REASONS for thinking Obama is a joke

1. His supporters can't spell "experience" or "Hillary"

-But Bush can't even speak proper sentences.
2. His name is B. Hussein Obama

- oh my god, must be a terrorist! because you know, all muslims are terrorists!

3. A black Liberal has no statistical chance of winning the electoral college;

-prove it. dumb ***.

4. His ears and neck make him look like a cross between Dumbo and E.T.

-and f*cking ape man is any prettier.

5. He was educated at a Madrassa like the 9/11 terrorists;

-oh my god! madrassa means school in islam. he was eduacted in a school! and you know if he is muslim he must be a terrorist. because all muslims are terrorists.

6. He is a coke head; and

-so was bush. god youre f8cking stupid.

7. He doesn't have enough experience to run a McDonalds.

-and bush who ran every business into the ground does.

dumb dude. you sound like a retard. and the other people. pro-life against guns. thats all you republicans have to go on isn't it? youre so pro life but you love guns? whats up with that. have you seen illegal abortions. Because no matter what you do you wont stop it. may as well make it safe. and no one is going to take your guns away. chill out. it will never happen so stop worrying. as long as you can get registered and are responcible you'll have your guns. but you dont want everyone having guns do you. restrictions are good. dotn want some gangster to walk into a store and be able to by a nine millimeter and thats it. not register or take any classes.

ignorant people in this country. most of them are on yahoo answers. that sh*t is going to change. it's time to silence the dumb religious nazi americans.

2007-02-01 00:58:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Short answer - I think he is liberal for a liberal.

He is in favor of the "guest" worker - otherwise let illegals work here & go back & forth as they want to. I say immigrate legally or stay home.
He spoke against the Patriot Act & allowing agents to check the library records to see if someone had checkout books on bomb making or planes (9/11). I do not feel save with him.
He voted against tax cuts. enough said for me.
Does not have stand on some issues - he voted for gay unions but against gay marriage. Against contitutional ban on gay marriage. I do not care which he believes but you are either in favor of both or neither. Union or marriage - same thing, different word. Politics - that is Obama. Check any local entertainment show & there is is entertaining us. Not so entertaining on news shows though.

2007-01-31 16:33:30 · answer #5 · answered by Wolfpacker 6 · 1 1

I dont give a damn about ears.. hell I was for Ross Perot. .. talk about ears...

Its mainly I dont know where he really stands. He is a democrat. Being so you have to wonder will he fall in lockstep with the dem's lefty leadership or will he be his own man and vote as he thinks is right , and more importantly as his constituency would vote.

That last part.. as his constituency would vote is really important.

You remember good ole Tom Daschle. Well his state was a conservative state.. yet he continued to vote opposite of their views... well even though he had a leadership position... ( something that people value and sometimes will put up with rep or sen nonsense to keep their party leader in there ) they got rid of him finally.

So. I dont know what kinda guy he is? do you?

2007-01-31 16:27:16 · answer #6 · answered by sociald 7 · 1 1

No I don't believe the Neocon spam that they are reporting, It's coming from the hater Bill O'Rielly, and Rush Limbaugh anyway. Who do the Neocons have that could even compete with Obama at this point? Nobody!!!! I will support Hillary in 08 myself, not to say Obama isn't a excellent supporter of a free America. I believe that Hillary was Bill Clinton's backbone when he served his two terms in the first place, I want the Clinton economy back.....enough said!

2007-01-31 16:18:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Not really except for he did vote for some of the trade agreements that may have helped with outsourcing our industrial might. But Hilary use to work for Barry Goldwater. In less you can dig up Eisenhower who ran a campaign on "Vote for Peace, Vote for Eisenhower" I can`t see voting for any Republican right now.

2007-01-31 16:17:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think what people mean by experience is Senate or Congressional experience, like being the Chair of a Senate committee..yes Experience, would also give voters a greater sense on where he stood on tough decisions.

2007-01-31 16:15:56 · answer #9 · answered by FOX NEWS WATCHER 1 · 4 0

I guess if you dissagree with his political philosophy which can be pretty well assertained from his book and various voting records, then you would vote against him. Those would all be "credible" reasons... for a poor choice. But that's my opinion.

2007-01-31 16:14:35 · answer #10 · answered by joecool123_us 5 · 3 1

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