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This is part of a research for school that I'm working on. Please indicate your gender. Please answer all five questions.

1.) Do you prefer to enter a common-law relationship or a contract of marriage? Why?

2.) What are your views on divorce?

3.) It is usually said that a woman suffers more than a man in divorce proceedings. What are your views on this?

4.) In some cultures, marriages are arranged. What are some negative disadvantages of this?

5.) Would you prefer to be single or be married? Why?

Thank you so much for your time.

2007-01-31 16:05:45 · 13 answers · asked by aa 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

13 answers

I'd rather be single than married. breaking up is so much cheaper than getting divorced. =)

2007-01-31 16:11:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm a female.

1) I preferred to enter into contract of marriage because I want to see my name and his on that document. Not all state recognized common law relationship and I would not have legal rights in emergency situation.

2) I think that people are not taking marriage seriously because the could take the easy way out by getting a divorced especially young people.

3) That depends but most of the time women do suffered more then man in a divorce because they tend to be the one who stays at home with the kids. It difficult to find a job that pay well with little or no experience.

4) My parents marriage was an arranged marriage and they stayed married for almost 50 years. It really all depends on the two people who involved. Some of the negative disadvantage is you might not be attracted to that person, have different goals and expectation in life, clash in personalities, etc..the list can go on.

5) I been single and I have no problem with it but I prefer to be married because I want someone there for me emotionally and physically. I need the intimate connection.

2007-01-31 16:28:20 · answer #2 · answered by sunkrist28 1 · 0 0


1.) Do you prefer to enter a common-law relationship or a contract of marriage? Why?
Contract of marriage - gonna do the time might as well get recognized by the state and get the tax benefit.

2.) What are your views on divorce?
Don't sleep with her if you wont' marry her and dont' marry her if you don't plan on being with her forever. Divorce is too easy in this country and therefore marriage not worked towards with the right respect. There are definitely reasons for divorce and it is a necessary deal, but. well, put it short - just too easy.

3.) It is usually said that a woman suffers more than a man in divorce proceedings. What are your views on this?
Historically - definitely. Seems to be equaling out some now, but still weighted towards male.

4.) In some cultures, marriages are arranged. What are some negative disadvantages of this?
I've had friends in this arrangement. It seemed odd to me, but marriage has to be worked at - these people give it that dedication (at least the ones I've been around). So, while not for me, I see these people as devoting themselves to the family decision....

5.) Would you prefer to be single or be married? Why?
I am married, therefore I plan to stay married. Being single has its "wild fun times" but its nice to have a partner in life who loves you for you.

2007-01-31 16:29:39 · answer #3 · answered by going_crazy_30m 2 · 0 0

1.) Contract of Marriage, because I believe in God and I believe that if you are not married and you continue to have sexual relations with the person that you are sinning. Also, marriage vows are very sacred and bring about more commitment. Also, in some instances when you are not married you can not get the same government aids like social security if you spouse dies.
2.) I believe that people should not get divorced unless their is infidelity in the marriage or something like the other partner being gay or having a secret life.
3.) I think maybe women would suffer more because more women stay home and take care of children than men and they stress out about money issues. Also, there is probably still some forms of sexism in the legal system. If a man was to cheat, then the legal proceedings probably wouldn't be as tough as opposed to a woman cheating.
4.) You do not get to marry who you love. Your human rights are taken away.
5.) Though I am engaged, sometimes I perfer to be single just because I do not have to worry about the emotional stresses that a relationship can have on you. But it is better to be married because humans are social creatures and I believe that we can not live healthy emtional lives without a long term significant other.

2007-01-31 16:20:39 · answer #4 · answered by someone 2 · 0 0

1) Now that I am older marriage is the way but I am glad that I lived with my bf when I was 23 instead of marrying him.
2) Divorce should only happen after all other outlets are explored and then only for serious reasons, people divorce too easily over stupid things.
3)I believe they do financially because men usually make more therefore they lose out on income. Also, there is still a certain stigma to being a divorced woman.
4)My opinion is that it would be terrible to be forced to be intimate with someone you barely know especially in a culture that is so reserved sexually.
5)I am in my 30s, married with children and I am very happy as I am.I am past the partying days and am thrilled to have found the one to spend my days with.

2007-01-31 16:14:20 · answer #5 · answered by littlelapin 1 · 0 0

1. Contract of marriage. Simply because that was the way God ordained it. Plus the spouse and children in the marriage have protected rights should anything happen to either partner.

2. I'm strongly against divorce. I only advocate it on the grounds of repeated infidelity and physical abuse.

3. I have to disagree with that statement. Some women can be very vindictive in divorce cases and men are victms too.

4. Cons of arranged marriages? You don't know the person, different cutlural expectations (west vs east) modern vs old fashioned etc

5. If I didn't have my kids, then I would have preferred to stay single, but since I do, I'm trying to make the most out of my marriage. Staying in it is harder than walking away.

2007-01-31 16:44:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ok here goes lol

1. I prefer legal marriage by paper because you vow before God your vows till death do you part.... Common Law is just shacking up with no vows.

2. I do not belive should happen for just any reason.. I only believe in divorce over adultery severe abuse of kids or spouse and abandonment or if the unbelieving spouse wants out a brother or sister is not under bondage in such cases.

3. I really do not kknow much about this and i am not sure on the statistics of it.

4. I dont like arranged marriages because you dont choose who you marry and love it is chosen for you and this is not right as we should be able to make our own choices when it comes to this. This should not be made or decided for us. Nuff said:)

5. I would much rather be married as I love my spouse and we are there for each other through the good times and the bad... I want to grow old with him:)

Great questionairre by the way! I love it.


2007-01-31 16:20:34 · answer #7 · answered by Lady Hewitt 6 · 0 0

I am a man who has been thru 2 marriages,

1) I prefer a common law, I do not feel people are willing to have a long term commitment so do not link myself to them that will take a court proceeding to get rid of them

2) I feel divorce is wrong we should marry and stay married.

3) I feel that it hurt me more in my divorce. I brought that on myself I should have let go along time ago. My second marriage we had no fights just went on with our lives

4) Marriages that are arranged you are forced to fall inlove with someone you had no connection too. I like freedom of choice
thats the american way

5) with all of this I prefer to be married its great when you chare your life with someone you love and they love you back

2007-01-31 16:27:39 · answer #8 · answered by xxgq 4 · 0 0

1 marriage because its best if you are gonna start a family , there is no confusion that way ..

2 i would say divorce is bad , marriage is hard and you have to work out your problems....too many people get divorced

3 probly true ,,,,,, not really sure ,, the kids do most though

4 its terrible ,, you should choose yourself who your gonna marry ,, my husband was in that and of course i took him away from his pre arranged marriage ,but he didnt love her so it worked out best

5 married if i have children...single if no children

2007-01-31 16:13:38 · answer #9 · answered by t_ibrahim 5 · 0 0

married woman 45 - married 8 years (2nd time)

Being married feels very secure and you are never lonely. I love my husband and we have fun together; however...

Being married can be a pain because you always have to think of the other person. You have to have sex when you really don't want to. You have to bend in certain areas when you don't want to. It takes a lot of effort. (That is only the beginning) (And that is without bringing kids into it...especially step)

Sometimes I would love to be single! I wouldn't have to cook when I didn't want to. I wouldn't have to clean when I didn't want to! I wouldn't have to visit his family on holdays! I could leave the tv on all night. I wouldn't have to hear him snore!

2007-01-31 16:33:34 · answer #10 · answered by marincaligirl 3 · 0 0

InEach between the Gospels, the author substitute into answering questions approximately particular circumstances that have been going on at that factor. it incredibly is especially not likely that all of them listened to the same right words and then rewrote them precisely the same. as quickly as we are listening to an evidence of something and we expect of of a query approximately that clarification, we tend to omit lots of the flaws being suggested. Now if that isnt confusing sufficient, it incredibly boils right down to the reality that God desires none to be divorced. Divorce reasons a super form of issues. yet once you do get divorced, guy or female, for what ever reason, you at the instant are not allowed to remarry. something is in the main factors. particular, Polygamy substitute into culturally popular, specifically through fact enable's think of a womans husband died. She substitute into not allowed to make a residing for herself and hence could not stay an single female except she substitute into sufficiently previous to be seen a "authentic" widow (then the church substitute into to look after her). If she have been a youthful widow, it could have been the interest of the subsequent brother in her husbands kin to marry her. back, this substitute into way of existence and popular. Mans unfaithfullness substitute into suggested by Jesus (very strongly). in the story with regard to the lady that had committed adultry, Jesus stopped the adult adult males of their tracks by telling them that whomever substitute into without sin to forged the 1st stone. He then wrote something to each and each guy in the sand. The bible does not say what substitute into written, despite if it substitute into efficient sufficient to renounce any of the adult adult males there from casting the 1st stone to place this female to dying. So, i might say from this, that adult adult males may be conscious of that unfaithfullness on their section may be a extensive no no.

2016-10-16 09:43:01 · answer #11 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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