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im not sure if she's flirting or im reading to much into it. When we stand and talk she is constantly rubbing her butt. She showers and walks around me in a towel. She constantly jump around with no bra on when she plays with my kids and bends over in front of me. Once she new i was sitting in a chair and could see up the stairs and then she came out of her bedroom in a thong took a pair of pants off of a bench and bent over to put them on, i could see everything. I'm certainly not complaining about this she is very beautiful.

2007-01-31 15:54:24 · 88 answers · asked by mike d 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

88 answers

doesn't matter if she's flirting with you or not. you shouldn't be looking back at her! if you want to stay faithful to your wife, cover your eyes when her sister's around. and if you really want to evade the temptation, talk to your wife's sister and tell her that you would appreciate her being a little more decent around you.

2007-01-31 15:57:43 · answer #1 · answered by mighty_power7 7 · 10 0

If you love your wife... never be alone with this woman. She is not just flirting, she is almost demanding your attention. Every thing you mention is a blatant invitation to sex. I am an experienced woman and I am telling you the truth here.

I have considered some options. At first I thought tell your wife, but for many reasons that is a bad idea. It could cause irreparable problems between the sisters and it also could have your wife looking at you sideways for a long time. Keep this option on the shelf in case things accelerate.

I thought you might approach the sister and tell her to quit it; if she loves her sister to respect the marriage vows you two share. But if she was hurt or angry, she could make your life very miserable.

The main thing to do is keep your pants zipped and keep your little guy contained. Avoid this woman and for sure NEVER be left alone with her or in some situation that could be misconstrued if she turns on you. Women and men can do horrible things if there is pride and hurt involved.

She knows you are enjoying the view. But, is enjoying the view worth risking your marriage over? Make sure next time you visit you sit in a different chair... don't be alone with her. That is all I can say. Only visit when your wife is with you for one thing! Do you visit alone for the view? Not worth the risk of losing wife and kids is it?

Hopefully this will cut her interest if you show by actions you have no interest. Be extra affectionate or demonstrative with your wife when the three of you are together. Let the sister SEE that you love your wife!

You sound like a good man but a tad naive with this question. Don't make any foolish mistakes... just be careful. This woman sounds treacherous. Would you wish to lose your wife over a woman who exposes herself to her sister's husband? Such a woman is not decent!

Hopefully these more subtle approaches to the problem will be enough to dissuade that woman. If not, come on back in and we will come up with some fresh ideas!

If you don't keep your buddy in your pants, I have one question. How do you spell J-e-r-r-y S-p-r-i-n-g-e r?

2007-01-31 16:24:15 · answer #2 · answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6 · 1 0

Who does your mom think she is? Dick Tracy? Don't you think it was a little much for her to go around the neighborhood asking people various questions about your wife's parents? That's a little much, don't you think? As far as the difference between May and December, what's the big deal? Seven months. And YOU agreed to it. This is all because of seven months? If your parents have such a problem, tell them to make up a date in December and send you a Happy Anniversary card on that date.. It really is bein' blown way out of hand. Your step mom and your dad are tryin' to make things right so you need to talk to your wife. Explain to her that it has been years since all of this happen, so it's time to let it go. Your parents have the same right to see you and your baby as her parents do. It's time for everyone concerned to just grow up and realize that the whole thing is in the past.

2016-05-24 00:49:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

OK this is serious there is a number of things maybe your looking for all of this waiting to see what you can get a glimpse of next and she notices that and is feeding into it i am not saying she is right for doing so but maybe you should ignore her more and or talk to her ask her not to walk around you in a towel when your around wear proper artier that she is making you feel uncomfortable and warn her if you have to that if she does not stop your are going to tell your wife. and if it comes to that point that you have to tell your wife you make sure you tell her you thought it was in your own head tried to talk to her sister and she did not stop and you just felt it was disrespectful to her so you want her to talk to her. and leave out the fact that you "certainly not complaining about this because she is very beautiful " that could get you slapped lol good luck. By the way how old are the sisters?

2007-01-31 16:07:22 · answer #4 · answered by Lilah L 2 · 3 0

Consider talking to your wife. There is a possibility that you may appear to be asking for it or totally misinterpreting the situation. So put close attention to the way you pose questions or make comments. Here are some suggestions:
- I'm very unsure about touching this subject, but I feel I need to talk to you about some incidentces.
- Can you please help me with this? I may be misinterpretting this but the other day, your sister did this. Should I be concerned?
- I feel uncomfortable around your sister. I may be going crazy but she's done some things I find inappropriate.
- I feel I'm being placed in a compromising position because
- Let me be candid with this. I may be totally way out of line, but...
God forbid anything were to happen (accusations) and you hadn't talked to your wife. You'd be on the losing end. I had it happen twice to me. I didn't wait for the third. Once could be a fluke. You know your wife. Talk to her in her words. Best of luck to you.

2007-01-31 16:26:24 · answer #5 · answered by lola 1 · 3 0

Is your wife blind or is all this going on when she is not around.
Hate to burst your bubble but, most of the time it is not about the
guy. If she is looking to flirt with you and have an affair it is about your wife, her sister. Pay back buddy for something stupid when they were kids. So go ahead have a good time because your sister in law can not Waite for you to make a move.

2007-02-07 10:15:20 · answer #6 · answered by Kat G 6 · 0 0

You need to be upfront and tell your wife what her sister is doing. I would be quite scared if I were you if something was to happen. She sounds like a tramp and would do anything to hurt her sister. You should have a talk with the sister as well and tell her that you do not want this type of behavior. I know your a man and it is a big rush to see her do these things but you need to understand that she could accuse you of peeping at her and start trouble in your marriage.

2007-01-31 17:23:25 · answer #7 · answered by luvlisteningtomusic 6 · 1 0

It could be that your sister-in-law could be looking for some attention, but she is doing it the wrong way.

I would never have my kids around her, especially if she is flaunting her body in front of them and you. Don't you see what she is trying to do here? She is trying to make you interested in her! Read between the lines for heavens sake. If you call yourself a married man, then act like one by not putting up with her behavior.

You must not be bothered by this for not mentioning this to your 'own wife'. I really think that you should let your wife know how her sister is flaunting herself to you and the kids. Her sister is not a "good" example at all. Don't be tempted by her showing off her body to you, you have your wife and kids to love, not a 'whore' who is trying to destroy your family.

Your sister-in-law doesn't have any respect for you or her sister. I just don't know why you didn't tell her anything after she has done those things in front of you. You sure are not helping any of this by accepting her behavior. You are in for a bad marriage happening because of a 'whore' who just wants attention!

So be a man about it and tell your wife what is happening. Don't play along with her acts, be a man and defend you and your marriage and do set a good example for your kids!

2007-01-31 16:28:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You need to discuss this with your wife. Your sister-in-law is taunting you to do something you might regret. You're guilty for voyering.

Talk to your wife and let her know how this bothers you and don't ever be put into the position of being alone at your sister-in-laws house. Beautiful or not-----How would you feel if you brother was prancing around in front of your wife? Would you like it?

Once you communicate to your wife what is going on....your wife will end her sisters leud taunting behaviour!!! TRUST ME!!

2007-02-07 23:17:55 · answer #9 · answered by aunt_beeaa 5 · 0 0

Sounds like you are trying to get some sort of "go for it, dude" but in reality you should steer clear.

It could be a test set up between ur wife and her sister to see how faithful you really can be.

Or maybe she gets kicks out of knowing you want her but can't have her.

OR maybe she just feels comfortable walking around her own house how she wants (which she has every right to) and probably doesn't assume you're gonna be a perv and be checking her out when she's playing with your CHILDREN!

Take a deep breath, go take a cold shower and steer clear.

2007-01-31 16:01:51 · answer #10 · answered by RitzFitz29 5 · 4 0

First off you need to tell your wife about this. And i wouldn't keep visiting your sister in-law if she is going to be pulling that slutty crap. Sure you find her attractive can't say you can't look but role reversal dude would you want her to see a man half nude dancing in front of her on purpose? If the answer is no then it is not right for you to get all hot and bothered over your wife's sister!

2007-01-31 16:34:56 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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