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Batman and Robin is Pro-NMBLA? Unhealthy for children?

2007-01-31 15:49:40 · 18 answers · asked by jerrybathters 1 in Entertainment & Music Comics & Animation

18 answers

yes!!!they are 12 they are almost teenagers and batman is 4 lil kids and that will sooo kill there social life and never get them a gurl

2007-01-31 15:55:26 · answer #1 · answered by dorkxxxx♥ 1 · 1 7

Fear not. Batman and Robin (ALL the people that have been Robin, over the years) are solidly heterosexual.

Back in the fifties, a psychologist with too much time on his hands, Frederick Wertham, got angry because someone else copyrighted the name Frederick’s of Hollywood first, and—wait, that’s not right.

Fred Wertham claimed that comics were a bad influence on kids, and in those days, that was true. There was a lot of very graphic violence, the details of crimes were shown so that anybody could imitate them, and actual intravenous drug use was shown. It led to Congressional hearings (a la McCarthy) and other excesses. Eventually, the comics companies had to clean up their act. The crime and gore magazines were shut down, and everything adhered to the Comics Code.

A few homosexuals came forward and claimed that they thought Batman and Robin (and Alfred, their butler!) were homosexual—but there was no evidence for this. Batman was knows as a playboy long before the men’s magazine of that name came out! He had starlets and heiresses dripping off his arm! He was simply too committed to the crimefighting life to want to settle down yet. As for Robin, he was barely a teen and not chasing girls yet. So it was really JUST A WISH FULFILLMENT FANTASY on the part of the homosexuals.

DC wound up getting rid of Alfred, temporarily, and introducing Aunt Harriet to the Wayne household. But she proved more trouble than she was worth, almost ruining their secret identities, and constantly wanting to set Bruce up with girls she thought were right for him. (She ignored the fact that he was a grown man who had been doing all right socially up until the time she arrived. It was played for comedy.)

I have never heard of Batman being pro Nambla, and I don’t think he ever will be. Neither is Robin. Don’t worry. They are still good role models for kids.

1 FEB 07, 2015 hrs, GMT.

2007-02-01 07:14:57 · answer #2 · answered by cdf-rom 7 · 0 0

Batman & Robin never have, are not, and never will be gay!!

Comics are a popular medium and always will be a popular medium. I'm sure if you do some legitamite research(emphasis on legitamite), you will find out that comics are good for children.

Heck, my dad didn't worry when he saw me reading comics!! His response was more or less to the tune of, "Well at least the kid is reading something and that's a good thing!"

Will Eisner(creator of The Spirit) had his workshop(studio) do the Army's safety mag(PS Magazine) in a comic book format so the soldiers were able to understand their jobs and duties easier. So there's one positive aspect, among others, about comic books!

I've been collecting comic books since I was a kid. I turned out okay! Both my parents don't hate me at all for collecting comics!

As for the 7th grader, grow up!! Popularity isn't going to get you anything in life! Hard work & intelligence will tho!

2007-01-31 20:35:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Man. I'm glad you aren't my father - I've collected comics for years and years now, I've kept all the ones I've ever gotten. It is not up to you to decide what your children likes and dislikes, as long as the material is within boundaries of supervision. And Batman/Robin/Comic books in general can definitely meet those boundaries.

Batman and Robin are certainly NOT gay; comics have gotten a bad reputation as being geeky or nerdy in decades past, but I assure you that there are a LOT of people who love comic books out there. Just like there are people who love wrestling, Star Trek, classic cars, football... well, you get the idea.

And what the heck does the New Mexico Black Lawyer's Association have to do with Batman??

And my last thought - I think I turned out quite well for having had comic books as a kid - I'm now 32, married, good job, decent house, great family - and part of the reason is because comic books helped reinforce what's right and what's wrong; helped differentiate between them....

As for the seventh grader who thinks that comics ARE gay - grow up. Popularity in middle school is about as useful for your life as a tissue in a hurricane.

2007-01-31 16:10:48 · answer #4 · answered by Iceman 5 · 4 0

sounds like someone is being a little homo-phobic....

I could defend the comics but it is easier just to tell you this: While you are getting rid of those EVIL, EVIL gay comics, go ahead and toss the TV out the window for it has gay programming (OH! and VIOLENCE too!), and you might as well throw any actual book he might have out because they might make him think things other then what you want him to, and hey better get rid of any bibles hanging around your house they are also full of violence and thought provoking words.

Oh by the way i don't give a **** if this answer gets thumbs down, you are being ridiculous and stupid. Should you throw away comic books because they (might) have implied gay content. (It is not like Batman and Robin are having graphic sex in the comics.... grow up)

2007-01-31 16:02:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

No.. don't do that save them for when he is older man. They might be worth big money someday you know..I mean the older the comics the more they are worth in 20-30 years they could be worth 50-100 bucks each.
And Batman is for any age..comics are just not for kids. I mean come on they help kids think outside the box and let there creativity flow... to dream and wonder. Just casue you have s problem with what you think is gay content doesn't mean he thinks they are gay..I mean he could enjoy the art work and it helps him be creative..

2007-01-31 16:00:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Oh my god.. HAVE YOU EVER ACTUALLY READ ANY OF THEM?!? It has nothing to do with homosexuality or NAMBLA... That propaganda is OVER 50 years old!!! A deranged psychologist in the 1940's proposed that comic books were the reason that children of that era were turning out badly... (which is NO different than how the media describes video games now-a-days). Please, take the time and read the comic books and form your own opinion instead of holding your nose, closing your eyes, opening your mouth and being force-fed a spoonful of ignorance that others try to sell you.

2007-01-31 16:02:23 · answer #7 · answered by doctor_76 4 · 4 0


2007-01-31 15:58:51 · answer #8 · answered by southforty1961 3 · 2 0

To suggest doing such a thing to children and their toys,for any politically correct nonsense,speaks volumes regarding neurotic parenting.Ironically,it is an inadvertent form of abuse.

2007-01-31 16:01:53 · answer #9 · answered by mark t 2 · 5 0

she might just think she is at this point with her mother in a relationship with another woman or some people just know and can be vocal about it an early age

2016-05-24 00:49:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who are you to judge what your child likes or dislikes. If you are worried about your kid turning out gay, you are an ignorant fool. It sounds like you have issues you need to deal with. Maybe you are worried because you yourself are gay.

2007-01-31 15:58:55 · answer #11 · answered by talarlo 3 · 5 1

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