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No one even remembers the first sited reason for the invasion of Iraq. What can we do to hold all polititians accountable for their deeds and misinformations.

2007-01-31 15:47:08 · 16 answers · asked by Baby 3 in Politics & Government Politics

16 answers

"Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons. There's no question about that."

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (Democrat, California)
During an interview on "Meet The Press"
November 17, 2002

"No one has done what Saddam Hussein has done, or is thinking of doing. He is producing weapons of mass destruction, and he is qualitatively and quantitatively different from other dictators."

Madeleine Albright, President Clinton's Secretary of State
Town Hall Meeting on Iraq at Ohio State University
February 18, 1998


2007-01-31 15:52:40 · answer #1 · answered by scarlettt_ohara 6 · 1 4

The problem is that most people are easily led or persuaded as to what the reasons we invaded Iraq over. Nobody enjoys war, and each one of us that settled on the idea that we were going to go to war justified it by one or more of the reasons we heard or saw on TV.

For me, it was the violation of the agreement after the first Gulf war and ignoring the UN resolutions. You simply can not allow a crazy madman to continuallly thumb his nose at you before you have enabled him to be even more bold and dangerous.

All of the other reasons were secondary to me. But not to the liberals that eventually voted for the war. They needed something that resonanted with fear for their base, and WMD's fit the bill. They wanted nothing to do with following through on the UN resolutions or violations. That to me is what skewed the people's perception of why we were going to war.

What's worse, it is the politicians that remember exactly what they said in 2003 and what they are saying now is simply political manuvering to maximize their situation.

Look at Hillary Clinton's Pink Duck or whatever group that was she spoke to in 2003 and what she is saying now. The way she spins her lies are masterful. Her truth takes more turns than the Mississippi river and yet we are supposed to appreciate her intelligence and the fact that she had studied Saddam for over 10 years and knew that he was a bad person, intent on disobeying world sanctions and demands. She even went so far as to say that the US would be the only ones that would take care of the job. What a crock. She's simply fighting for her next job, living off the government cheese.

2007-02-01 00:04:07 · answer #2 · answered by bkc99xx 6 · 1 0

We won't hold polititians accountable. Sorry to be so pessimistic but this American Empire has run its course. Unless something drastic happens we will continue down the road of selfish self ruin, where politicians and other leaders of our nation will gobble up money and fortune until the whole of our democracy is rotten to the core. The Iraq war is not the fault of our President, he had 300 million coconspirators. America is asleep at the wheel, with our self induced t.v. comas, its over. Freedom is dead.

2007-01-31 23:52:44 · answer #3 · answered by Bodhi 3 · 3 1

I forget things because I am human. I have not forgotten why we invaded Iraq. I also am sure that it does not make a darn bit of difference why we invaded. The fact remains that we are there now & there newly elected Democratic goverment needs us to give them time to stablize. Time that we promised to give them.
My mother taught me to support my friends & defend them even when times get tough. Well, times are tough for the US. Will we defend our friend, the democratic Iraq, or will we run & save our money? If it were about soldiers, we would bring home the troops from Afghanistan. It is only a Democrat political slight of hand.

2007-02-01 00:01:08 · answer #4 · answered by Wolfpacker 6 · 0 0

I remember and still think it was justified. The reason was that after 9/11 it was clear waiting for terrorist to strike first was going to be unacceptable. We simply couldn't wait to see if Sadam was going to give terrorist one of those nerve gas artillery shells (which were found) to set off in a subway or downtown. We know he had ties to terrorist. He had school children making suicide vest to be shipped to terrorist and he paid the families of suicide bombers $25,000 each.

Would he have actually given weapons to terrorist if we had not invaded? There's no way to know. But we know for sure that now he can't do that now.

Who are we going to hold accountable if one of our cities disappears under a mushroom cloud. I think it should be the appeasers that want to feed the monsters our children in the hopes the monster will leave us be. But there's a danger in feeding monsters. They just become more powerful and want more to eat. I say we kill them.

2007-02-01 00:05:13 · answer #5 · answered by Roadkill 6 · 0 0

People have asked this same question since governments were first formed. All we can do is to continue to believe that our votes will change things. Without that - we have no hope of accountability.

2007-02-01 00:05:10 · answer #6 · answered by arkiemom 6 · 0 0

Some us remember the second, third, and fourth reasons for attacking Iraq. We also remember that they too were lie. The fact is, someone needs to be held accountable for this.

2007-01-31 23:57:26 · answer #7 · answered by truth seeker 7 · 1 2

? The stated reason was for WMD. We all now know that was bunk.

As to holding politicians accountable, that's a MUCH harder question. Mostly we hold them accountable at re-election time, but that's difficult with a lame duck.

2007-01-31 23:50:02 · answer #8 · answered by tony1athome 5 · 0 3

We need new congres with another party , not reps nor dems. They both are in it together, good cop, bad cop!!!.Oil is tempting, specially if is free.

2007-01-31 23:51:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We should all be taking notes and checking them when the time comes to vote. And, we should be calling our reps to tell them to start impeachment proceedings.

2007-01-31 23:50:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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