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For the past couple of days my son has been very sleepy and coughing. He wakes up to eat and cry for a little bit, but he just seems like he wants to sleep all day. I tried taking his temp and the stupid thermometer read 5 different temps so i just quit so i didnt worry myself anymore. Whats wrong. I know im a new mom but he is 3 and a half months old and i worry just so much!!
Thanks bre

2007-01-31 15:28:53 · 36 answers · asked by Breanne N 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

36 answers

i pray everything is ok with your son.
I was in your shoes too and didn't know what to do....
It is better to be safe then sorry... at that age it is very hard to get an accurate reading for a temperature...but if any of the ones you got indicate that he has one and that it has lasted several day you should take him to the doctor..
the good sign is that he is eating.. and you did say that he is 3 1/2 months old he could be just finally getting use to his surroundings and finally catching up on some sleep....
Ignore the stupid people that are writing dumb answers..
but i do have to say that the cough is some what worrisome and should be checked out ASAP!
like i said earlier better to be safe then sorry. even thought he might only have a cold he is so Young and it could be serious . and if it is not a cold maybe some thing worse...best of luck and hope that all goes well and hope that you get back and give us all an update!!

2007-01-31 15:43:30 · answer #1 · answered by marion 2 · 0 0

I had the same thing happen to my child. He had a horrible cough, which was very phlegm-based. He would just cough and cough non-stop. I was becoming very worried about this. I contacted my doctor. This is what he told me to do.
Check his temp and make sure he is not running a fever. If it is a low fever, then give some tylenol. If high, then contact your doctor for further instruction or head to the ER.
Raise his head a little by having him lay next to you on a pillow. Not anything super high, but this is supposed to help bring all that mucus down the throat.
Use some baby rub like Vick's vapor rub. Use only on the chest, not near the nose and mouth. Also, use a humidifer. I also have a Vick's Vapor machine. It is the one that uses the little strips. It works really well.
Also to give a little bit of water, no more then 4 oz. This might help with the cough.
My doctor said that if the cough did not subside or sound better in 5 days to call and schedule an appointment to be checked for either a cold or pneumonia. But within a day or so he was doing better.
It sounds to me that he is going through a growth spurt and has developed a bit of a cough.
I feel your pain. My son is 5 1/2 months old. When something happens to him like that, I start to worry too. Don't be afraid to call your peditrician and just ask him questions. More then likely he will help you with some info. Also, see if your hospital has a 24 hour help line to answer questions. I have used that too late at night.

Take a breath. Everything will be just fine.

2007-01-31 16:23:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If my memory serves, 3 and a half month old babies are still in a very unpredicatable sleep stage, so it doesn't seem unusual to me that he's sleeping a lot, especially if he has a cold (which I think he probably does). Keep him comfortbale for tonight, and take him in to the doctor tomorrow. If he's coughing a lot tonight, you might try taking him in the bathroom with you, turning the shower on to hot, and let him breathe in the steam to loosen it up a bit. Unfortunately, he's so young that there's not much over the counter you can do for him.
Please pay no mind to the people on here who obviously have no idea what it is like to have a new baby. It's so hard and half the time you feel like you're being overly paranoid and not sure what to do. Trust your instincts. If you think he's not well, just take him to the doc. You'll rest easier. good luck and I hope your angel feels better soon.

2007-01-31 16:03:48 · answer #3 · answered by Elaine 5 · 0 0

If you feel like something might be wrong take him to the doctor. It couldn't hurt and sometimes mother's have intuition that tells when somethings wrong. Sometimes we just worry to much. I would use a good old fashion thermometer. The ones that take temps in the ear are VERY unreliable, as well as the ones you swipe across the forehead. That's why doctor's are now using the oral ones again (most doctors and Er's are now). He might just be going through a growing spurt. Take him to the Dr. so you can stop stressing.

2007-01-31 15:33:51 · answer #4 · answered by pearl28 2 · 0 0

He's 3 1/2 months old-he should not have a cough. He still has an appetite. I'd say to at least call the doctors office to see if you should come in. If its night time your or one of his associates should be on call to answer your questions. Also, I think you should get a thermometer you can read.

2007-01-31 15:43:58 · answer #5 · answered by Terry Z 4 · 0 0

I am so sorry some of these people are so rude it is not your fault you are a new mother and you came to ANSWERS to get ANSWERS not insults...
ANyway I would buy a really nice thermometer they have a really nice one at walmart. It is the kind that you run across their forehead and it reads the temp right away they cost about 30 bucks but it is really worth the reliablity in the long run. buy this A.S.A.P. If his temp is high take him to the doctor tonight or tommorow depending on how high the temp is...
Hope that helps

2007-01-31 15:48:02 · answer #6 · answered by !@#$%^&*()_+ 3 · 0 0

The best advice any mom can get is to follow your instincts...of course you will worry a lot, welcome to motherhood...you are a new mom, you can't possibly know all the ins and outs of motherhood! If you are worried you really should call your pediatrician, they know you are a new mom and that you will have lots of worries and questions...if they don't help ease your mind or they act as if you are a burden to them you should change dr's...but on to your question, the fact that your little guy wants to sleep all the time is a little alarming, sometimes they are sleepier when they are going through growth spurts, but they usually have enough energy to play a little...the fact that he is waking up to eat is good, but even if it is nothing you're better to be safe than sorry...take him to the doctor just to be sure! I hope everything works out and your sweet little one is feeling better soon!!!

2007-01-31 15:45:16 · answer #7 · answered by Renee B 4 · 0 0

You need to take him to the doctor. At this age a cold can turn into RSV. It is a respiratory virus that babies and toddlers can contract. Call your DR in the AM and make an appt.

If you have an ear thermometer - trash it they are crap. Mine did the same thing. I would get 5 different readings

2007-01-31 15:42:46 · answer #8 · answered by luv3dbb 5 · 0 0

If it was just the sleeping I would probably say "growth spurt" but with the coughing too it sounds like he's getting his first cold. Try taking a rectal temp for the most accuracy. Unless he has a high temp you should be okay just making sure he gets lots of fluids.

2007-01-31 15:32:15 · answer #9 · answered by Heather Y 7 · 3 0

I had a licensed daycare for 15 yrs...best answer is this..if you have to ask if he is sick..then he probably is..it's called a mother's instinct...don't use the thermometers for your ear or your forehead...use a glass thermometer..vasaline..and the little bottom..best reading you will get next to putting your cheek up against his forehead. He really shouldn't be sleeping all day at this age..wake him up...play with him...if he doesn't respond like he usually does, is cranky or just wants to go back to sleep, he probably doesn't feel good! he doesn't need that much sleep at his age. Coughing isn't good in my opinon for any reason...even if it isn't a bad cough. put your ear on his chest, if he is wheezy...take him in to see the doc'..my son had phenmonia and I couldn't convince a doctor of it because he had just had a shot..slept like a rock, That is how I knew he was sick...took eight trips to the ER before one would finally take me seriously..Finally after I quit acting like..."oh my god" "What is wrong with my baby" freak out... I started acting like hey...I know what I am talking about.."Yeah...I think he has bronchitis..or I think he has an ear infection..they will take you more seriously than if you are the "NEW MOM" who is freaking out over a little cough. Best thing to remeber when taking your baby to the doctor is this: If you want a test done..they can't tell you no...doctors tend to be a little bit controlling and treat you like you have not got the education they have..so you let them call the shots..But in fact..they work for YOU..Take that little guy in..if they say there is nothing wrong with him the first time...wait a couple of days...take him in again..sometimes you take them in too soon and they don't show alot of signs of illness to a doctor, but you can tell they are not feeling well...Only one more thing...don't be afraid to put your baby on antibiotics...I seen so many parents that were so against putting them on medication because it wasn't good for them...man those kids suffered alot longer than mine ever did...That is what medicine is for...use it so he doesn't have to suffer any longer than necessary. if you feel like he is sick and the doctor is just dismissing it...go to urgent care...You can lie...tell the doctor he is coughing up flim, tell the doctor he sounds like a barking dog..whatever it takes to get done what you want done..that's how my son finally got his x-ray...chances are if he's coughing he probably isn't 100%, another good way to tell if he is sick is if his eyes get glassy looking..try giving him some pedialite instead of formula for a few days..that is all he needs..that might just clear him up...You might want to try him on soy formula too.. could be what is making him cough if he isn't sick...Best way to tell is if there is a change in their behavior..if he didn't sleep this much before, that combined with a cough..he probably needs some antibiotic...don't fret over worrying about him just because you are a new mom....that's your job...you need to worry about him, because if you don't no one will...good luck!

2007-01-31 16:07:49 · answer #10 · answered by buggie 3 · 0 0

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