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telling them that beeing a sahm is hard work and that they have to help around the house after work ? When did beeing a stay at home mom become harder work than beeing a coalminer or doctor or lawyer ? Wake up princess we do not live in the 50s anymore. Most of us were singel living alone before getting married, so we know that work around the house does NOT take 8 hours a day and we also know what it is like doing it while looking after kids and when women whine about how hard beeing a housewife is (or stay at home mom for those with children) and we tell them it is not because we did EXACTLY the same kind of work as her, putting ourself in the position to support ourselfs and her and her shopping sprees while at it, WE are the mean ones and blackmailed with divorce, for exposing how even the little work we expect her to do is too much. And dont come with this a mom is working 24/7 crap no mom inteacts with her children 24/7 thats why they have stalls toys tvs craddles and Ritalin.

2007-01-31 14:55:05 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

Vallet Jecca can you braniacs even read ? Jecca you just proved my point since I wrote even if you tell women you know how hard it is (it is not) what they do because you do it yourself they still say it is hard. So feeding your 2 year old took a little bit longer and your schedule got messed up and you didnt get to do everything you planned. Is your hubby going to call you in his office and yell at you for a bit for not meeting expectations ? Cry me a river.

2007-02-01 01:00:19 · update #1

Erben I looked after children and a house before so i DO know what it is like. I pity the man who marries ungraitfull whiney skanks like some on here seem to be, He must feel really good beeing told that marrying her paying the bills and the mortgage just is not enough.

2007-02-01 01:03:44 · update #2

Meow I see your point how it is not easy for women who had aspirations to trade their exciting professional life for beeing a stay at home mom, however thats the exception to the rule and she will still have her degrees and possibilities when the children can be given in daycare. Also women who had a real job are less likely to call their working husbands leeches.

2007-02-01 01:07:36 · update #3

Rippledia I dont in fact I dont consider spending time with the kids work around the house. Thats something every man should have time for after work and enjoy. However time after work is limited and if she wants him to do the chores after work the children wont see a whole lot of their dad.

2007-02-01 01:11:22 · update #4

laelenure I dont allow such sort of behaviour to my gf, I still get angry at other women who are not my gf/wife who display that kind of behaviour can I not ? However I should tell you that you DO can expect your husband to put his own stuff away after he used it.

2007-02-01 01:16:28 · update #5

Minxy thats the mindset of allmost all modern women. Husbands are burdens, unless they do the chores. Nevermind the fact that if it wouldnt be for hubby she would have to worry about putting food on the tabel and keeping a roof about the families had, but oh I forgot, this aint the 50s anymore, it is not enough anymore, the gig is up.

2007-02-01 01:18:58 · update #6

24 answers

Lets see now. When you get home from your job. You sit down maybe take you shoes off. and re-lacks. Right!.

You probably won't have no,
no clothes to wash of any kind
no clothes to iron.
no dishes to wash
no vacuuming
no dusting
no mopping
no straightening up to do
no meal to prepare
no breakfast to make in the morning.
no kids to take to the Doctor
no kids to take to the Dentist
no kids to take care of while doing all of the above and multiplies for each kid.
no having things to take care of that you asked her to do that day.
no having to go buy groceries and yours to prepare meals.
no having to go buy most of your clothes.
no making sure bath tub and your throne is clean for you to use.
no changing of for you to sleep and play on.
no having to rub your own back. Remember it's part of her time.
no polishing your shoe, some women do that to.
and, of course there is plenty more. More than this space will take.

Maybe you should learn to appreciate your wife.
Or, sorry to ask, did she leave already.

2007-02-02 08:40:22 · answer #1 · answered by smially 3 · 1 1

You need to invite your mother in law on a nice 3 day weekend :) That way he can see what life is like when you're not around. If you take her, she can't go over and rescue him. He will be left to do all of the things you do and at the end of the three days he'll be worshiping the ground you walk on. My husband just read this and said "That guy doesn't know how good he's got it!" There was a point in our marriage where my husband didn't know either. A nice long weekend away had him begging me to never go away again! It made him realize that what I do isn't "easy" at all. I'm a SAHM of 4 kids and this is the hardest I've ever worked. Office jobs of days gone by were a total cake walk. That being said, I have a great life and wouldn't trade it for the world. Your husband just needs a little reality check! Good luck :)

2016-03-28 23:10:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey Neanderthal man, I am a stay at home dad and I can tell you have never spent any significant time at home with your kids. If people like you realized what actually transpires through out the day you would shut up and be happy to be at work. I am educated and have been on both sides of this fence. I can tell you that raising your kids is very rewarding but in my opinion harder than going to the office everyday. Of course the grass is always greener on the other side. Why not hire someone to clean or any of the other tasks you obviously think you are to good to do. I'm sure your wife didn't conceive immaculately so don't you think it might have been a good idea to discuss these issues ahead of time? Just my two thoughts but like you said"we do not live in the 50s anymore". Let your wife find a part time job. Wake up to reality. Enjoy your kids. Help anyway you can. Quit whining.

2007-01-31 15:17:34 · answer #3 · answered by valet4u2 3 · 7 1

As we step outside the comforts of home, there is a change in atmosphere, there are lot of people to meet and talk to to, work to be done, deadlines to be reached. a SAHM doesnt have to go through all of this. the only deadlines that she has to face is putting dinner on everybody's plate. which is pretty easy with those TV dinners, microwaveables..., right? doing the laundry is a no-brainer, right? (And it doesnt even come with a deadline except it will grow expenentially with time) and there is most certainly no problem with the house-cleaning, with the vacuum cleaner. yes, thats true. but these brain-dead jobs to be done after throwing out the hard-earned degrees and years of independence -everyday without any holidays or compliments or perks, is kind of hard, sometimes irritating.

SAHM have no challenges in life, no goals to reach, no deadline, no holidays, nothing to strive for- except for the love and wellbeing of the family. An extra kiss, an understanding hug, sweet talk will satisfy a girl after a hard days work. Yeah, she might be crabby after the boring usual routine, but it is nice to have someone at the end of a day to greet you and have a hot meal ready for you, isnt it?

I am not saying that you guys dont do anything, but you get the name and the fame,right? "Bread Winner of the family" and we get the demeaning housewife-like a house cat which does nothing at home but cuddles when the owner comes in? Just give a bit more to the woman in your life, coz she has left all her dreams to fulfill yours.

2007-01-31 16:52:06 · answer #4 · answered by ? 2 · 2 1

This certainly stirred up a lot of responses. Rightly so. You get a break from doing what you do all day. Even if it easy or hard. Does she get to do something different ever? Or is it always the same things but with just a little bit more to do when you come home. Chances are you are a burden.

2007-01-31 22:04:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

It sounds like the problem isn't stay at home moms in general, but the relationship you have with your wife. She can't manage her time and you aren't giving her something she needs. She should get a job so she realizes how much better it is to stay at home and control your own schedule and activities. Plus, with the extra money, she can hire someone to come clean once a week.

2007-02-02 03:22:28 · answer #6 · answered by Tara P 5 · 3 0

Gees... are we a little bitter? Staying at home, looking after children all day is not an easy job. Much like working in a huge number of other jobs is not easy. Be aware that most people will only start critisizing others when they are feeling unappreciated or critisized themselves. Maybe you're giving the impression that you think what you're doing is more worthwhile and she is becoming defensive... just like you are doing in your question. Settle down and talk to her. Stop comparing. In fact stop CARING who's doing the more "important" job.... everyone has the right to choose.

2007-01-31 15:11:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

I think you are missing the point of the "stay at home mom" thing. it's not that we are working non-stop for 24 hours, but we don't just get to quit doing whatever we are doing at five o' clock. The kids don't just go away. The dinner doesn't cook it self, the dishes don't wash themselves, the kids aren't magically bathed. the messes the husbands make don't clean up themselves. I think you get the point. Maybe the woman you are talking about needs you to show her some appreciation. She needs to know that you think her job is equally important. And maybe you need her to tell you that she appreciates you going and working hard for your family. No one has it easy, and griping about doesn't help- for either of you. Talk to her, she will most likely agree and be willing to make an effort not to complain.

2007-01-31 15:17:29 · answer #8 · answered by Nicki 2 · 5 1

Why did you let your woman start crapping on you in the first place.
Don't come to me with you problems if that is what you/ve been doing all along.
I know what I do and I will tell you what I do and have done in the past. I never once asked my husband to change a single diaper, nor have I ever asked him to pick up after himself, had I he would have told me where to get off. Where in the tarnation is your backbone? There is no excuse for either of you.

2007-01-31 20:51:49 · answer #9 · answered by Laela (Layla) 6 · 1 1

They don't all do that.

In fact, an awful lot of the ones I've known not only take care of their children but take care of their big, baby, do-nothing, husbands as well. Maybe those are the ones that get aggravated at their husbands. There are an awful lot of husbands who think, "I work, so I don't have to do anything else like take out the trash, wash my snack plate, or clean up after the dog."

The world is full of people who work AND take out the trash AND wash their snack plate AND clean up after their dog - so if some wives get disgusted as some husbands - maybe this explains it.

2007-01-31 18:14:59 · answer #10 · answered by WhiteLilac1 6 · 5 1

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