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Let's just say it is getting warmer. Is it possible that it is caused by something bigger than us. Humans didn't cause the ice age. Why isn't it possible that we have nothing to do with global warming. Aren't some like Al Gore and all his cronies a bit too arrogant to think humans did this in the last 150 years of the millions of years of the earths existence?

2007-01-31 14:02:20 · 14 answers · asked by moley 2 in Politics & Government Politics

14 answers

Regardless of whether or not humans are causing global warming, it is a good idea to take measures to lessen the impact of our polution.

I think both sides should agree to not use global warming as a political issue, and just agree to clean up the earth.

2007-01-31 14:45:11 · answer #1 · answered by larspruitt 2 · 1 0

I find that most if not all people who still think global warming is questionable or not related to human activity have not seen "An Inconvenient Truth." Perhaps they avoid it because they don't like Al Gore. OK. But shouldn't we all be mature enough to ignore him and listen to the data and scientific reports and then make up our own mind? What is the harm in doing some research, listening, reading and considering all the possibilities? Isn't that what intelligent people do, rather than rejecting a new idea without thinking?

And there are many small ways we could all change that would save us money and not take much time or effort. If enough people were willing to recycle and install programmable thermostats, for example, we could significantly reduce the harmful emissions. What's the harm?

2007-01-31 22:24:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The arrogance is right here in this forum. You guys have spent a few minutes reading some oil company propaganda and have been duped into thinking that now you know more than the world scientists that have spent years studying the climate change. Puh-leaze - give me a break!

The ignorance and denial here is the worst of anyplace on Yahoo! Answers. It's surprising considering that starting last year and really picking up over the past two weeks since the upcoming IPCC report has been leaked, virtually all resistance is dissolving. Don't you guys read at all???

The right wing has been dragging it's feet on this, but here's what Ben Witherington III, a prominent evangelical Biblical scholar, has to say about it:

"The Smoking Gun--1600 Page Global Warming Report Out Soon

1600 pages is a big report. Trouble is, it is only the first of four parts, the result of an enormous and some have said definitive report demonstrating beyond reasonable doubt that there is human causation of several sorts when it comes to global warming. The first part will be out in early February. America's top climate scientist, Jerry Mahlman joined with Canada's leading climate scientist, Andrew Weaver in saying the evidence is now compelling and beyond dispute. In fact he says of the report: 'This isn't a smoking gun,climate is a battalion of intergalactic smoking missles.' You can read the AP story here at the following link---

I will not belabor the point since we have been talking about it already this week. I will simply say this report is written by 600 scientists reviewed by 600 others from 154 countries. That is what we call definitive and compelling. And one important thing about scientists. They tend to be very cautious as a group. They use words like maybe, possibly, or probably. They hardly ever say something is definitive, or beyond argument. This is what makes this peer reviewed detailed report so remarkable.

... perhaps we had better pay attention and see what a proper Christian response should be to this crisis, especially for the sake of being a good witness."

So let's see. On the one side we have the entire active peer-reviewed publishing scientific community, IPCC, NASA, NCDC, NOAA, EPA, CEC, UCS, and on and on. And on the other side we have ... ummm .... what was that ... oh yeah, a handful of non-publishing scientists most of whom receive oil money.

"In 1997, the UCS circulated a petition entitled "A Call to Action". The petition called for the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. The petition was signed by 110 Nobel Prize laureates, including 104 Nobel Prize-winning scientists." -- Wikipedia

This was back in 1997. Now, in the words of Dr. Robert Correll, "The science is unassailable."

I'm putting my money on the Nobel Prize winning scientists. Which side would YOU put your bet on?

2007-02-02 04:06:09 · answer #3 · answered by ftm_poolshark 4 · 1 2

In the absence of anything else more definitive, one better believes what Gore and his cronies are presenting.

Are there any other more plausible explanations than the multitude of evidence already set forth? Or are we to continue to go with the oil and vehicle industries arguments?

Remember how the ozone layer was "repaired?" It also started with doubting Thomases who refused to accept the scientific findings presented on what the causes were and how the situation could be reversed.

The biggest polluters on earth are the Americans whose 'wastage economy' is responsible for some 25% of the bad things that pollute the enviroment or are spewed into the atmosphere.

Even if it were God who was responsible for polar ice melting at a very rapid rate, lakes shrinking and rivers drying up, land mass with thick vegetation dessertifying, more regions experiencing droughts while other areas have to cope with floods or unseasonal blizzards or heavy snowlfalls. increasing crop failures and oceans warming up, humans must on their own volition analyse whether their actions of wanton pollution are also contributing factors.

Even if the answers were in the negative, humans would still have to mend their ways and immediately cease and desist from carrying on as they have been for if nothing else, to recreate a more pleasant earth to live on. Earth, as the tagline goes, is "The Only Home We have"

We have to wake up to the fact that unless the world agrees to embark immmediately on the much need corrective measures to restrain and ideally vastly reduce pollution in all its bad forms, the Earth is in crisis. If the present state continues unabated, Earth will not be a pleasant place to live on two or three generations from now. Who knows, maybe we have already reached the point of non-reversale, even now!

Lets therefore not blame the Almighty or depend on Him to undo and correct human failings.

2007-01-31 22:53:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1) It's 16° F where I am right now. I wouldn't mind a little warming.
2) Al Gore knows almost as much science as my pet rock.
3) There is no consensus among qualified scientists as to the cause(s) of whatever climate change were are seeing.

2007-01-31 22:16:59 · answer #5 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 1 1

There are core samples from the antarctic that can account for 650 thousand years worth of Carbon and temperature levels. 4 Ice ages in total.. there is a cycle, of heating and then suddenly cooling down .. however in the last 50 years we have driven the carbon level to nearly double it's highest point in that 650 thousand year time span. the temperature models that exact same curve.. 6 of the ten hottest years occurred in the last 10 years... no one denies these scientific facts.

2007-01-31 22:14:47 · answer #6 · answered by sitizen_x 3 · 1 1

I'm of the theory that the Earth is like the rubber band that, as it warms, is just waiting to snap back.

I also believe that the theory of Global Warming would happen with or without our help...that being said I think, with our help, we have upped the time table of it.

2007-01-31 22:17:24 · answer #7 · answered by Gwydyon 4 · 0 1

Global warming is caused by too much Al Gore sexy heating up all the ladies.

2007-01-31 22:12:00 · answer #8 · answered by Robert 2 · 2 2

Hit the nail on the had there shylock. The "global warming" issue is not about climate change. It is about environmental activism using it as a tool to get what they want.

2007-01-31 22:16:53 · answer #9 · answered by john galt 2 · 1 1

Suppose we were to just take the claims and assume they were true.
Explain to me how you are going to stop the people who are causing the majority of the pollution from polluting?

2007-01-31 22:22:10 · answer #10 · answered by sociald 7 · 0 0

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