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Okay my best friend Glenda is 13. She had a baby about 10 months ago and her mom gave her up for adoption. A local foster parents adopted her,her sister, and her baby. She cares for the baby and loves it dearly. She brings it to the mall and everything, she reagrets having the baby but loves it dealry and i can only imagine how hard it is on her. Friday she came to me crying and I asked her what was wrong. She said her foster mom was going to try and adopt her baby because she didn't think Glenda was ging a good job raising it, even though Glenda raises her daughter just fine. She went down to guidence to talk to the counsler and call her older foster mom who lives about two hours away. I had to leave school early so I dont know what happened after that. Ive been sick all week but today my best friend told me she hasnt been in school all week. Im really nervous for her and I hope she and her baby are okay because I know how much that baby means to her. Can her foster mom take her baby?

2007-01-31 13:59:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

sorry i had a bad typo on one part... it suppose to say.. Glendas fostermom doesnt think shes doing a good job raising the baby even though glendas doing just fine

2007-01-31 14:01:09 · update #1

She is caring for the baby, really well. But since shes so young she thinks they might be able to take away the baby. She would NEVER abuse it or anything. Shes like a adult mother she even makes little scrapbooks and stuff for the baby on the babys monthy aniversery! Im so scared for her can they actually take her child away? Since Glenda is under the fosters mothers care it makes sense for the foster mother to have rights. please help

2007-01-31 14:11:24 · update #2

She is a good mother and your no one to judge her and you dont know her. Yes, she had the baby at a young age but she matured quickly into a great mother. Instead of judging her maybe you should place yourself in her shoes.

2007-01-31 14:14:53 · update #3

as much as i love to hear your answers if your going to be mean jsut dont answer

2007-01-31 14:19:25 · update #4

We live in Pennsylvania. Could a judge take the baby away even if shes doing nothing wrong?

2007-02-01 03:32:55 · update #5

The father is in jail for drug dealing and handling. He's out of the picture completly and probbaly will never see the baby.

2007-02-01 03:34:08 · update #6

She isnt going to drop out of school or anything she plans to go to school and everything just like she would if she never had the baby.

2007-02-02 06:12:47 · update #7

12 answers

I don't know the answer to your question.

I know that raising a baby at the age of 13 has to be really hard for her to do. The foster Mom may be looking out for her and the baby.

Continue to be her friend. We all need good friends.

2007-01-31 14:55:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your friend is 13 and has a 10 month old???????? So she got pregnant at what 11? Gee big surprise a 7th grader isnt the best mom! Her foster mom can do that and to be honest the judge will probably give custody to the foster mom - after all the "mom" isnt old enough to drive and is still legally a child for another 5 years and could in no way support the baby on her own. Also clearly the "mom" has her own issues to work on, though she wouldnt be able to adopt the baby unless your friend lost all parental rights and that would take alot of time.
The "mom" would still be living with the baby so I am not sure what the problem is. If the foster mom got custody that would allow your friend to grow up and save what she can of her youth while still seeing the child everyday since they would legally be in the care of the same women.

2007-01-31 22:12:12 · answer #2 · answered by jillmarie2000 5 · 0 2

if its a foster mom and not an adopted mom then the foster child can ask that she and the baby be placed in a new foster home , my sister is a fostermom and if a child doesn't want to live there they can ask their social worker to place themin a new home , each foster child has a social worker that is to visit them personally every 3 months and she can ask to talk to the worker in private , let her know she has this option, i don't think her fostermom wants to take her child from her , and she can't adopt without birthmom signing her over but she can get guardianship of the baby until the 13 year old is able to support the baby and can show the court that she can medically , educationally, socially take care of the baby and afford the things the child needs, i know she feels the worlds against her but it will all work out for the best for both of them , your friend really needs to talk to her foster parents about this

2007-01-31 22:12:57 · answer #3 · answered by mom of 4 2 · 0 0

Your said your friend is 13 and in foster care. You also didn't mention what state your in or the status of the father. But let's get this straight. First of all, she is the child's biological mother and that can only be taken away by two things(her signing the baby away or a judge taking it away). In most states, once a young woman has a child she is considered an adult regardless of age(for purposes of signing contracts, making child care decisions) etc. Obviously, things like labor laws and driving age won't change but legally, it doesn't matter what the foster mother says. She would have to be able to prove that she is not doing a good job. As for the father situation, unless he has signed over his rights, the court would have to find him and either have him sign over his rights or legally take away his rights as well before they could take away the baby(thus clearing the way for adoption). Since your friend is in a foster home I am assuming that she is to some degree a ward of the state. If the foster agency placed her and the baby w/a foster parent it was with the understanding that they would take care of both, not try to split them or cause trouble. The government would rather see your friend have her child, finish school, be a good parent and a productive member of society and to be on her own at the age of 18. I can't say absolutlely that the foster mother can't try to take the baby but again it depends on the laws of your state. Also, here in my state we have what is referred to as Legal Aid(which is basically lawyers for people who can't afford the $1,000 an hour types but need help. They can refer her to someone to help her or they maybe able to refer her to someone who would serve as a Court Appointed Special Advocate in court and in proceedings for her. In either case, talk to the social worker(I'm assuming she has one) and tell her to keep her chin up, don't give them anything to use against her and don't be afraid to ask for outside help

2007-01-31 22:35:08 · answer #4 · answered by MinivanDad 1 · 3 0

If she is doing a good job, then her foster mom can't take her daughter away from her. Just because she is young doesn't mean she can't raise a baby. My friend is 14 and she already has two kids. Her mom is in jail and her dad is a crackhead. Her boyfriend is also being a dad to them...and he is the father of both. But let me tell you that she always warns everybody to wait. But those kids are the sweetest kids I have ever met in my entire left. They are always clean and have clean clothes on their backs and food on the table. My friend has a two year old and a 7 month old...and her daughter, who is 2, will be 3 in April. I have met her daughter once not long ago, and she is the most polite little girl I have ever seen. So just because your friend is young doesn't mean she can't raise a child.

2007-02-01 14:38:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

if this is actually true than thank god for the foster mother because if you or your friend did have a baby your way too young to even understand the complexity or have the patience to be a mom let alone a good mom so suck it up and cover it up if you continue along this path or at least keep it closed for another few years until your more mature. and yes foster parents can adopt kids but all parental rights must be signed over it can be done involuntarily if pruven by a judge that the parent in question is proven to be unfit to be a parent ...

2007-01-31 22:17:21 · answer #6 · answered by auntie s 4 · 0 2

It's about the baby's best interest... not your bbf's best interest. I'm sure she does the best she can, but she is only 13. The foster mother can help her, as well as include her in all aspects of the baby's life.

It sounds like the foster Mom really wants t do right for your bbf, and her sister, and her baby. I'm sure that if your bbf talked maturely to her Foster Mom, they could come up with some kind of agreement when it comes to raising the baby.

2007-01-31 22:19:42 · answer #7 · answered by naenae0011 7 · 0 1

I think it wuz wrong 4 her 2 hav a baby at 13, and if shes raising the baby just fine, I think she should keep it... but if shes abusing it and/or letting it be retard lol than the foster mom should take it

2007-01-31 22:06:44 · answer #8 · answered by I Love Ryan .S. 2 · 0 1

Your friend has to acutally give up her parental rights to her baby. She has to sign papers to release any ties that she has as well as the father. So dont let her sign anything.. and if she hasnt told who the father is dont let her cuz she needs his signature as well. If she wants her baby no one can take it away if she isnt neglecting the baby.

2007-02-04 21:14:59 · answer #9 · answered by proudtobeme_2003 1 · 1 0

her foster mom would have to prove to the court that she is an unfit mother. basically she would have to neglect of abuse the child in some way. if she isn't, there is nothing she can do.

2007-01-31 22:06:07 · answer #10 · answered by redpeach_mi 7 · 0 0

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