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126 answers

Because it never happened

2007-01-31 13:02:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 17 3

I think this a topic that can be easily resolved by looking at it logically, and applying the principle of Ocham's Razor. This principle states that the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible. In short, the simplest explaination of a phenomenon is most likely to be the most accurate.

In this case, the simplest expaination is that either a top secret experimental aircraft, or weather balloon was downed. This is more likely than extra terrestrial involvement.

Ask yourself these questions.

1. Is it possible that the US through it's various administration over the past 60 years could maintain such a secret?

2. If extra terrestrials have been visiting the earth, and we possess the capability to shoot them down, as some of the conspricy theories surgest. Why isn't there more roswellesque insidents reported?

3. Reasonable motives exist for why a possible cover up could exist. However, what would an E.T. have to gain by hiding existance from a technologically inferior earth?

4. Would it not make sense that the US government amongst others, helped to perpetuate the UFO myth? A myth that affords them the ability to conduct clandestine activities, and have the catagorised as mere UFO sightings?

2007-01-31 14:27:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anthony R 3 · 1 0

After the initial saucer or flying disc report was broadcast the gov't rethought the ramifications of actually having in their possession an alien space craft and all the new technology that they would uncover. So it was hushed up and a lot of misinformation was released which appeased the public for decades. However, there were those in the military and scientific community who let tidbits here and there leak out to the press and public. Something of such magnitude could not be kept secret. So there was a cover up within a cover up. An effort was made to convince people the gov't was actually denying Roswell inorder to hide secret weapons developement. When in reality they wanted to divert attention away from Roswell anyway they could. Only problem was ET didn't cooperate.

The aliens visit this planet at will. Carry out experiments, and manipulate our development as a species. One of your respondents stated that with all the video recorders in public hands someone would have taken a picture of some conclusive evidence. Well, they have. However, once the gov't learns of it it is confiscated or discredited, no matter how conclusive.

Why has the gov't insisted on denying the existence of extraterrestrial alien visitations or the crashes of two spacecraft in New Mexico in 1947? Only those in power know, and they're not talking. All we can do is speculate, and that's exactly the way the powers that be want it. They will continue putting out misinformation until an alien actually lands in full view of the media and witnesses.

If the gov't really has nothing to hide regarding ET then why not allow the media to tour the Foreign Technology Division Bldg. in Area C of Wright Patterson AFB? Why not take the media on a tour of Groom Lake, Area 51, of Nellis AFB? Why not release to the media, meaning respected news media from around the world, the millions of documents now stored in the pentagon, at Wright-Pat, at Nellis and many other sites around the country? The old excuse of secret weapons development and black ops won't wash. And finally, why did Professor Hynek become a fervent believer in the existence and earthly pressence of ETs when he actually became the director of Operation Blue Book because he was such a skeptic? The answer to my last question is simple. He was overwhelmed by the massive evidence of alien visitations and being an honest man could no longer in good conscience continue to participate in the gov't cover up and be a part of misinformation.

There have been so many documented incidents involving military witnesses to alien encounters over the past sixty years to make further gov't denial a farce. What we need are powerful politicians, who can't be bought or intimidated, to come to power and bring to the truth to light once and for all.

2007-01-31 14:05:36 · answer #3 · answered by Tom 7 · 0 0

Because, it's fun to debate it. Just look at how many answers you got to your question. Think about this. We send probes to Mars,Venus etc. So, if there is another civilization out there. They'd send a probe too. Why would they risk their citizens' lives ?
Probes are generally smaller and cheaper and use less fuel to get them into space. So, if anything ever landed there. It would be a probe without any beings in it. If the fall of this probe was accidental. Then,the angle of entring our atmosphere would be anyone's guess. Which would cause the craft to break appart or burn up in the atmosphere due to friction. Since, the angle of a space craft entring into a planet with an atmosphere has to be specific.
I've seen shows where alloys not of this earth have been found. But, that is all. If these alloys are made by beings from other worlds or from the Big Bang is unclear.
Also,think about this; What are the odds that a spaceship from another world land right next to an American Air Force Base out of all of the ohter counries. Amazingly, the aliens are somehow drawn to meet the Americans first. Not,the Kenyans,Greeks,Chinese,Finnish or Mexicans. Why aren't they interested in landing in by the Pyramids in Egypt ? The chances of a random crash landing at Area 51 out of the entire surface area of the Earth is pretty low.Don't you think ? The Oceans cover 3/4 of the Earth. Our planet is pretty small in the emptiness of space. Supposedly,we're type 0 yes ZERO civilization anyway. Would you want to meet a zero a nobody ?
Still,it's fun to think about it and hope that we were once visited or that we are or will be visited.

2007-01-31 13:48:20 · answer #4 · answered by sandwreckoner 4 · 0 0

As all governments will do sometimes, or most times (depending upon the country) there are just things that the government can't do. Sometimes it's because they aren't proud of it, sometimes it lies solely upon the reaction of the people. Let's face it, people are stupid. Should word slip that aliens exist, well there would be all out chaos, truly. Think back to the original broadcast of The War of the Worlds over the radio. All hell broke loose just because of a radio show that many believed to be real. If this were really the truth imagine this; America moving into to storm shelters and basements, the streets closed because of traffic accidents, countless suicides and murders. Sounds like a poor idea, and this is all assuming that the Roswell thing is true. Because if it's sooo secretive, how do we even know about it...?

2007-01-31 13:22:10 · answer #5 · answered by Manga M 2 · 0 0

If we were all going to die, would our government tell us? No. Because it would cause total chaos.

Same thing with the "landing at Roswell"...Why tell the public when they can just pretend it never happened? They want everything to be peachy-keen. Anyone who does believe in it is usually looked down upon by society, so we do the work for them by keeping the whole Roswell situation NOT a problem.

Funny how it works out.

2007-01-31 13:30:49 · answer #6 · answered by Kitty Kat 2 · 0 0

look at the answers you got, at least 1/3 have denied it is even possible, called you crazy or something totally closed minded.

I guess the best answer to the question is this, there is nothing to be gained by admitting it and there is a lot of risk in doing so.

one thing politicians do better than anyone is protect the status quo, and in this case that is that the Roswell incident was a weather balloon.

If you believe it really was a weather balloon i have a bridge to sell you in San Fransisco but that's another story, just email me for the price and western union me the money and it's all yours.

2007-01-31 13:37:26 · answer #7 · answered by Malikail 4 · 0 0

I have read many reports of the Roswell incident that was highly sensationalized by the media. I think that the U.S. government acknowledges that there was an "incident", but I have not seen any reports or hard facts that conclusively state that it was an extraterrestrial incident.

I am more inclined to think that this was an elaborate hoax concocted by a few individuals who were rewarded with a huge media flap.

Given the time that it happened, we may get a "deathbed confession" from one or more of the perpetrators in the next few years.

2007-01-31 13:30:32 · answer #8 · answered by Gordon B 4 · 0 0

The government probably has tech from the crash that they are reverse engineering to see if they can duplicate it, the may have already been able to some of it. If the other world govts found out that we have alien tech they would probably scream for the UN to make us share all the tech and discoveries that we have learned. Also if they admitted that there were life on other planets and they the had the ability to travel among the stars the religious zealots would probably go nuts at the idea that an ultimate creator would create another race of beings that were not human by their standards

2007-01-31 13:25:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why should they tell the public if there's an actual landing anyways? The public might just go nuts because of it and this might cause serious security problems. If there's an Extra Terrestrial landing anywhere on earth, its safer for the government to keep it a secret.

2007-01-31 13:18:48 · answer #10 · answered by condrad_111 2 · 0 0

Because the media attention would eventually reveal the fact that the moon landings were not real, and were filmed in the deserts of Nevada and/or New Mexico.
Also, the government doesn't want to acknowledge that every sitting President since FDR was an alien.


2007-01-31 13:41:13 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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