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even if you think you know they'll only spend the money on a bottle?
Why, or why not? Does it affect your day, one way or another?

2007-01-31 12:58:52 · 177 answers · asked by Polly 4 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

I'm overwhelmed with the number of answers I'm receiving! I'm reading each and every ONE. Please, keep them coming!

2007-01-31 13:22:09 · update #1

Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts & stories! I'd like to tell you one of mine.

When I was about 20, I was at a little food festival with my mom. An old wino came up to me and softly asked if I could spare him a dollar for a 'sammich'. I was young and totally appalled. "NO!" was my response. The old gent smiled, tipped his hat, gave me a little bow, and walked away.
Mom came up & asked what happened and I told her. In a sad voice she said, "I sure would have given him that dollar." I felt so deeply ashamed. That man's face, his little 'bow', even the amused twinkle in his eye has haunted me for 25 years, and remains a black spot on my soul.
I'll never forget it, and I'll never turn away again. And, I don't care what they spend that money on. I give what I can, when I can.

YA doesn't give enough characters in the best answer box to comment much, so I have to say thanx to all, both those who feel like me and those who don't. I respect ALL of your opinions. Peace!

2007-02-01 04:44:58 · update #2

177 answers

Yes, as long as they're nice about asking and not obnoxious.

If they use it on a bottle that's sad, but who's to say they won't spend it on food, a phone call, or a bus ride to a shelter? I'd rather help feed a hungry person and risk having them spend it on a bottle than just walk by and pretend they don't exist. Who knows how or why they ended up in that state? It's not my place to judge. They may have lost their job & home & then started drinking, or they may be clinically depressed and unable to get treatment. To just say 'get a job' to someone who is hungry and has no place to bathe and no decent clothes to wear to get the job, or who may be suffering from a mental illness or alcoholism is asinine.

Sometimes, if I'm close to broke myself, I may regret giving away the money and wonder if they're going to go blow it on booze or cigarrettes. Other times, I wonder if perhaps that money bought them some hot food on a cold day, or a cool drink on a warm day, and made them more comfortable for a little while? That makes me feel better.

2007-01-31 13:34:23 · answer #1 · answered by Bess2002 5 · 1 1

Yes I do. The journey from a safe secure life to be a street person is a lot shorter than anyone thinks and no one is exempt. I was a reporter and pan handlers come in four different kinds.

1)Mentally ill and should be in mental hospitals but society has become heard hearted.

2) People from normal homes and normal jobs but lost the job and they don't have family and friends who were kind enough to help them out. There are far more who have gone to everything to nothing than anyone could ever guess. They show you pictures of the homes they used to live in and it makes you want to cry. Some of these are also runaways from Mom and Dad because Mom and Dad who live in a $500,000 home are monsters.

3) Addicts and alcoholics, BUT when you hear their stories, you realize that not everyone has the same opportunities. Some were severly abused and have problems integrating and trusting groups for good reasons. Many of these are also mentally ill and despite what people think about their alcoholism or drug addiction they are self-medicating from some very bad things.

4) System kids who have run away. The way our society treats children hasn't changed since Charles Dickens day. Being a child and being in the government care is a horrible existence. They have had no love in their life but rather the opposite, their is an open hostility that government people have towards children. They do it for the money or the job, to them a child with a problem or needs attention is a chore and they don't want to be bothered. They have had no one to make them do their homework or even make sure they go to school. Many can skip school for months, the school calls but their caretakers couldn't give a damn. Lastly system kids go through a lot of doors. They have one caretaker after another and most of them have been abused by one of their caretakers. When they turn 18 they are literally turned out on the street, no food, no place to live, nothing. But most run away before they reach 18.

2007-01-31 13:54:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

It is very sad to see people who are reduced to begging for money. Hunger and homelessness are terrible conditions which must make a person feel ashamed.

That being said, many of the panhandlers that I see are hanging out in front of the liquor or beer store. Sure, they look like they could use a meal, but I know that if I give them money, they will keep collecting until they have enough to get a bottle, and then will take it to the park across the street. Most of them are half-tanked to begin with.

Still, I will make an exception and give some money if I feel that they are sincerely asking for help. In the summer, I passed someone who was outside my local mini-mart and nobody was giving him any money. He was as skinny as could be (perhaps he was on drugs, who knows), but I could see how he needed food. Instead of giving him the money directly, I went in to the store and bought him a sandwich and something to drink (hoping that he would eat and not try to sell the items for cash).

Often, if people are on drugs, they don't care about food. It's particularly hard when one sees that an addiction is more important than the need for food.

So, yes, it can have an effect, seeing a human in need and sometimes feeling frustration or sadness does result.

2007-01-31 13:41:45 · answer #3 · answered by SB 7 · 1 0

I give to those who sincerely need something. There are the conjobs out there just to make money. But if you look good you'll be able to spot the difference.
Some say "oh no he'll just by alcohol with it. " Yeah , he just might, and probably will. But, so what, if it gives him some sort of comfort for a couple hours so be it.Non homeless people go to the bar all the time and buy drinks for their friends.And some are seeking the same escape,and others have a problem. But thats okay because they have a home and a job?
Then theres the people who say "Get a job !! " yeah okay , what contact information does he put on the application? Seriously , if it was easy as that we wouldnt have homelessness, or the need for unenployment and welfare.
Most real vagrants have become that way through a series of circumstances, some through their own fault some not.When they get back to that doorway to go to sleep theres noone there waiting for them, when they die noone cares.So if I can make someone happy even if it's for five minutes then thats great.

2007-01-31 14:11:38 · answer #4 · answered by clueless 2 · 1 0

Yes I usually do give money to most.

I'll share a story....

One time I was stopping into a Drive -Thru (if you know what those are, don't know if it's a midwest thing or not....) So anyway, as I'm pulling out of the Drive - Thru from buying some milk and soda I see these two men who I had seen walking around the city together all of the time, looking very dirty, down-trodden, and homeless. One of the older men approached my car and I rolled my window back down and he says, "Young lady, I'm going to be real honest with you and tell ya, me and my buddy here want to buy a bottle from back there, could you spare a dollar or whatever change you might have on you?" So I gave him $5.00.

If you're honest with me, I'm more prone to help out in any way that I can.

2007-01-31 13:58:03 · answer #5 · answered by Jen 5 · 1 0

Yes... I always give. Loved ones and friends think I am crazy but I do. I can only pray that if I were ever in their situation I would have people that would not judge me and would be willing to help me. I know that alot of times people will ask for money and buy beer...cigarettes... drugs etc. But who am I to judge??? The fact of the matter is I dont know what they are going to do with it. I just say a prayer and pray that they put it to good use. I have several times given my last 5.00 to someone on the side of the road asking for money. Yes it was my last 5.00 and I had bills that were unpaid and my gas tank was on empty... but the truth to the matter is it felt right. I was still better off then that person. I have never been in a situation where I have not been blessed. I know God will always provide for me so me giving my last bit of borrowed ( I had even borrowed that $5.00 for gas) money.. I knew I would be ok. I believe the more you can give the better off you and others will be. Imagine the world if everyone helped each other....Everyone!!! I dont see how any of us would go hungry. I know this is all jumbled and I hope some of it made sense. I am tired :)


2007-01-31 13:46:58 · answer #6 · answered by lilbobo1980 2 · 1 0

One while I could not pass up someone holding a sign. If I had a dollar I'd give it. The most I've given was $5.

Then the news did a story on this problem. They followed two "homeless" men to a house they lived in. A nice house in a nice area of town. There reason for doing this is they could make more money pan handling than they did at a regular minimum wage job. I stop giving for a long while.

Then I started giving to those who "looked homeless" So the dirtier they were I'd give money.

Now I only give on occasion and If they look like they really need it. Even if it is for a smoke. I follow my gut.

I even saw a woman sitting in a wheel chair with a bandage on her foot with the foot side showing. It just look and felt staged so I didn't give.

2007-01-31 13:44:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If I've just come out of a store with coin change in my hand, yes. I have given a fast-food burger, etc. to panhandlers on occasion. I once gave a homeless person a slice of pizza from the whole pizza I was carrying. I have given cigarettes to panhandlers, if they ask for one. I have given a bus pass or transfer to someone who needs it, or a gift card that I know only has a dollar or two on it.

If they are going to buy a bottle--they will do so--with or without my 40 cents. I usually don't have any money, as I shop with my debit card or a check. Also, I am on fixed income--if I gave everyone money who asked for it--I would be doing without even more things than I am already.

I feel good if the person seems to have really needed that food, cigarette, 60 cents, bus pass or gift card. If I see the person then running over to more people to panhandle, I don't know if I've done the right thing.

2007-01-31 13:23:09 · answer #8 · answered by Holiday Magic 7 · 1 0

Sure, why not? If I have the money to spare then I like to give. Sometimes I will actually go into restaurants and buy food for them just so I know it isn't spent on liquor... I just like to give back a little of what I feel was given to me. I'm very thankful for what I have and even though I don't have much, I realize there are those much less fortunate than I and will, therefore, always give what I can. I don't know if it really effects my day, but I'd like to think that one day, if I ever needed help, others would do the same for me.

2007-01-31 13:26:05 · answer #9 · answered by lysistrata411 6 · 1 0

If I have cash on me, then yes. I usually give only one or two dollars. It's hard to trust that they'll use it on food or something they need, rather than drugs or alcohol. I just think, what if this one were telling the truth? So I part with a small amount of money on that chance. If I have time, I'll go into a store and buy them some food. At least that way I know my money is truly going where it can do some bit of good, rather than continuing to feed an addiction.

I normally feel better after helping someone out. Even if it is just a little bit.

2007-01-31 13:17:30 · answer #10 · answered by Avie 7 · 1 1

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