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I noticed in school in can get into college is a much lower entrance score than a white student. Also you recieve more grants than a white student. And when you graduate a monority has a better chance of getting hired than a white person.

Is any of this really fair?

Also would you have a doctor or surgeon operate on you knowing that the person skimmed thru because of affirmative action?

Please discuss...

2007-01-31 12:53:29 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Higher Education (University +)

11 answers

I don't think that it's unfair. I believe that everything in this world is made for white people. It's the system. Studies have proven that white people get way more advantages than any other race in america. So when they finally do create something to give other races equal opportunity, why are we crying about it? I would love to see a business that would pick a minority doctor over a white person everyday. That doesn't happen. So show me where it does happen. There is racism that still continues today so that's all i'm saying. It's pitiful that african-americans believe that we've arrived so much that anything or anyone who stretches out their hand to help is giving us the advantage. What?? That's crazy talk.How else do you think black people started getting jobs? Affirmative action. It was because whites didn't want to hire us, because they felt that we weren't as good as them. So my ancestors had to rely on affirmative action just to give them the chances that they deserved to have. If everyone believed that affirmative action was discriminatory against whites...we'd still be in slavery, under Jim Crow laws, trying to get by, trying to survive just walking down the street. We'd all be poor because there would be NO black people working in good businesses. There would be NO black doctors. There would be NO way to get out of the unpriviledged group that america put us in.

2007-01-31 13:13:39 · answer #1 · answered by loch4va 2 · 1 4

You are very misinformed. As a black person I have studied just as hard and sometimes harder to get everything that I have earned in this country. Please read the following which dispells the myths of affirmative action: http://www.iupui.edu/~aao/myths.html

"On the societal level, systemic forces continue to keep people of color and women at a disadvantage. For example, Asians and Pacific Islanders who on average have higher percentages receiving bachelor's degrees - 38% compared to all other Americans - 20%, are not proportionately represented in the job market, specifically in areas of management and executive positions. The reality does not accurately reflect the numbers of qualified Asians and Pacific Islanders that enter the job market.

We must also question why race and gender are so hotly contested when other types of preferences are not being discussed. A 1991 report by Berkeley's Institute for the Study of Social Change noted that "far more whites have entered the gates of the 10 most elite institutions through alumni preference than the combined number of all the Blacks, and Chicanos entering through affirmative action." For the past decade, Harvard's admission rate for "legacies" or the children of alumni, has ranged between 35-40%. Yet, there have been no attacks on these century old preferences based on family ties and perpetuating the "old-boy" networks.

In higher education, as in other areas, it is the perception of lost position rather than the reality which fuels "white male anger". In 1973 approximately 18 million of white Americans between the ages of 18-24 were high school graduates. By 1993, due to falling birth rates, this number dropped to about 16 million. However, in 1973, only 30% of white high school graduates entered college, whereas in 1993 that number increased to 42%. Thus, despite an overall drop in numbers, more white high school graduates are going to college. The pattern of increased college participation holds true for every ethnic group. Nearly 15 million students are now enrolled in college, and participation by every racial group has increased. That is partly what the anger on campuses is about - not that people of color are taking white places, but that whites, and everyone else, want even more spaces. Yet, white's nationally constitute 75% of the student body, earn 88% of the PhD's awarded to U.S. citizens, are 87% of the college administrator, and hold 875 of the full time faculty positions.

The growth of minority participation in higher education has been modest at best, but it is the "perception" of loss of majority privilege that politicians have seized upon and irresponsibly whipped into a frenzy. This makes holding dispassionate discussions about affirmative action exceedingly difficult."

2007-01-31 14:13:19 · answer #2 · answered by MISS KNIGHT 5 · 0 0

I don't believe in Affirmative Action it's one of the dumbs thing any one has ever come up with.

I believe in the best person for the job, not giving to someone just to have a balance of blacks white and Hispanics.
II have see a few Hispanic working at job's thy know nothing about how did thy get there AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. but there working.
And then I seen lots of young black at job doing aver-thing but working why AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ....them I call a show piece

Is it discrimination against whits HELL yes it is.
A company will for the most hire a black person that knows not a dam thing about the job for three resons 1. tax break, 2,a minority balance,3 afraid of lawsuits.
Discrimination works both ways you know.

It should be the best man for the job, if the person is white, black ,or Hispanic as long as its the best person.
And being pad accordingly to what your worth.
Lazy people standing around just looking good should not get pad the some as the poor guy running his @ss off doing his job and their job.

But thank you I never did think about a Doctor skimming Thur on affirmative action.
That is one hell of an eye opener.

OH and buy the way I am hispanic ,and I never ever want a job just becues of that .
to me thats like saying thy feel sorry that i'm hispanic.,,,Piss on that.

2007-01-31 14:25:48 · answer #3 · answered by ღ♥ஐcookie1ஐ♥ღ 6 · 1 1

Hold on first affirmative action doesnt work that way, Someone who got all D's in school WILL NOT, i repeat, WILL NOT get hired over a white person with A's, affirmative action comes in when the stats are close and it gives the minority an edge, BUT that white person has much more oppurtunities elswhere becasue most of america is WHITE 74%, so theres barely any black people benefiting from affirmative action in the work field because there are BARELY ANY black to begin with, 13% of america is black, look at a map and cover 75% of it see whats left
not much? white people almost never, so close to never i might as well say never, get screwed over because of affirmative action, There are barely any minorities to begin with,

2007-01-31 13:24:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

in many situations it incredibly is opposite discrimination. Lesser qualified everybody is given selection for promotions, opportunities, company loans, housing advice, ect, ect, ect. Affirmative action substitute into mandatory while it substitute into first legislated into regulation, despite if it in basic terms takes 8 - 10 years for education and interest education to equalize and it's time to place Affirmative action to mattress. Low earnings is not any different for one race than it incredibly is for the different race and it would be seen the two for all applicants in low earnings courses. There are logical motives for giving preferential treatment to a black, Hispanic or Caucasian in some circumstances. law enforcement officials is one occasion, the place it incredibly is in the ultimate interest of the final public to assign/sell a Hispanic police officer to a Hispanic community. this would not advise that the same officer could not be assigned to the different community, yet trouble-free sense could be triumphant over adventure and abilities. college instructors is yet another occasion the place the instructor's awareness of language, community customs/traditions and ethnic habit of scholars of a undeniable ethnic historic past are greater significant in attention for occupation progression than the place they have been given their coaching credentials. Promotions could be in keeping with consequences, not status. As for surgeons, their license to coach drugs is granted after effectively passing a state board examination to objective their awareness and abilities, and then working in an internship in the past they're grew to become loose on the prevalent public. There are some who should not be in the prepare, yet it incredibly is authentic in all professions.

2016-10-16 09:34:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You also must take into consideration that African Americans make up a small percentage (minority) of the U. S. population. Therefore, there are many cases where they can be discriminated against by a majority in several areas including the job market. Affirmative Action helps to alleviate such practices. Maybe one glorius day- there won't be any minorities and every ethnic group will be accounted for across the board.

2007-01-31 13:02:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Affirmative Action is legal discrimination against whites. There really isn't any reason to discuss it.

Good Luck!!!

2007-01-31 13:19:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

OK EVERYONE, here is the real answer!!!

wether you believe it is legal discrimintion or not, it only helps a few african americans while segregating the mojority even more. It does not matter if it is descrimination, it creats more racial tension and greatens the divide between races. African americans loose more than they gain on a whole with this policy.

2007-02-01 04:14:48 · answer #8 · answered by nigel 3 · 0 0

I am mixed, black and white, so i understand both sides but the little ***** who said being a lazy cry baby pays off can kiss my ***, and i hope they get their *** beat.

2007-01-31 13:26:25 · answer #9 · answered by Hon 2 · 0 3

It just goes to show that being lazy cry babies pays off.

2007-01-31 13:03:44 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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