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I am so tired of being used, abused and lied to by men. I am 37 years old, have been married twice and I feel that there are NO good men out there. Do all men lie? Are there any men out there who say "I love you" and MEAN IT? Do all men cheat? Are there any men out there who really want a good woman who can love them fully and who they can love fully in return? I am so tired of crying and hurting. Do I have a chance to find a good man? Or should I just resolve my life to the fact that there are no good men left?

2007-01-31 12:44:57 · 68 answers · asked by Rhoe 2 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

68 answers

I am 39 and I have made the same assumptions. It has been my experience so far that all men lie, all men cheat to some degree, and most dont know what to do with a GOOD woman. Instead, they choose to be with women who cheat and lie as well. I guess they are best suited to those that are like themselves.
I honestly dont know if there are any good ones left. Most of the good ones are married, thats why they are married and chances are, their women are gonna hang onto em if they can.
The best advice that I can give to you, as i am in the same boat, is to try to surround yourself with as many eligible men as possible. surely there has to be a good one in the mix somewhere.
And yea, I have all faith that we can meet a good man eventually, however, it wont be overnight. If you want one overnight, then look for the liars and cheaters and all that crap.
Just be patient.....good things come to those who are picky...lol
Good luck girl. Keep that chin up....We aint gonna drown. :)

2007-01-31 12:53:07 · answer #1 · answered by Truth Teller 5 · 1 1

Sure there are good men left. Are you a good woman? Even a bad guy doesn't want a bad women, this is something I truly believe.You say you are tired of being used and abused. Does this mean used for sex and abused by abusing your heart? I have a feeling this may be the case, and if so, change it. You'll be surprised how different men will treat you. Yes, you do have a chance to find a good guy, good luck, good lady!

2007-01-31 12:58:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

All people lie like it or not one way or another for whatever reason sooner or later it happens.Although as far as finding a relationship and a good man, very possible it is just one hell of a gamble shopping for men in this sorry excuse for a society keep your guard up and stay strong
I love my girl completely and that is the truth but terrible things can happen an infinite number of scenarios, so always save a little of yourself at least until your growing old together and have a lot more good reason to risk your entire soul

2007-01-31 12:54:53 · answer #3 · answered by tryintohelp 1 · 2 1

I'm in your boat. I've been married twice. I don't lie, or cheat, and my question is are all women deceitful? Tell partial or half-truths, leave out important parts of something that changes the facts, or make comments that have nothing to do with the question that although are 'true' tend to mislead or deceive.

Sorry I'm a raw wound at my wife cheating with her boss because she had to compete for attention with my daughter who I raise by myself (not her daughter.)

But aside from my little rant. Yes most men lie. Apparantly all the good men are married to all the good women. right?

Thanks I needed that!

2007-01-31 13:20:08 · answer #4 · answered by moabmusher 2 · 0 0

Of course there are still some of us left. Just have to be patient. Problem could be where you are picking up these guys. Not all men lie and I know that if I say I love somebody then that is the way it is. I hate being stereotyped with all of the jackasses, so please give the good guys that are out there the chance to meet you and just ignore all the assholes.

2007-01-31 12:59:49 · answer #5 · answered by wbyrdie 3 · 0 0

Well coming from a 42 yr. old i have been down that road except for the marriage part. Most men are lyers, cheaters and the whole 9 yards i am sick of them so i don't even bother anymore. The way i look at it if it's meant to be we will meet the love of our life without even looking. I'm sure there is a man for women like us we just haven't met him yet.

2007-01-31 13:39:57 · answer #6 · answered by angel_64 3 · 0 0

The men that lie , are unfortunately those that women are attracted to. Tall dark (mysterious) and handsome. They treat women as daily intakes of food and the women think they can change the guy.

I am a nice guys with manners , respect , and appreciation for the women everywhere. I am not dating because I don't like too much drama. I answer as honestly as possible. Some questions are awkward and may leave me speechless but at least I will try to see your side.

What you need to do is make a list and stay with it as far as what you are looking for in a man. The longer the better. Short lists are easy but make for trouble later. Let me know how it goes..

2007-01-31 13:17:17 · answer #7 · answered by Vlad24 4 · 0 1

In my experience the same as your and I am only 27, the awnser is NO. All men and women lie, there is no such thing as being faithful, I too have lots of male friends and believe me when I say fidelity is a myth. Men are animals they can not control themselves, a faithful man is like the happily ever after myth, just does not happen. They will lie and say they don't but they do!

2007-01-31 13:16:49 · answer #8 · answered by pixie1 2 · 1 0

Not all men are like that and no they do not all lie and hurt women... I have one of the good ones and I would not trade him or this marriage for any other guy out there... I know what i have and i would not give it up!!! No not all men cheat... Someday you will find a good guy who will treat and love you right.... Not all men are jerks and selfish.... Believe it or not there are good guys out there.... You may also need counseling and help to get past the pain and hurt you are feeling.... Watch Dr phil he is a good guy with a wonderful wife Robin... They have a great marriage.


2007-01-31 13:00:42 · answer #9 · answered by Lady Hewitt 6 · 0 1

Do all men lie? Depending on the subject, everyone does. Do all men cheat? Depends on the man himself. Either he's a man or he's not. Some men never reach full maturity. I'm 36, divorced, single, and dating a 22 year old. Is he a good man? Well, he's a good friend, and that's all I'm worried about right now. Just float. It gets easier. Don't look for your prince; he'll show up when you least expect it.

2007-01-31 12:51:12 · answer #10 · answered by Shey 1 · 1 2

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