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I despise them. They're annoying, inconvenient, and flawed. They cause so many problems!
If you like your emotions, why?
I'm a bit of a misanthropist, so I'm going to say, "Emotions are for pathetic humans."

2007-01-31 12:42:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

For the guy who said humans without emotions are useless...
Do you really think humans are nothing without emotions?
If someone insulted me, I'd still talk back to them. Except I'd do it calmly.
I could still debate someone.
I could still laugh, tell jokes, have a sense of humour...
I just would never be sad, happy, angry, jealous, in love, bored...

2007-01-31 12:50:00 · update #1

Personally, I think they can be a pain, but I love the feelings of excitement, joy...
But emotions can often be burdens.

2007-01-31 12:51:12 · update #2

Kyle M. , don't you get it? I HATE my HATE emotion. If I didn't have any hate, I wouldn't hate it. When did I say I didn't have any emotions? It isn't ironic. Just a circular reasoning.
I don't despise all emotions. But some of them...
Right now I'm really pissed off at you. I can't believe I'm letting you get to me! But I am.

2007-01-31 12:53:44 · update #3

14 answers

Emotions are important. All the world's problems are caused by emotions, but that's why we live in such a colorful world. Without emotions, your life will be a blur of unclear, grey images.

Now, emotions may be annoying, inconvenient, and flawed. That doesn't mean we shouldn't have emotions. I have emotions, yet I can approach situations and respond calmly and efficiently. Besides, logic can't solve all problems. Many things are chaotic by nature, and are not bound by the cold, stark chains of logic.

It's not about having emotions, it's about controlling them. Keeping your emotions in check will let you have your cake and eat it, too, so to speak. You experience the human condition, the life of the world, at the same time can act logically.

I think it's more important to have logic AND emotions, than either one on its own. Don't you?

2007-01-31 14:32:34 · answer #1 · answered by levinedym 2 · 1 0

Emotions can at times be a burden. But we often use them more often than we may think. Take intuition, for instance. It makes use of our knowledge in the subconscious and our gut feelings. Have you ever felt uncomfortable and did not know what to do in certain situations. Often people rely on their gut instinct, what they "feel" is the right thing to do.

On the other hand, emotions can also get out of control. Often one is unable to control overwhelming feelings of anger, hatred, or depression. As a result, they may become self-destructive.

Let's say the world is without emotion. The world would never get out control, but everyone would meld into a giant "gray mold." Everyone would be exactly alike and no "out of the box" solutions would ever be discovered due to a lack of emotion.

I personally feel that emotions can be a valuable asset but can also be a hindrance if not properly controlled.

2007-01-31 21:58:10 · answer #2 · answered by The Postulator 5 · 0 0

I like emotions. They show how every person is different, but it also shows that we are all connected.

Without emotions we wouldn't feel joy, happiness, misery, or the most important - love. Emotions make us people.

Imagine a world without emotions. There would be no hatred, no fighting, no wars. There would be industrial production, everyone would work hard. Everyone would want to do the best for the society.

BUT - we would be heartless. We would not feel accomplishments when we were successful. We would not be happy when we are given things. And we would not be able to love. --------- Nothing would have a meaning! -----------

Emotions protect you and teach you. They are very important for experiences. And my personal philosophy is that we learn through experience. So why not experience everything?

2007-01-31 20:53:36 · answer #3 · answered by sum_guy 3 · 2 0

How can you deny your emotions! It's like a fish loathing it's own gills!

Believe it or not, I empathize with you. Yes, that means I KNOW how you FEEL! Emotions are confusing and I used to be entranced with the misnomer that I was "above emotions" and that I could completely ignore all emotions if I wanted to.
So how do you deal with life then? How do you interact with other humans? If you despise your own emotions and attempt to eradicate them, I'm pretty sure you would find yourself all alone with no friends in a metaphorical gutter.

Experience does not equate to all knowledge nor does it give a "solution" to emotions. They are in our genetic code, so unless you want to disown humanity and become a pebble, you are stuck with them. Of course, you'd better hope you are a pebble in a remote place because some 6 year old will someday throw you into a pond and you will get ANGRY!

My point is, emotions are vital to the way we interpret our surroundings as well as interact with them. Be good to them, and they will be good to you!

2007-01-31 21:16:14 · answer #4 · answered by Atom 2 · 0 1

Tell me the truth, your real name is Spock, isn't it ! !

Emotions, = good. Out of control emotions = bad.
Yeah, I'm one of those pathetic humans you speak of. My emotions serve me well. That's why I whistle, sing, hum, and generally act a fool when I'm happy, and why when I've had a very very trying day I feel no shame in having a good long bawl. Shame! That's another good one! (soooo many great emotions )
Humans trade in emotions... look at the advertising industry, look at politics... what a strange world it would be with no emotions. The only thing existing, I can think of, having no emotions - is evil - Evil has no emotions.

2007-01-31 22:02:21 · answer #5 · answered by Happy Bottom 2 · 0 0

I can always choose to ignore this question and move on with something else.

But when I read this, I see a deeply hurt soul. You may hate me for this.

Why do you choose to write on internet about feelings? Because you want to be unknown and still able to express your feelings. You are suppressing, hiding and not acting on free will.

If you can, don't put on any more posts about feelings or emotions till you understand them. You need to understand yourself. You need to refine your thoughts and you need to calm down.

The root cause of your hatred or negative feelings might have been aroused by someone's action. Someone or something affected you a lot. My suggestion direct it towards them. Tell them how you feel or just remove them from your life if you can.

May God bless your soul with peace and harmony.

Note: You can hate ppl or me as much as you want. But it will do no good for you. Your BP will increase. that means you brain will be flooded with blood which will cause pressue and gives you headaches which again irritates your entire system.

Again when too much blood is at the top of your head, your solarplex goes into shock as it doesn't get enough of what it requires. That is the pressure and flow of blood and also the oxygen it brings. Solarplex support, pancreas, liver, stomach and so on which help you to digest your food and provide nurishment to your body. If they are deprived of their income, these organs will not function properly which will affect your entire system and which in turn brings you down with more physical problems which in turn affects your mental and psychological actions or reactions.

See where you are going? Take a deep breath. Hate or love leave emotions as they are. You move on.

2007-01-31 22:15:53 · answer #6 · answered by Josephene 2 · 0 1

emotions are for humans.... human without emotions are worthless. Emotions make a person who they are, if people have nothing behind thier soul then what use are they? Emotions are a part of living, if you choose to ignore and reserve them then your msing on alot..... what else do you live for?

2007-01-31 20:47:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I despise my good emotions and I love the bad ones.

2007-01-31 21:57:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ummm they make life pretty interesting... hard to imagine life without them. life would be a lot easier i guess but then more boring... not like we'd feel the boredom anymore i guess...
emotions give pleasure as well i guess they're the challenge in life so i'm not going to take them for granted...

2007-01-31 20:48:08 · answer #9 · answered by BeautyBunny<3 4 · 2 0

LOL at you. youre just an angsty 12 year old that doesnt see the irony in HATING emotions. hate is an emotion, yet you seem to like to hate emotions. Oops for you.

2007-01-31 20:50:31 · answer #10 · answered by Kyle M 6 · 3 1

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