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im being induced on sat and i had been planning on having a natural drug-free birth.but ive heard that when youre induced its alot more painful then going into labor naturally.i was wanting to know if anyones been induced and if it was more painful then going naturally?also if anyone has had an epidural free delivery when being induced and lived to talk about it!lol!

2007-01-31 10:42:22 · 11 answers · asked by these r my people 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

11 answers

I've answered this alot it seems lol. Now I wouldn't know any different because I've never gone into labor naturally (my babies tend to get too big lol) so I don't know what that kind of labor feels like. But I have been induced 3 times and will be again in about a month and a half. Don't believe everything you read. There are many people on here that have no experience in being induced that like to try to scare people out of them because they think its wrong and not natural. I've never had an epidural. I do however partake in some of the other lovely things they have to offer. Such as the narcotics (I usually have Demerol). It is painful, but not unbearable. You'll do just fine :) Don't let other people scare you. At least 25% of pain is mental.

2007-01-31 11:29:52 · answer #1 · answered by autumnofserenity@sbcglobal.net 4 · 1 0

My stepmother had it natural with her first and was induced with her second (it was during Hurricane Frances back in 2004). She said it WAS more painful, as it came on very suddenly when the doc put the oxytocin in her IV, but it was only about 3 hours total, whereas the first was 10 hours. Both were pretty short though. How long it lasts and how bad it hurts kind of depends on how well you take pain, and don't forget, evey labor is different.

I went natural with my daughter back in Dec. 2000, and hope to with my son (due March 2007), but we'll see.

Either way, it's not something I'd want to do every day, but I didn't like the idea of a needle in my spine, so I opted out on the epidural. My stepmom did, too. (I'm 28 and she's 33.) Just remember, either way, you're still going to be doing the work. You'll be fine, and Baby will be, too! Your doc knows best and the end result is what's important, not how you get there. Some people think they're a failure if they don't get to do it "all natural", but you're not! You will have a beautiful baby to love at the end and THAT is what matters most!

2007-01-31 18:59:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Going natural is much easier to stay drug-free...but you can do it with induction. With my induction all I had was Nubain in the IV...I have never had an epidural. Induction really wasn't so much more painful as exhausting. When you go into labor on your own you start with the small contractions that are 10 minutes apart...then they get closer and stronger and all. With my induction I never had more than 60 seconds between contractions the whole time. So that wears you down a lot quicker than natural labor. Being in the shower helped me a lot...it gets you upright (I actually ended up sitting on the shower floor) but it also gave me space alone and that helped. Think about having a doula with you - that will help a lot too!

And don't swear by going all natural...induction may take a long time and it is fine if you need something. Most of us feel a little let down by not going au natural...but then again...it may be best for you and your labor (and the baby) to have pain relief. So don't swear it off - just tell the doctor and labor nurses you want to make an honest go of it. It really is pretty bearable until transition hits (that part is awful...but it is short). When you are dilated imagine that the pushing is pushing against the pain...it makes it so much easier!

Best wishes!!!

2007-01-31 18:57:52 · answer #3 · answered by bgmom 3 · 1 1

Good luck and congratulations!! I was induced 3 times and each time was different. I was epidural free for the first 2 but by #3 the contractions came hard and fast.
Having an epidural is not necessarily more painful, it is just that you 'skip' over some of the early stages of labour where you are building your pain tolerance bit by bit, and getting used to it (as much as that is possible), getting induced kinda puts you directly in pain. Ask your doctor how they are inducing you, if they start by just breaking your water you can go slowly into labour. If they plan to use the pitocin drip make sure they start you on the lowest dose and move up gradually that may help. I am not an expert at all, just someone who has gone thru it a few times.
Try not to focus on the pain/fear of pain, one thing that all mothers will agree on is that it is over the minute you hold your baby, on so worth it!

2007-01-31 18:57:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm being induced on Feb 14th. I expect to have lots of pain all up front. For my first pregnancy, I went in with back labor. Then they decided to put me on Pitocin. I was doing good with Nubain, but when the articificial contractions came, it was more than I could bear. I'm hoping this time will be quick and uneventful, but with synthetics, you can pretty much bank on it, it will hurt. I did have an epidural and it was really great. I was able to relax somewhat and didn't have to feel the contractions anymore. It was really tiring to have the contractions coming on so quick and every 30-60 seconds. Don't feel like you have to be superwoman. We have drugs these days and they don't hurt the baby, despite what you may have heard. I actually feel the baby needs a little something because they are going through alot as well. It relaxes them, but it won't hurt them. Natural labor comes on more subtle than induction, but labor is labor. It hurts.

2007-01-31 19:09:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I went into labor completely natural with my daughter, but I did get some demerol to relax me between contractions. With my son, however, I went into labor and then my labor stopped so the doctor had to break my water to get it going again, I tok demerol after I had him so the placenta could come out and the doc could soe me up,(my son was too big). As far as more pain... I didn't experience that and I didn't take and epidural (no way in hell!) My son was only more pain ful because he had a huge head and it hurt to push that out. I don't think you'll have any problems. Good luck.

2007-01-31 18:50:49 · answer #6 · answered by Mamma M 3 · 1 0

When I was induced, it was much more painful with hardly a second of rest between contractions. I had the baby so fast that the anesthesiologist couldn't even get to my bed in time to give me my epidural. But, I lived to talk about it. (My labor time was 44 minutes)!

2007-01-31 18:58:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I have been induced twice and the first time (with my 2nd child) it went so fast...I was admitte at 10AM. They broke my water at 12 and started drip and I had my son in my arms by 430. Yes the contractions come hard and fast but that also means it's over quicker. I wasn't even ready mentally when the doc told me time to push I kept kicking at him telling him it was going too fast LOL. The 2nd induction was with my 4th (another son) and I had cervidil...labored all day and they finally stopped and letmerest for the night. Began again at 6AM at had him at 1PM. So even in the same person you can have a diff birth induction experience every time...just depends on how ready your cervix is I guess.

2007-01-31 18:54:39 · answer #8 · answered by Proud Mommy of 6 6 · 3 0

i have 5 children and was induced with 2 of them i personally didnt notice anything different and i never had an epidural with any of my kids and im still here and planning to have one more,they do however offer other things for pain i did have something called nubane that helped me relax, it didnt take the pain away completely but i did relax with it...good luck to you and your new one

2007-01-31 19:30:53 · answer #9 · answered by cnwhab4 3 · 0 0

I was told that induced labor comes on like a freight train. You might want the epidural which is drug free and does not effect the baby.

2007-01-31 18:47:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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