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From saying global warming is not true to grab and run with all the resources while you can attitude,how can people be so incredibly greedy and foolish to say the least...Tom Science 4

2007-01-31 10:14:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

16 answers

They don't care about the future well being of the country. All they really care about is the future of bank account.

2007-01-31 10:18:46 · answer #1 · answered by ♥ Cassie ♥ 5 · 2 2

OK lets actually be rational for a moment...

1) the environment, weather, temperatures and geology of the planet change all the time. it is rarely in the hands of humans. we can make cosmetic differences but we can not change the whole pattern.

2) The planet is not dieing... Humans with all their technology and science are incapable of destroying a planet. even if life died right now the planet would continue to spin in space, that's what planets do.

3) what actual proof is there that the world or life is dieing? for every form of life that has gone extinct a new form has thrived, it has been that way for billions of years... do you see any dinosaurs? no? why? because they died out, and mammals became the dominant species.

4) some of the evidence that is provided to show global warming is man made is at best inaccurate and at worst blatantly false. the idea of heat islands can be explained. The theory claims that the number of people in a city expending all the fuel and energy are creating pockets of additional heat... untrue! the these islands are found in large urban areas with tall buildings... most buildings have mirrored out side surfaces, giant mirrors facing more Giant mirrors. what happens when you have several mirrors facing each other and you shine a light at one? the air in between gets hot! its not the energy we are using causing heat it is giant mirrors and the sun! that's basic physics.

5) the earth is the largest producer of "greenhouse gasses". See the link to see how volcano's affect green house gases and in turn affect the climate.

6) The world runs in cycles, it gets hotter the ice melts, water is a natural absorber of green house gasses, as the water increases it absorbs more gas, the drop in gas cools the planet. the water freezes trapping less gas, gas builds up again, planet heats up... the cycle goes around and around.

BTW some democrats don't believe in global, and some republicans do. So you should be a little more careful about blanket statement. particularly if you are not going to base them on facts.

please check the link i sent. things might start to make some sense

oh by the way the most common "green house" gas? Water vapor.... Water is causing Global warming...

It has nothing to do with greed, it has to do with common sense. And this is not to say man kind is not affecting the environment, we are, but the world is not headed to annihilation because of it.

2007-01-31 18:47:52 · answer #2 · answered by Stone K 6 · 0 1

It isn't a republican thing to want to destroy the world. Where did that come from? Any administration, whether it be democrat or republican, has the interest of the USA at its core. All governments of the world should have their own country's well being as their primary interest.

Saving the planet should be a worldwide attraction, not just something the USA should take an interest in. Look around and see how many other major countries of the world are taking an active interest in making sure the world survives. There aren't many and don't let anyone deceive you into thinking there are.

Start with China, India, Japan, then starting making your way around the rest of the world. These three countries don't give a hoot about the world and its well being.

2007-01-31 18:29:21 · answer #3 · answered by sean1201 6 · 1 1

The democrats are worse...at least the Republicans aren't hypocrites. Did you see John Edwards huge home and how he basically clear cut the forest around it? How about the Kennedy's going against the wind farm because it may make their property not have as nice a view? At least the Republicans don't tell everyone else to be environmentally conservative and then set a different standard when it comes to themselves. As for global warming...there are just as many environmental scientists that say it does not exist as those that do..who knows. Throughout the world's history we have had periods of warming and cooling, and periods where green house gases were much higher than they currently are. The reason it gets so much press is because fear sells...Al Gore knows this and he and his ilk tell half truths to make their point. Don't get brain washed by bad science.

2007-01-31 19:10:32 · answer #4 · answered by blissdds 4 · 2 1

In the last presidential debates, Kerry posed the planetary question several times, trying to make the point that we share this planet with other countries. It fell on deaf ears each time. That is not to show support for Kerry, but he raised a point which needed recognition. How can the US presume themselves to act alone, when the world - as we know it - could be at risk. What good will the Greatest Nation in the World be if the planet shakes us humans off like a dog does fleas?

2007-01-31 18:21:03 · answer #5 · answered by Super Ruper 6 · 2 0

what a rhetorical question!

Global warming IS true. However there is no evidence at all that we are causing it. We had stories about the Amazon rain forest being destroyed. Turned out to be false. We had a major story YEARS ago about aerosols causing the hole in the ozone layer. Never any proof. The earth has heated and cooled in the past. If you are so environmentally conscious, you should turn off your computer. Your computer is wasting TONS of electricity. Your electricity is coming from at least one power plant that is buring coal, or polluting the ground with nuclear waste. Your keyboard is made of plastic, and the process of creating plastic creates fumes that, in your opinion, damages the environment!

Oh, and the cigarettes you smoke (most environnazis do: how hypocritical) are emitting CO2. Do you drive? Your car emits CO2.

Do us a favor and do your research. Stop listening to the news. DO THE RESEARCH YOURSELF. You have become brainwashed by people with agendas.

One final thing: Just as many democrats as republicans conduct their affairs contrary to your beliefs. THis isnt a left-right issue.

I have one guarantee: If a democrat becomes president, nothing will be done about global warming--BUT the issue will be removed from the public's attention. Imagine that.

Oh, Im sorry, have I figured you people out?

2007-01-31 18:26:02 · answer #6 · answered by Freak Boy 3 · 2 2

Its about greed: Corporate and investment profits are always placed above the welfare of our living planet. No thought or concern for future generations, only thinking what will put the most money in their pockets now. Instead of being good stewards over the environment they hold to the domination theory.

2007-01-31 18:25:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Back in the 80's all the scientists were talking about how we were in danger of Global cooling. If we'd listened to them and done something to combat Global cooling, just imagine how much worse of a problem Global warming would be now.

2007-01-31 18:36:03 · answer #8 · answered by VoodooPunk 4 · 1 2

Because all creditability is lost with the failed prediction of the coming ice age that was supposed to happen in the 70's. For every source that says global warming is real, there are just as many that says it is fake.


2007-01-31 18:20:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Because they're preoccupied with making sure the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, killing people with the death penalty, blood for oil, big corporations getting tax breaks, and anything else that's greedy and insensative.

2007-01-31 18:23:57 · answer #10 · answered by Dane Cruz 5 · 3 1

When you get older, you'll get smarter.

The earth goes through ice ages and thaws all the time, science has proven it.

Volcanoes have thrown more carbon into the atmosphere during the history of the earth than we ever could.

2007-01-31 18:26:05 · answer #11 · answered by infobrokernate 6 · 3 2

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