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i'm wondering about all the trouble that has ever happened in the world is it mostly to do with religiouse beliefs/

2007-01-31 08:44:06 · 24 answers · asked by emarston@btinternet.com 2 in News & Events Current Events

24 answers

More people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason, but that is just the excuse - the real reason is power and domination.

2007-01-31 08:48:24 · answer #1 · answered by PRS 6 · 5 2

Yes, a few wars have started over land, trade, etc., but the big hating wars, the ones with real cruelty and evil - all religious.

2007-02-02 16:26:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i dont think religon per se is responsible, after all the major religions all talk of peace and goodwill (and despite what some may have us believe that incluides Islam)
it has however been used as an excuse by venal greedy humankind
it can be a rallying point for "us" for against "them"
often there are schisms or factions wothin a particualr religion that are very aggressive and domineering
religion however does offer excuses and apologists for such actions, whether they be the wa'habi fanatics in Sunni Islam, the Zionist fanatics in Judaism, the Christian fundamentalists. the common theme is a mentality that says Im right.. your wrong AND Im going to do soemthing about that. Differneces of opinion and belief are fine,, ramming your views down unbeleivers throats is unacceptable, whether that be the laughable attempts to claim that ID/Creationism is a valid scientific proposition or whether its we owned this land 2000 years ago, so we demand it back right here right now, to the idea that if you die murdering peole, but in god name you will go to paradise.

Religon is fine for some people, if religions explanations work or help some popele lead their lives... wonderfull. its not for me, so I dont need a Jehovas Witness waffling on my doorstep, nor do I need a devout catholic or borna again baptist demanding that their religious beleifs should stop scientific research, equality legislation, abortion, use of condoms to inhibit he spread of STD's or whatever.

To me religion is a relic from the middle ages, its for superstitious people to explain away the unexplainable (they haven't found science or developed an enquiring mind (yet)..... but thats all right thats their choice)

religion has been a cloak of respectiability if mankind wants to go and kick dirt in someoneelses face ranigning from the crusades, to the conquest of Latin America, upto and including the First Wordl WarWorld war

just for nighthawk:
Yes some atheists have a very respectable count for the number of people killed in their name (Stalin... multimillion, Mao multimillion) but Islam as a runner up.. I dont think so.. A certain "A Hitler" (catholic) has a very respectable score, not to forget the leaders in the First World War (depending who you talk to several million per major player (admittedly the US was late to the "party").

The first overtly religous wars were the Christians invading muslim territory to recliam the holy land.

The muslims are relatively late on the scene (a bit like America) and haven't really racked up a "good" score yet. Israel is quietly making good ground by continually racking up ther points score in the oocupied territories. to get a good score.. either you have to go for the major plays in significant wars.. or you can play the safety shot and go for small local wars.. or just beating up the neighbours. So I supose the question for mass murders is do they paly the safety shot.. kill a few of "them" but keep you countrymen safe, or do you go for a higher score but at the risk that you'll kill a few more of your "team"... bnatch you wont rosk you own nearest and dearest.

Arguably the hundreds of thousands killed in Iraq were killed at the behest of Christianity (or at least notionally Christian leaders (Bush (born again baptist) and Blair(probably Catholic)) not Islam.. It s aconvientnet excuse to blame Iraq on Islam... that has come to the ofre after the removal of Hussein and his Suinni minority.

2007-01-31 17:04:13 · answer #3 · answered by Mark J 7 · 3 1


No religion is ever to 'blame for war,' or hurts or suffering.
It's those who carry out these things in its name that are responsible.

It is not possible for a religion to be held responsible, just as it is not possible to insult a religion (or anyone's God)
~ as some claim.

Would anyone want to 'worship an egocentric God?'
And if a God had that fragile and ego and likely a nasty side to him / her, then 'it' ain't much of a God or a good role model.

No thanks.

Look towards those who preach and rabble rouse. They are the 'problem.'


2007-02-01 02:52:38 · answer #4 · answered by sashtou 7 · 0 2

people just want to have more than now and they have a reason to reach what they want...religions are the most simple way for it...none of the religions say war is good...it is just the best excuse for some people

2007-01-31 17:01:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No, I think it's human nature.
Some people choose to take what is said in a book and take it out of context. Some people choose to do things which harm others and say it's for/in their Religion and some people choose to believe their ideas no matter how cruel it is.
If it wasn't Religion it would be something else that a group(s) of people choose to do in the name of.

2007-01-31 20:08:09 · answer #6 · answered by mya♣ 1 · 1 1

People are to blame for wars, but a lot of the time they are driven by religious fantasy and indoctrination.

2007-01-31 16:57:33 · answer #7 · answered by PlumsOfDoom 1 · 2 0

The real problem is that a heck of a lot of the world's oil is in control of Islamic states.

2007-01-31 19:25:31 · answer #8 · answered by efes_haze 5 · 1 0

People are to blame for wars. Religion is just an excuse.

2007-01-31 16:49:58 · answer #9 · answered by G 3 · 3 1

Yes eg Northern Ireland, Lebanon. Then oil, then power

2007-01-31 19:12:44 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I frankly don't think religion has anything at all to do with it. Radical religious people of all faiths use their religion as an weapon, pick and choose what they want out of it to use against others.

Culture is what causes war, IMO.

2007-01-31 16:52:17 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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