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they want defeat there?

Isn't it more like they don't care about the poor Iraqi's as long as they can try to make President Bush fail there?

2007-01-31 08:26:48 · 21 answers · asked by Feelsgood 2 in Politics & Government Politics

21 answers

Bushblame and Bushate are far more valuable to the Liberals than peace in Iraq or even our soldiers lives.

2007-01-31 08:31:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 7

the democratic party isn't calling for "cutting and running" but for a real new plan. Bush's plan, increasing troop levels, is nothing new... troop levels are increased and decreased on a similar scale all the time. It was a stupid trick to try to call this a new strategy just because the people started demanding a new strategy... it's not even a bad new strategy, it's just not a new strategy at all. And the Iraqi people recognize it as more of the same and are turning against us in greater numbers.

I am probably as liberal as anybody you know and I don't agree with the concept of "cut and run". However, leaving troops in Iraq with no plan to achieve peace is even worse... it will spread instability which will fulfill Bush's dream of creating a terrorist threat to last generations.

By the way, where were you for the "poor Iraqi people" when the liberals were speaking out against use of cluster bombs, white phosphorous, and the torture of people who may or may not have had anything to do with terrorism?

2007-01-31 08:35:03 · answer #2 · answered by Aleksandr 4 · 5 1

Iraqis are killing each other over hatreds from hundreds of years ago. Let no one think that a few thousand American lives and a few hundred billion dollars will have an effect on the course of history. The Iraqis really don't care if the Americans are there or if they leave. Presently the Americans are only insignificant bystanders, and innocent victims, in a sectarian Civil war which has been waged long before they got there and will continue long after they leave.

2007-01-31 08:41:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

You might say I am "liberal" when it comes to foreign policy, but the last thing I would like to see is failure in Iraq! There is a real difference of perspective about the war, and people on both sides of the issue differ amongst themselves over what they see. Liberals tend to see Iraq as having been a tenuous mess before we invaded, being a country of several different groups who did not like each other, held together only by the brutal force of Saddam. The idea that we could come in, take out Saddam, and then have them become a happy democracy many consider to have been naive by Bush. Cheney said we would be welcomed with our soldiers being given flowers by the locals for our liberating them. We now see how wrong this was. Iraq is now a mess with many fighting among themselves over who will be in control. That the outcome will be bloody and uncertain is not in doubt. If Bush would be honest about what is happening, instead of talking in idealistic plattitudes about democracy and freedom for people who do not share this view of themselves, there would be more trust in his policy. All of the Middle East is several tribes across artificial borders, mixed together in an unnatural way, with the majority of Iraqis being Shiites, most closely related to the people of Iran. The two smaller minorities, the Shia and Kurds, have tribal or cultural allegiances to those in other countries like Syria and Turkey for the Kurds. Bush Sr. backed Saddam who used the smaller Shia group to dominate and hurt the other two groups creating much hatred in Iraq. Now that he is gone, there are many scores to setttle. Liberals tend to not believe democracy will work in Iraq. Bush says it will. I hope he is right, and not too many more of our soldiers, or more Iraqis will have to die to prove him correct. I would just like to be inspired by more realistic honesty from our President so that I could trust all this death and sacrifice is worth it.

2007-01-31 08:52:33 · answer #4 · answered by michaelsan 6 · 0 0

The direct actions of President Bush have caused the deaths of over 655,000 Iraqi. This includes innocents...old people, women, children. This was done with bravado and glee by this President. This war should never have happened. He blatantly lied to the American people and congress. American forces have gone in and destroyed their homes, their structure of life. I have a friend that is an Iraqi married to an American and she said, " I used to think that Saddam was the worst that could happen until America came to Iraq." Thanks to Bush they are deep in civil war and violence is everywhere. Over 3000 American soldiers have died and families have been ripped apart. Children will grow up without a mother and a father because of his lies and vendetta. The damage to to that region is incomprehensible. His idea of fixing a problem...if it doesn't work you just do more of it on a bigger scale. Did you learn nothing in the study of Viet Nam. Will it take 58,000 American dead and lord knows how many before you are satisfied? This war should never have been. The best way to fix a mistake is quickly. I do not know how war supporters can sleep at night. I cannot image having Bush's conscience and hearing the children cry as they burn from bombs or knowing that I sent over 3000 brave Americans to their death.

2007-01-31 08:40:10 · answer #5 · answered by kolacat17 5 · 4 1

lol when are you retards gonna realise that most people that are against the war are not liberals stop allowing yourself to be brainwashed .

this is a war that cannot be won not enough troops were put in , in the first place , we now have a enemy world wide that is neverending and is by design , the civil war there is by design . all we have done meddling wth the middle east is give the radicals all the support they need , the plan for iraq was always civil war so the country that should be the most wealthy is kept down and will never become a first world country .

by putting the sunnis incharge of the police they have created death squads these people lock up shias murder them and kidnap to order , its just total chaos so there can nver be any order or democracy .

use your eyes that will help.

2007-01-31 10:03:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Wow So the WWJD president starts a conflict of aggression against a rustic consistent with specious advice; that conflict finally ends up killing 10s of hundreds of Iraqi civilians, and now you want to be attentive to if Iraqi lives mean something to us. Wasn't this a question you're able to have been asking of the present administration 5 years in the past?

2016-11-01 23:52:34 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

If you go by Hanoi Jane's response the that same question about the millions of Vietnamese killed after the US pulled out then it would seem so.

I don't think it is true of all liberals, but the Limo liberals who prop them self's up as "caring people" when in reality their only motivation is attacking Conservatism are a different story.

I just don't understand the motivation to put these screaming idiots in front of a camera...

Any rational person over the age of 30 is going to know Jane Fonda was a traitor and no few people under the age of 30 will even know who she is.

Any rational person is going to remember Sean Penn was a Saddam sympathizer.

Any one with sense to pay attention knows that Cindy Shehan is not this great mom who is fighting the good fight for her son, but rather is a screaming hag who is covering her self in the blood of the son she disowned for her own gain.

When Shehan went to Cuba to protest Gitmo, did she happen to also protest the treatment Castro gives his own prisoners? of course not.

When Sean Penn went to Iraq for lunch with Saddam did he go to the torture and rape centers Saddam sons ran like play rooms? Nope not a word.

Maybe I am wrong, maybe the left wants us to see people like Fonda and Penn and their ilk. Maybe some how they think rational people would be so blinded by their stardom (as dim as it may be) that they would not notice the hypocrisy or the actual lack of caring in their ideas and principles.

who knows... But then again, let them throw these shrill, disgusting excuses for human beings out there for the world to see, let them show them as the face of the "caring party". and when it comes back to haunt them in the next election they can't blame Bush for their failures.

then again they will still try too.

2007-01-31 09:12:23 · answer #8 · answered by Stone K 6 · 0 2

We have done all that we can do in Iraq. It's time we left that battlefield and turn the fight over to the people of the land. They are the only ones who can win the fight that is going on now. They are the only ones who can build their nation.
Our battle will continue against terrorism on another battlefield.

2007-01-31 08:36:46 · answer #9 · answered by Overt Operative 6 · 4 0

Good question . History will curse American aggression and policy towards Iraq regardless the decision makers are Republican or Liberals unless US apology and compensate poor Iraqi people.

2007-01-31 08:34:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

What kind of crap is that?

Liberals want Bush's failing deadly policies to end.

Get a goddamn clue.

2007-01-31 08:34:08 · answer #11 · answered by Cut The Crap 2 · 5 3

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