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The earth was hotter thousands of years ago and there were no SUVs back then say paleoclimatologists. Also, there was a spike in temperature around 10,000 years ago. No gasoline powered cars back then either.

6,000 years is less than a second when compared to the age of the earth. Just 20,000 years ago, Canada was one big ice cube and the north half of the U.S. was covered with ice. Also, 20,000 years ago, there was a massive piece of land(ice) that connected Asia and North America.

The grand canyon was actually formed by melting ice ages over 20 million years.



2007-01-31 08:21:48 · 20 answers · asked by a bush family member 7 in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers


2007-01-31 08:25:14 · answer #1 · answered by david UK 4 · 4 1

The earth goes through cycles these cycles are normally predicated on solar activity and natural conditions that regulate the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, at that time it is likely the planet was going through a hot cycle.

The problem with climate change is that we have introduced a variant to normal conditions, with our burning of fossil fuels we have more than doubled the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere at any given time since measurements have been made for. This does not warm up overnight, the planet is a very very big place, it takes a lot of energy to warm up and a lot of time. The CO2 we have put into the atmosphere is warming the planet BEYOND what would be normal. Nobody ever said that there are no cycles, but that the cycles are getting hotter and hotter and this time it will be way hotter than it has ever been due to our actions.

Here's an analogy that may help you understand the concept. You get paid $1,000 a week and you spend $ 1,000 a week every now and then you spend a little more but then you cut your expenses overall it is the same thing. BUT if somebody decides to put into your checking account $5,000 more a week and you kept on spending the $1,000 although you wont be a millionaire tomorrow in time it will add up to a million bucks. The same thing is happening with the amount of CO2 we are pumping, in time it will add up to real money (trouble).

2007-01-31 08:25:22 · answer #2 · answered by r1b1c* 7 · 5 0

If you knew anything about global warming you would know that temperatures are whacky not warmer... its the atmosphere that is getting warmer (duh)...

MYTH: Global warming is just part of a natural cycle. The Arctic has warmed up in the past.

FACT: The global warming we are experiencing is not natural. People are causing it.

People are causing global warming by burning fossil fuels (like oil, coal and natural gas) and cutting down forests. Scientists have shown that these activities are pumping far more CO2 into the atmosphere than was ever released in hundreds of thousands of years. This buildup of CO2 is the biggest cause of global warming. Since 1895, scientists have known that CO2 and other greenhouse gases trap heat and warm the earth. As the warming has intensified over the past three decades, scientific scrutiny has increased along with it. Scientists have considered and ruled out other, natural explanations such as sunlight, volcanic eruptions and cosmic rays. (IPCC 2001)

Though natural amounts of CO2 have varied from 180 to 300 parts per million (ppm), today's CO2 levels are around 380 ppm. That's 25% more than the highest natural levels over the past 650,000 years. Increased CO2 levels have contributed to periods of higher average temperatures throughout that long record. (Boden, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center)

As for previous Arctic warming, it is true that there were stretches of warm periods over the Arctic earlier in the 20th century. The limited records available for that time period indicate that the warmth did not affect as many areas or persist from year to year as much as the current warmth. But that episode, however warm it was, is not relevant to the issue at hand. Why? For one, a brief regional trend does not discount a longer global phenomenon.

We know that the planet has been warming over the past several decades and Arctic ice has been melting persistently. And unlike the earlier periods of Arctic warmth, there is no expectation that the current upward trend in Arctic temperatures will reverse; the rising concentrations of greenhouse gases will prevent that from happening.

2007-02-07 17:14:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes and what the Global Warming "experts" are telling you is only half of the equation, the fact is whether introduced naturally or artificially, that planets core will also heat, and for the period we will experience increased volcanic activity. more activity, (eruptions) and as in the late 1800's a mini ice age event.

People, G_D designed the earth, and us, he was the alpha and omega, the system will balance itself out over the next centuries, Now this is not to say that we should not work reducing the use of fossil fuels, and I am encouraged by peoples concern, but lets not go into hysterics over this.

2007-02-06 20:22:29 · answer #4 · answered by impalersca 4 · 0 0

howdy!.... it substitute into rewarming after the ice age approximately 640,000 years in the past, thank you Yellowstone Caldera..... For those of you new to the portion of geology, the earth is challenge to many motivators while pondering the climate. in basic terms one is guy..... the super one and that i advise incredibly vast one is what the earth does to itself....volcanos are answerable for lots of the international cooling and while the action from the volcanos subsides it gets warm back. Yellowstone is a extensive "volcano", in spite of the undeniable fact that not in the classic way. it incredibly is observed as a "warm spot" that's an area of crust "floating" over a lake of molten rock... how vast is this lake? modern readings have it as 52x37 supply or take a dash.... by the way it incredibly is 52x37 miles in the process ........ while (not if, yet while) it explodes back, floor 0 would be from Salt Lake city to Calgery to Denver. The pyroclastic cloud will take out each little thing in this section and locations like Bozeman Montana can assume being hit 7 seconds after the explosion. manhattan city will see a layer of ash 8 inches deep or maybe England will see 3 inches. A digital nuclear winter will over take the planet..... for various thousand years. while substitute into the final time..... approximately 640,000 years in the past... what's it incredibly is value? properly in the final thrice the value has been approximately each 650,000-seven-hundred,000 years... wager we are approximately due. Oh by the way..... i will could look for it yet i be conscious of I examine immediately that South Africa substitute into having between the coldest winters on record....i assume they did not get the international warming memo....

2016-10-16 09:14:10 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It's called "orbital forcing."

Ice ages (and inter-glacial periods) are caused by "orbital forcing", changes in Earth's orbit that cause extended periods of longer or shorter winters in the Northern hemisphere. Since Earth's orbit can be computed for centuries into the past and future, orbital forcing can be computed and predicted with decent accuracy. Orbital forcing indicates that in the current interglacial era, Earth's temperature peaked 6000 years ago, and should be slowly cooling since then. (Here's a reference) http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/207/4434/943

In other words, the natural cycle that causes ice ages has already peaked, and should be taking us in the cooler direction. Meanwhile the earth's temperature is rising rapidly: all ten of the ten warmest years on record have occurred since 1994. So clearly something other than natural orbital forcing is at work.

The level of CO2 in the air now is higher than at any time in the last 23 million years, and the growth in CO2 shows no sign of slowing down. (Here's a graph).

You also might want to read the largest peer-reviewed study in the history of science:

2007-01-31 11:12:38 · answer #6 · answered by Keith P 7 · 0 0

Don't forget to ask them about the 'Medieval Warm Period' too. The time from about AD 800-1300 when temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere were warmer than now. In fact it was so warm that southern England was known for its wine at the time of the Battle of Hastings (1066) and the Scandinavians had colonies in Greenland where they had modest growing seasons for crops and abundant fields for domestic animals to graze. They also found the climate of Newfoundland nice enough to make a settlement there.

2007-01-31 08:27:50 · answer #7 · answered by Crusader1189 5 · 2 1

You are not looking at the proper graph showing the pronounced increase in temperatures linked to carbon in the atmosphere .
Well if the warming keeps up what will become of lower Manhattan the east coast and much of Florida . I have thought about buying swamp land that soon can be drained as Florida goes under water and reselling it at 1000 times what I paid . It will be million dollar coastal property in 40 years . Now thats real gambling not like the wimps who like poker and casino gaming

2007-01-31 08:30:42 · answer #8 · answered by -----JAFO---- 4 · 0 2

Truth- the earth is still warming back up since the ice age.

Truth- Burning carbon speeds up the warming process.

2007-02-05 12:23:11 · answer #9 · answered by jason m 4 · 0 0

Because the planet goes through natural warming and cooling cycles. The warming cycles always pre-staged an ice age. Get out your parka and mukaluks.

2007-01-31 08:37:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because there was lots of CO2 in the air.

The Earth was HOT 65 million years ago, there were almost no ice caps back then, will you wait until the shallow seas swallow you up to believe that global warming is real?

2007-01-31 08:26:29 · answer #11 · answered by ck4829 7 · 1 2

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