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1. Are you more liberal or more conservative?
2. Why are you a liberal/conservative? Like... do you believe that abortions are immoral? Do you believe that homosexuals should have equal marriage rights as heterosexuals? Or are you just that way because that's how you were brought up?

(I'm just wondering about this because sometimes people give me stupid reasons for why they choose to be liberal or conservative... and I really want to know why people choose to be one or the other... or possibly somewhere inbetween.)

2007-01-31 08:12:18 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

18 answers

1. Ultra conservative

2. Great question. I started 11 years ago at 18 in my own business. I have learned first hand how expensive being in business is. Taxes and regulations are too much. I was a Republican at that point.

I turned into a moral conservative later when I started to realize how sex is misused and the results of the "Sexual Revolution" and the destruction of morality. I eventually turned against abortion and can thank the pro abortion feminazis for that one. Abortion is used primarily for women who want to have sex and will not have a child.

Abortion is wrong and is the taking of a human life. It is acceptable in circumstances where her life is in jeopardy. Rape I am on the fence on. If I had to vote on it, I would leave it to the woman.

Gays should not have civil unions nor marriage. 80% of Americans are in agreement with me on the marriage issue. You cannot give a legal meaning to just gays for civil unions because it violates the equal protection clause. What needs to happen is all taxes on wealth removed (including inheritance), and allow anyone to designate anyone they want as next of kin for hospital visitation. We have nationwide civil unions now and in a few generations, we will have gay marriage. Allow one and the other will eventually be considered okay.

My upbringing has little impact on me today. If anything, I rebel against a lot of what I was brought up in. Both parents are Republicans.

Edit: After reading some of these answers, I need to remind people THERE IS NO RIGHT TO MARRIAGE IN THE CONSTITUTION. IT IS A LEGAL STATUS. This equal rights argument is a fraud and a lie.

2007-01-31 08:22:57 · answer #1 · answered by Chainsaw 6 · 4 8

I didn't really choose to be liberal or conservative. I feel that there are many policies that are outdated and in serious need of revision. Law should change to stay current with society. We shouldn't impede progress by locking ourselves into the old ways. Some traditions are good. Some need to go. But, the process of evaluating and re-evaluating policy should be a consistent and ongoing process.

I believe in equal rights for anyone and everyone. I do not believe that others should be able to tell you what you can and cannot do with your body. Abortion doesn't affect anyone but the woman in question. Homosexuals don't affect anyone but themselves. There is nothing wrong with ensuring they have the same liberties as everyone else.

I'm officially registered as a Libertarian, if that matters, because their policies are valid and effective. Republicans and Democrats are really just shades of the same thing and don't provide enough necessary differentiation from each other.

2007-01-31 08:17:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Lean towards liberal but conservative in some respects.
Pro Choice
Gays should be able to get married (I'm hetero but have learned to accept people for who they are not what they are. I have gay friends and they are people the same as you and me).
Church needs to stay out of government/schools-if I want religious guidance, I will go see a priest. I don't need my political leaders teaching me their version of what is right and wrong or what is a sin.
Pro gun rights-if the government wants to take away my rights, then they will get a bloody nose.
Pro military-America needs to be able to defend herself and my family has a strong military background that goes back 6 generations.
Tax the rich-give to the poor Rich get too many breaks and the middle class is turning into the "working poor".
Pro union-Pro working class. Workers need to have their rights protected because they are the backbone of this country. With out them, this country would fall apart. Think about that the next time you look down your nose at a mechanic, repair man, truck driver, garbage man, ditch digger etc...

I'm registered Independent-Parents are Democrat...and damn proud of it. Oh yeah, I actually vote to.

And if marriage is a legal status then how come Republicans throw the moral issue in everyone's face. They use the bible to define what marriage is. The bible has no business being in any government action. Law is determined by the government, not the church. Republicans are trying to turn our country into a religious state (hmmm. I think countries in the mideast do the same thing-remember the Taliban?). And so what if gays get married-they aren't making you have a same-sex marriage.

Edit-HIV is not just a homosexual disease. Heterosexuals get it too. Its a safe sex/ safe medical practices issue.

2007-01-31 08:30:03 · answer #3 · answered by HiTekRednek 3 · 2 2

Clearly your understanding of the words liberal and conservative is lacking. Being a liberal does not mean you are 'pro-choice' nor being conservative means that abortions are immoral from your point of view. It just so happens that most people in those categories align themselves that way but this is not by any stretch of the imagination what being a liberal or a conservative is all about.

2007-01-31 08:18:33 · answer #4 · answered by r1b1c* 7 · 1 1

I am a liberal. I came to the conclusion that liberalism was the way to go because of the teachings of the great religions, all of which agree upon the Golden Rule-do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Liberals tend to be all inclusive rather than exclusive. They are intellectually curious, with a willingness to explore many different topics. They tend to think that mankind can improve its lot. Liberals are bold; conservatives often operate out of fear, which is one reason they don't want to change things. Finally, liberals are willing to let information get out their so their children can decide upon their own.

My mother was a liberal Republican in the 1960s, and encouraged independent thought and research. Her work with the church and with civil rights organizations helped her and me to expand our horizons.

I believe abortions are a medical procedure. Whether one is deemed necessary is between the individual and her doctor. Government doesn't need to interfere.

I believe all people are equal before God and as such two consenting adults can make a commitment to stick by one another and cherish one another until they die. Note that I believe it is best to make the marriage commitment and stick to it--but as Jesus said "Judge not, lest you be judged", I won't condemn someone because they find they must divorce.

2007-01-31 08:35:25 · answer #5 · answered by KCBA 5 · 4 2

1. I'm neither, I'm Libertarian.
2. Abortion is split in half in our party the last canidate Micheal Badnarick was pro-life. As for homosexual marriage rights, I believe that government should not control on love, I don't believe that special rights go to either straight or gay. It's retarded because the shy ugly guy who can't find love doesn't recieve better healthcare or lower issuarnce. My family is conservative but, I found to much ignorance in the Republican party especially now, with it being controlled by Neo-cons. Liberals are to big of statists for me and I really never understood them. So I became Libertarian.

2007-01-31 08:23:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am a socially conservative libertarian...I don't believe the government should be as large as it is, and I think taxes should be low and markets should be free. The government is not here to be a watchdog, a parent, or a nosy, in-your-face, meddlesome next-door-neighbor.

I also believe, however, that murder in any form is wrong, including abortion, and that the murders should not have the right or the free reign to do as they wish with others' lives, pre-born or not.

2007-01-31 08:22:51 · answer #7 · answered by sillycanuckpei 4 · 2 1

Winston Churchill wrote, "If you are young and you aren't a liberal, you have no heart. If you are old and you aren't a conservative, you have no brain."

Liberals base to much of their platform on emotianalism instead of common sense.

I consider myself a conservative because I value individualism, respect for tradition, a strong military, systems that don't reward bad behavior. I have faith that people are best qualified to make their own decisions without government intervention. I believe in the right to bear arms as being a very important freedom. Let people alone and they will prosper.

2007-01-31 08:26:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Liberal Vs Conservative Abortion

2016-11-02 23:35:20 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I look at all policies on its merit. I don't care for policies based on religion. That might be seen as liberal to some, but I considered myself in the middle.

2007-01-31 08:23:21 · answer #10 · answered by Denis 2 · 2 0

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