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Can someone help me come up with a way to explain urine dropping to my mother. I am a prospective rat owner =). can you guys just explain how often it happens, how much comes out, any warning signs, etc. does it stain? does it smell? if you own rats and live with your parents, how do they feel about it?

thanks in advance.

2007-01-31 07:43:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Other - Pets

9 answers

Rats do tend to scent mark with urine quite often, boys even more so than girls. However, it is only very tiny amounts at a time (just one drop).

They are most likely to mark any new or interesting things they come across (including their humans). The act of scent marking is the rat saying "I like this and it's mine", so if they do mark you take it as a compliment :) It can also be compared to cats marking things and people by rubbing their cheek and neck against them.

Rat scent marks can stain a little bit yellow but it only shows on very light coloured things. I have never found scent mark drops to smell.

You will find that all rats are different - some individuals may mark anything and everything at every opportunity whereas others will rarely mark. This is usually due to the hierarchy within the group of rats (or between a pair), with the alpha or group leader doing the most marking and the lowest ranking member the least.

When rats actually urinate they are very tidy about it. Mine always go back to their cage if they're out and usually do it in their litter box. (Oddly, if they are in the cage they tend not to go to the litter box to wee but only poo in there.) Rats will very rarely urinate (or poo) outside of the cage unless they are very frightened or do not know the way back to the cage or cannot get into the cage.

2007-01-31 11:29:00 · answer #1 · answered by HanRatty 2 · 2 0

Ok, rat urination....

It is quite frequent, several times within an hour, probably about 1/8 teaspoon in an adult or so, no warning signs, possible staining if it is allowed to 'build up' in an area, and yes, it is stinky.

If you are wanting to add a rat to your family, I would recommend females, since males have a distinctive stronger odor (plus their 'bits' are always right there, lol). Also, use a bedding like carefresh ultra or aspen (NO pine or cedar) and spot check it for urine EVERY DAY and scoop out the soiled part. About every 5-7 days, depending on cage size, change all the litter and wash everything in the cage, including the cage itself. If you do this, it will greatly minimize the smell :) Rats are certainly not 'dirty' animals, in fact, they are probably one of the best pet rodents, it is just that they pee and poop a lot :( A lot of people find that gross. I have gerbils myself for the very reason that I can't stand the smell of rodent pee, and gerbils urinate MUCH less frequently.

If you do a good job of housekeeping for your rats, I don't think you will have a problem. When you take them out to play, bring along a special towel to keep them on in case they pee. I am sure your parents don't like the idea of rat pee on their furnishings/carpet, and i can understand that. If you are serious about rat ownership, I think as long as you keep everything clean your parents will probably be ok with it. I grew up in a nice house and somehow managed to talk my mom into rats, gerbils, etc, but I kept them clean and odor-free.

Good luck!


2007-01-31 08:52:01 · answer #2 · answered by Amanda C 3 · 0 0

I've owned, in my time, over ten different rats both male and female. Unless they are ill they always know not to empty their bladders on you (unlike guinea pigs). They tend to go back to their cage or in our case a litter try in the corner of the room (because their cage was upstairs).

It is true that rats some times dribble but the amount is usually unnoticeable but does depend on the individual rat. It is territorial behaviour. Of all the rats we had only one consistently dribbled though not enough to smell. If you are planning to have just two rats I don't think this will be a problem. If you want to get a male rat I would recommend having him spayed as this will reduce the amount he dribbles and smells.

Rats make excellent pets. They are really intelligent and I'm sure your mother will learn to love them as they will learn to love her. Good luck!

2007-01-31 09:25:49 · answer #3 · answered by gen 1 · 0 0

Rats urine mark constantly (especially males) but its usually just a drop or two and not noticable and dosent really smell that I have noticed, there are no warning signs, and it does not discolor or stain (unless they are on something white or very light of course) however if you are worried about it you can always throw down a sheet or blanket where they are playing and that will absorb any little droplets they leave.

2007-01-31 07:51:46 · answer #4 · answered by scarfiespudsushi 4 · 1 0

my mom has cuddled my male rat. tell your mom that you can litter train a rat. you have to pick up the wet bedding and droppings and put them in the litter pan but it can be done if you are willing to put in the time and effort. rats a a very clean animal and tend to use only one corner of their cage as a toilet spot which only tends to smell if you don't change the cage often enough. NEVER use pine or cedar bedding as it releases phenols which are toxic to rodents. rat urine does not stain. males will want to cuddle more where as a female is more playful. my male rat loves to play fetch. they are better kept in same sex pairs as they tend to get lonely. if you can only have one plan on spending tons of time with it. if you have any questions you can e-mail me.

2007-01-31 10:07:26 · answer #5 · answered by MommyCaleb 5 · 0 0

Your male genuinely might desire to establish a vet ASAP. weeing blood is rarely a physically powerful sign and may be from an infection which could be taken care of quite easily with antibiotics. it would additionally be the end results of a tumor or different severe develop. Rats don't get classes, any blood it quite is seen close to the vagina or penis is severe.

2016-11-23 18:06:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no warning. Rats have no control of their bladder (I think) or bowels. They just go when and where they are. It doesn't stain and it stinks. I used to breed rats to feed my lizards and snakes but they are just too nasty. In my opinion at least. The more they eat/drink the more they defacate. The droppings are about the size of raisins mostly. Although smaller rats leave droppings the size of birdseed. I don't think my answer will persuade your mom though. Sorry.

2007-01-31 07:55:15 · answer #7 · answered by bobby h 3 · 0 2

HanRatty has given you an excellent answer to your question. I can't add anything else other than my rats are a blast and a real pleasure to have.

2007-01-31 13:35:59 · answer #8 · answered by ? 5 · 0 1

i have no idea what you are talking about... but good luck finding an answer... i've never owned a rat. i've owned wild mice....

2007-01-31 07:48:47 · answer #9 · answered by codylynn_03 3 · 0 3

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