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2007-01-31 07:43:27 · 10 answers · asked by shorty_gard 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

What are some signs of labor? And whats some information about the baby dropping into position?

2007-01-31 07:47:09 · update #1

10 answers

No one knows for sure what triggers labor — and every woman's experience is unique. But understanding the typical signs and symptoms can help you know what to expect as your due date approaches.

Lightening: Relieving the pressure
Near the end of your pregnancy, you may feel the baby settling deeper into your pelvis. This is called lightening.

The baby's new position may give your lungs more room to expand, making it easier to breathe. On the flip side, increased pressure on your bladder may send you to the bathroom more often.

For a first pregnancy, lightening may occur weeks or days before labor begins. For subsequent pregnancies, it may not happen ahead of time. For some women, the changes are obvious. Others may not notice a thing.

Effacement: Ripening of the cervix
Your cervix prepares for birth by softening and thinning, or effacing. You won't feel this happening. Instead, your doctor will check for signs of cervical change with vaginal exams.

Effacement is often expressed in percentages. When you're 50 percent effaced, your cervix is half its original thickness. Your cervix must be 100 percent effaced, or completely thinned out, before a vaginal delivery.

Dilation: Opening of the cervix
Your cervix will also begin to open, or dilate. Your doctor will measure the dilation in centimeters from zero to 10.

At first, progress may be very slow. In fact, some women are dilated 2 to 3 centimeters for days or even weeks before labor actually begins. Once you're in active labor, you'll begin to dilate more quickly.

Bloody show: Loss of mucus plug
During pregnancy, a thick plug of mucus blocks the cervical opening to prevent bacteria from entering the uterus. When your cervix begins to thin and open, this plug may be discharged. You may notice stringy mucus or a thick discharge. It's typically brown and sometimes tinged with blood.

Losing the mucus plug is a sign that labor may begin soon, but it's not a guarantee. Labor may still be a week or more away.

Nesting: Spurt of energy
You might wake up one morning feeling energetic, raring to attack dust bunnies under the couch, set up the crib and arrange your baby's outfits according to color. This urge to clean and organize is commonly known as nesting. No one knows for sure, but it may be a primal instinct that hearkens back to a time when physical preparation was necessary for a safer childbirth.

Nesting may begin months before your due date, but the instinct is actually strongest just before delivery. Do what you must, but don't wear yourself out. Save your energy for the harder work of labor ahead.

Rupture of membranes: Your water breaks
The amniotic sac is a fluid-filled membrane that cushions your baby in the uterus. Sometimes the sac leaks or breaks before labor begins. If this happens, you may notice a trickle of fluid or a more obvious gush.

If your water breaks at home — or if you're uncertain whether the fluid is amniotic fluid, urine or something else — consult your doctor right away. He or she will evaluate you and your baby to determine the next steps.

If the amniotic sac is no longer intact, timing becomes important. The longer the membranes are ruptured, the greater the risk of developing infection. If labor doesn't begin on its own, your doctor may need to induce your labor.

In the meantime, don't do anything that could introduce bacteria into your vagina. Sex is not a good idea.

Contractions: When labor pains begin
During the last few months of pregnancy, you may experience occasional, painless contractions — a sensation that your uterus is tightening and relaxing. These are called Braxton Hicks contractions. They're your body's way of warming up for labor.

As your due date approaches, Braxton Hicks contractions may become stronger or even painful.

Eventually, Braxton Hicks contractions will be replaced by the real thing. To tell the difference, ask yourself these questions:

Are the contractions regular? Time your contractions from the beginning of one to the beginning of the next. Look for a regular pattern of contractions that get stronger and closer together. Contractions that come at least every five minutes are likely to be the real thing. The contractions of false labor will remain irregular.
How long do they last? Measure the length of each contraction by timing when it begins and when it ends. True contractions last more than 30 seconds at first and get progressively longer — up to 75 seconds — and stronger. With false labor, contractions vary in length and intensity.
Can you stop the contractions? True contractions continue regardless of your activity level or position. In fact, they often grow stronger with increased activity, such as walking. With false labor, you may be able to stop the contractions by changing your activity or position, lying down or even taking a walk.
Where do you feel the contractions? The pain of true contractions tends to begin high in the abdomen, radiating throughout the abdomen and lower back. With false labor, the contractions are often concentrated in the lower abdomen.
Expect false alarms
The boundary between your body's preparation for labor and the actual process of labor is not always clear. Some women have painful contractions for days with no cervical changes. Others feel only a little pressure or a backache as the cervix gradually dilates.

Don't hesitate to call your doctor if you wonder whether you're in labor. Preterm labor can be especially sneaky. If you have any signs or symptoms of labor before 36 weeks — especially if they're accompanied by vaginal spotting — see your doctor for an exam.

At term, labor will nearly always make itself apparent. If you arrive at the hospital in false labor, don't feel embarrassed or frustrated. Think of it as a practice run. The real thing is sure to be on its way!

2007-01-31 07:51:11 · answer #1 · answered by ♥!BabyDoLL!♥ 5 · 2 0

Labor Signs Symptoms

Lightening occurs when the baby drops or settles lower into your pelvis.

Often you will suddenly find you are less short of breath because your lungs have more room to expand.

Pressure will increase in your pelvis though, and you may need to urinate more often.

Lightening usually occurs several weeks prior to your first delivery. With following births, it may happen just hours before delivery.
Bloody show
As the cervix thins and starts to dilate (open) in preparation for delivery, small capillaries burst and cause a pink or brown vaginal discharge.

The mucous plug, which has sealed the cervix throughout the pregnancy, dislodges. It will look like pink or blood-tinged stringy mucus.

Bloody show can occur anywhere from hours to several weeks before delivery.

If the discharge is bright red, or more than an ounce is present, a problem with the placenta may have occurred, and you should contact your health care provider immediately.
Nesting instinct
Some women notice a burst of energy a few days prior to going into labor.

This is nature's way of helping ensure everything is ready when the new baby arrives.
Nausea and diarrhea

Hormonal changes early in labor can cause an upset stomach, cramps, and diarrhea.
Increased Braxton Hicks contractions

These practice contractions, which have been present during the last several months of pregnancy, may become more frequent, intense, and even painful.


2007-01-31 07:51:29 · answer #2 · answered by GiNkNee 2 · 0 0

When in labor you will have contractions that will steadily grow in strength and durataion. They may at first be far apart, but will gradually come closer and closer together. The pain will become more severe as well. You may or may not experience your water breaking (once this happens it is important to go to the hospital immeidiatntly) and you may or may not, pass the mucus plug. Usually you can tell if the baby is getting into position as your abdomin will appear to be much lower...indicating a downward shifing of the baby's position. I hope this helps. Good luck with your deliverance and congratulations.

2007-01-31 07:53:35 · answer #3 · answered by ceegt 6 · 0 0

hiya there are lots of signs everyones different, my experience with my 3 births was my waters going a show, period like cramps below back and front, swelling to face feet etc which can also be a sign of preemclamsia as well which can be dangerous if left untreated luckily mine was just swelling, i also had an early labour 7 weeks early with my 1st and i was in slow labor for weeks i had really bad back ache turns out i had a water infection but by the time i found this out she was born, it is hard to answer this question ,how far are you and what signs are you having then i may beable to advise you better hope to hear from you

2007-01-31 07:58:02 · answer #4 · answered by jenny 2 · 0 0

I was induced and when labor actually started it felt like menstral cramps but it could be different for someone who isn't being induced as for knowing the baby is in position, I knew the baby had dropped when I started feeling alot of pressure in my pelvic area.

2007-01-31 08:01:17 · answer #5 · answered by Jen 2 · 0 0

I have only had one baby and I was in the shower when I looked down and noticed that my stomach seemed to be flat right under my ribs. And I was so used to it popping right out there! So I knew the baby had dropped. I laid in bed after my shower and about 5 minutes later, my water broke. Those were the signs I had!

2007-01-31 07:49:50 · answer #6 · answered by tmac 5 · 0 0

extreme pressure in the floor of the abdomen, tightening in the abdomen. The obvious...water breaking, contractions. I had a lot of trouble sleeping the last few days before labor, and I was extremely swollen (hands, feet, etc).

2007-01-31 07:50:27 · answer #7 · answered by Sam F 2 · 0 0

I'm suffering and have been suffering from the same except for diarrhoea and not "constant" braxton hicks - but alot more than usual, for a few weeks now. So if you're anything like me you could still go over. But that's not saying you're not going to go into labour soon because every women, baby and labour is different.

2016-05-23 23:29:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

my first sign was a mild contraction, it woke me up and I wasnt sure what it was.
then I woke up again 30 minutes later and had diarreah and threw up., also some blood.

I had the baby 3 hours later!

2007-01-31 09:36:43 · answer #9 · answered by crystald 4 · 0 0

Dull lower back pain, tightening of the abdomen.

2007-01-31 07:47:31 · answer #10 · answered by wheezerthill 4 · 1 0

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