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think my friends think I'm all superwoman this month. This month has been very very stressful for me. I've had band reherals for nights and I wind up exhausted. my homework is piling up. A girl in my grade is being a byotch and spreading nasty rumors about me. Im trying to loose 3 pounds for semi formal. My skin is broken out and acne treatments arent working. My friend (a)is having troubles with her boyfriend. the other( b)is fighting with the first friend. B is stalking a boy and asking my advice. Friend c is asking me to se how the boy im in love with feels about her and advice with her current boyfriend. Friend d broke up with her boyfriend. Im trying to be good to them and my other friends but I get so stressed and ***** or cry. friend e asks me to hang out and gets mad because im already doing something. I am not superwoman. How do I get them to understand. Its tearing me apart quickly. I have loved the boy friend c has like for over a year and am confused how he is treating me

2007-01-31 07:22:45 · 17 answers · asked by shiningstars 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

We are friends known each other for over a year. We know a good amount of stuff about each other. We are always joking around and touching each other. He will stroke my arm, hug me, tells me he loves me, joke around, poke me. Recently we were at the mall together and he had his arm around me. My friend Hailey and I were shopping with him. Hailey decided to go into another store so he followed me instead of her. He was tapping my butt with his bag and was smiling with me. we were holding hands for a while too. We wer talking about semi and he said he wasnt going with this girl anymore. He asked if I was going. I said yes and he said "Good". During all day band rehersal he pushed his way to sit with me next to me. He moved his seat during band to be by me. We talk so much. In the halls he comes up and touches me. Are we really good friends or does he want more? My body is in overload and I feel like cutting. What should I do about everything

2007-01-31 07:24:08 · update #1

17 answers

Please don't cut! It will just add to the pain you feel now. I think you should tell your friends how you feel and why you can't hang out with them as much. You should tell the person you love that you love them. (Not being mean or anything, and take no offense), but maybe you should see a counselor and have them help you with the different friend relationships.

2007-01-31 07:33:29 · answer #1 · answered by AnswerGal6 2 · 1 0

I remember being a teen ager and being overloaded with stuff. If your friends are more worried about their own issues that they don't at all about you, then they aren't really friends. Cut them loose and save yourself the stress. Sounds to me like the guy does like you, maybe he's afraid you'd say no if he asked you out? Take the first step and ask him!

What has me worried is the cutting comments. I have more than a few scars from doing that and I can tell you, it's not a solution. I won't lie, it'll probably make you feel better for a little while, but think about this. Life is stressful, you cut, it makes you feel better, so what do you think will happen when you get all stressed out again? You'll want to cut again. It's a very vicious cycle to get trapped in and it DOES NOT solve anything. Talk to someone, parents, a teacher, your band leader, any adult that you trust. Tell them about your cutting impulses and they will help you get help. Please, I know what I'm talking about, get some help.

2007-01-31 07:57:04 · answer #2 · answered by tabithap 4 · 0 0

First off you need to take a step back and breath... You have alot on your plate, but cutting will not make it any better... If you are close to mom, or a big sis, or even a teacher, I would talk about some of the stuff that has been going on... Try to vent and get it off of your chest to relieve stress. It concerns me that you would resort to cutting... Please find someone to talk to a counselor would really be best...

2007-01-31 08:26:35 · answer #3 · answered by luv2syd 2 · 0 0

honey if ur gonna cut. make sure someone knows ur doing it. my best friend is a cutter and he always called me to tell me that he was gonna. dont cut for more than a few min. then call ur friend to say ur over with. he or she will then know that u have ur endorphins to perk ur energy. im not gonna tell u not to cut. i would burn myself everyonce and a while and when people told me not to it just got worse. if ur gonna do it. be safe. clean blades good friend on call and hopefullly dont do it alone. and about they boy... if its ur friends x dont go for him but if it isnt then u may have ur self a bf!. try to talk to a teacher about ur hw. there must be other people in band that have hw too. and three lbs isnt gonna help u fit into a dress lol u need 10 to loose a size. try laying on the floor to have a friend or mom zip u up. it got me a size 11 into a 7. tell ur friends to deal with their own probs. good luck. and if your friends start hurting because ur cutting you should stop. ur broken i know how that goes but dont pull them all down when u fall.

2007-02-03 17:55:12 · answer #4 · answered by Danceinda7flames 2 · 0 0

hun don't cut. i know what it's like to be in your shoes. trut me i do it all and still have to deal with my own drama and my friends. i used to cut and after therapy and antidepressants i know when i shouldnt be aklone. i'm not going to say im cured cause i still have those times where i feel i need to cut but i know when i start to feel those emtions i need to get outta the house and be wit someone who loves me like a bf or a bff. i know the stress. i'm in marching band, guard, all three choirs, concert band, the musical etc...its a heavy load i know but its not worth cutting. as much of a hypocrit i am for saying this, nothing is worth it. pick one friend and let them in on how your feeling and just let the others know you have a lot going on right now.

2007-02-02 07:14:34 · answer #5 · answered by redheadedbandgeek 1 · 0 0

Okey,. this is going to sound really mean and whatever...but..here it goes..

GET OVER IT. this is life, this is high school and well...get over it!

Band reherasls...take some time off. Tell your band teacher you are going to miss a few practices to catch up on your homework. I use to be a drum major, i know what its like..

Homework piling up? Get off of yahoo answers and get to it missy!!! You shoudl be studing NOT playing around.

So what a girl in your grade is being a b*tch? Confront her and tell her to cut it out. OR...ingore the rumors. simple :)

Don't worry about those three pounds hunny. Right now, your prioity is your school work. But if you really must lose that weight, walk two miles everyday, 300 crunches, 10 pushups and about 15 minutes of crazy dancing. that will get rid of the weight quick, AND help you get rid of that stress :)

Once you calm down, your acne will go away. Nothing is gonna cure that..sorry hunny.

As for your friends, tell them you really don't have time for it, and as much as you like them n' all, you need some you time. that goes for all of your friends, including your boyfriend.

Once you stop trying to please everyone in your "circle" you can have time for yourself and to be calm. If you want to please all your friends, then go right on ahead, then you will never calm down. But if you take my advice then things are going to get easier by tommorow. Take the weekend off and have some you time. :)

And as for cutting, PLEASE don't do it. It's really stupid. and it leaves REALLY ugly scars...how woudl you hide them for your dance??

2007-01-31 14:01:31 · answer #6 · answered by Pandora 6 · 0 0

If you stick your felt to a base board (artists canvas boards work well), then 'rough up' the felt backing- a small wire brush works really well used lightly brush in one direction, then another etc- dont scrub back and forth- this will provide the 'key' so any felt will stick to it (including homemade if you want to be a bit adventurous!)

2016-03-28 22:37:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ok. Im a cutter. Its not worth it. trust me.
You have to hise the marks, and its starting to get warmer, so youll have to wear long sleeves. They wont fade and you said u had a formal right?? yahh, you wont be wearing long sleeves to that most likely. Rehersals?? What about your costume?? you cant adjust it for your needs. Trust me its just not worth it. They leave ugly scars and just get u pity that is unwanted. Dont do it.

2007-01-31 08:01:28 · answer #8 · answered by Lara 1 · 1 0

Hon, the last thing you want to do is cut. I have severe panic attacks and I used to cut to get out of them. It's a waste of time and it's obviously a dangerous game to play.

As for your guy friend, it looks to me as if he cares about you. Give it some time and see what happens.

Ignore the rumours. They're just that. Rumours. If this person isn't happy with herself and enjoys bullying, yup, that's what it is, it's not your problem. It's hers. She's obviously not happy and is taking the coward's way of cheering herself up by attacking others to make her feel better.

To lose those 3 lbs, water. No pop or junk food. Walking is a great way to help you lose the extra pounds. Drink LOTS of water, walk, or go to the local pool and swim laps. If you can't cut out all the junk foods., cut back on them. If you crave something sweet, have it, but just not as much. And follow it with a cold glass of H2O! :) By cutting back on high calorie foods and cutting out pop and juices, and drinking water, is a good way to lose weight. 3 lbs isn't a lot. You'll do it.

A friend of mine told me about using toothpaste as an acne treatment. Rub a dab of it on the acne at night, before you go to bed, and in the morning, wash it off. Keep doing that for as long as it takes for the acne to clear up. I've had my 12 year old daughter use it and it actually works!

Ask a friend to help you out with your homework. If you know a friend who's doing well in math, ask her/him for some help. Make time for homework, either right after school, or right after dinnertime. If you can make yourself up a schedule for your band practises and homework, do it. Stick to it and tell your friends when they call to ask you for advice or just to yap, you'll call them back as soon as you're done your work.

I'm not too sure what you can do about friend c. She's already got a boyfriend. You say she's asking you for both advice on how to deal with him and also asking you to talk to this other guy? She can't have both of them. I would tell her to talk to her boyfriend about whatever it is that's going on with the 2 of them and leave it at that.

Take a step back and concentrate on YOU. Your health is more important than who broke up with who, right? I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just saying you need to address these thoughts and I mean now! If you can't talk to your parents, try a phone- in help line. I don't know if you're in Canada, but we have a KidsHelp Line. It's for preteens and teens to call if they need to talk about something. Check around and see if there's something like that near you. And make an appointment with your doctor. Tell him what you're feeling and ask him for some advice or help.

I hope everything gets better for you soon. :)

2007-01-31 08:08:09 · answer #9 · answered by Nobody 2 · 1 0

i know how you feel. i'm in 11th grade, and i used to cut. call a hotline, and let out your feelings, or tell someone about how you feel. meanwhile, tell your freind your sorry for them, but your stressed, so she can't expect alot of sympathy. lighten your load, and stop worrying about what everyone eolse thinks.you have friends who are there for you, lean on them.

2007-01-31 09:52:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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