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every thing in my world has crashed and burned. my uncle raped me from age 11-13, my parents used to beat me to the point i would have 5 or 6 broken bones at a time, i had to raise my little brother since i was 11 because i was the only one wh would change to take care of him ((my parents were alwats drunk and wouldnt take care of him)),then finally we started to live with my grandparents and i thought every thing was going to be good but then, i got pregnant, my bf came to live with us, that was ok, but then......yesterday.......my baby died, because I was sicka and the baby became sick inside of me and she died. i have had so many years of untreated depression, is there a cure?? cuz i eed it, and if not, how do i deal with this, i've been hut for so long and this has finally put me totally over the edge, i have had cutting problems, cutting isnt gonna fix this one, im hurting to bad for cutting to help, im 14 years old and i feel as if life should be over for me

2007-01-31 06:58:50 · 18 answers · asked by koi 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

every body tells me they no how i feel, nobody can no how i feel, because i dont feel. days to me are just what they are called .....days.... i dont live them, i just take them as they come, i am a walking zombie, i am a prisoner in my own body, i want out, im screaming but nobody hears me. i want out

2007-01-31 07:00:41 · update #1

i am the living dead, i just want to be DEAD. it would be better that way ((i think))

2007-01-31 07:02:08 · update #2

18 answers

Yes, there is a cure for depression and it isn't taking your life! As others have said, go to your doctor. Tell him/her what you're feeling and ask them for help. Life throws some lousy things at you, but you're strong enough to tackle them and become a better person. You learn through these awful experiences. I was gang raped at 18. It was my first time. Not the way you want to experience it. Then, I started seeing this guy who made everything better, or so I thought. He beat the snot out of me when I was almost 6 months pregnant with our child, also a girl. I lost the baby. She was born alive, but was too small to survive. She died in my arms about 20 minutes after she was born. I had the same thoughts as you. This all happened in a year and a half. I grew up with a father who hated me, and abused me emotionally and sometimes even hit me. My brother and sister could do no wrong, though. After I lost my first daughter, I wanted to end it. But, I asked my doctor for help, instead. Looking back at everything now, (I'm 34 with a 12 year old daughter) I learned about being a better person and not to let anyone beat me down again. You're only 14. You have the rest of your life to have babies and follow your destiny. It may not seem like it now, but things WILL get better, if you want them to. YOU have to make the first step. Going to your doctor's, talking to your grandparents or boyfriend. Ask your doctor to refer you to a counsellor. They work wonders! And take whatever meds they give you to help you. Take them as directed at the same time everyday. Get into that habit, because it'll help make the meds work faster and you won't feel like you do now.

I'm so sorry, sweetie, for the loss of the baby. I DO know what that's like, as mentioned above. You do need to get counselling for that loss. Your boyfriend, too. It would be great if you could get him to go with you and give you some support. Don't be afraid to ask your grandparents if he thinks he can't do it. They love you. If you do what you're saying you want to do, it'll leave them and your little brother devistated. They need you there with them.

You're a strong young woman. You reached out for help just by asking this question. Keep up the good work and things will get better. I know I'M proud of you for having the guts to type this question here! :D

Good luck, honey. If you need to talk more about anything, I'd be more than happy to lend you an ear.

2007-01-31 08:36:03 · answer #1 · answered by Nobody 2 · 2 1

You have come so far and survived so much at such a young age. It proves that you are strong and resilient even when given the worst of what life has to offer. There are so many good things that you have been denied or have not yet had the chance to experience and I would hate for you to miss out because you can't imagine anything but sadness and hurt. You need counselling to heal. It doesn't have to cost money because there are organizations out there for people in these sort of situations. You also need to take action against your abusive parents and uncle when you're ready, (I don't think you'll have closure until you do). As for baby, I'm so sorry. Planned or not, the loss is great, but don't shoulder that responsibility. Even the healthiest of pregnancies and situations cannot assure a full-term baby. I don't think it was your time and clearly you have enough things to contend with already. One thing I do know is that when the right time comes and you are a mom, you will be strong, protective and very loving.

2007-01-31 07:33:13 · answer #2 · answered by Shorty 5 · 1 0

You're right. NOBODY would know how you feel. But I think that people just say that becuase they feel bad but don't know what else to say, and they think they're being helpful or understanding by saying that they do. But that just goes to show that you can't talk to just ANYONE about ur problems, esp when they're that extreme. I'm not saying I know how u feel, but I most definitely been there. I was a lot like you in my teen years and even sometimes now that I'm an adult.. kind of.. (25 yrs. old) I still slip into that mode every now and then. But I used to just vent my pain to my friends, and yet they never really could understand what I was EXACTLY going through - because they all have different lives and would never NEVER experience what I have. Everyones different, hon, and although EVERYONE has their own pain, every pain is different. No two tears are the same and broken pieces can only go back to the same heart.

I got really bad at one point and was "recommended" by my stupid high school counselor to talk to a professional. She even tried talking to me but she was dumb. You can try that, though, but for me I wasn't comfortable talking to someone who never knew me and I felt that this person was only there to get paid and not because he/she cared. But if there is someone in your life that you can confide in and completely trust, you should keep them close. If not, journaling helps A LOT. Find something to vent your pain, like music or art. It will help a lot.

Everyone goes through $h!t. Unfortunately, some people less fortunate than others. You can either go through your pain and feel and let it take over you and become a bitter, hateful, angry, gothic, ugly person. Or you can go through your pain and let it take over you and become a stronger, wiser, more humble with thicker skin, better than all those who never went through what you went through and for that making you a better person. Trust me, even though you feel like crap and life's a *****, you are lucky, because you're still here after all you been though. Don't let your pain win. Be stronger. And f*** all those other people that hurt you. Forgive and you will get good luck.. I really believe that. Don't worry, your life has a lot waiting for you. You just gotta be strong and have faith that God will take you to where you were meant to be.. but you gotta do your part and stay true and stay alive! ..in all aspects..

2007-01-31 07:28:48 · answer #3 · answered by mommy.luv.jordyn 3 · 2 0

I'm sorry that you have been through so much especially at such a young age. I think that you should go to a doctor and explain to them what you just told us, they will probably put you on a depression medication that will help you feel a little better and suggest that you go to a counselor as well. I know that it feels like this wont help but it will, it's not a quick fix unfortunately there isn't one. I'm glad that you realize that cutting isn't going to fix anything! That is a step in the right direction. I wish I could offer more help! Good luck I wish you the best!!

2007-01-31 07:18:10 · answer #4 · answered by alaskagirl 3 · 0 1

I couldn't imagine the pain you're going through right now, if it's me, I probably will think that dying is the only solution.......but I'm about to repeat what everyone wrote to you so far...hanging there.....I'm not trying to give you a solution because I can't, I never being there before, I just want you to know that I'm here for you, if you feel like to talk to someone, here's my email address: aurhymei@hotmail.com.
If there's a chance that you can get through this, you will be a much stronger person, no challenge in life will every be difficult anymore, but only if you can get pass this......

2007-01-31 07:55:58 · answer #5 · answered by 結縁 Heemei 5 · 1 0

I believe you are depressed due to your situation. I know you don't want to hear this right now, but your life can totally change. There are so many people who have horrible life experiences like yourself who have overcome them. You are very young, but your whole life is ahead of you. Keep your head up, ask the Lord to help you, and I promise things will get better. You have been trying to be a grown up but you aren't ready to be one. You shouldn't be raising a brother, and you weren't ready for having a baby. Biologically your body isn't ready. Find a counselor and get into your education. Your life is just beginning. There are many people like who were just like you who now live happy lives and help others. Perhaps you are going through this to help other children like you and you will keep them from suffering as you did. Keep living and live to the best to your ablities. Do things you know is right and get rid of people who aren't any good for you (like this boyfriend who shouldn't have gotten you pregnant in the 1st place). There is nowhere else to go but up.

2007-01-31 07:18:02 · answer #6 · answered by Ms. Chick 6 · 2 1

Please calm down sweetie I know you must be hurting from all the things that happened in your life. I don't want to offend you but have you had any type of counseling? That would help you alot. It's easier talking to someone you don't live with or who doesn't really know you, about your life. As for your baby dying I'm so sorry to hear that. But remember it wasn't your fault in anyway at all, god just needed your baby in heaven with him... Things like that are hard to understand, but know that god will send you another baby when the time is right. Please focus on yourself and your needs now, please don't kill your self it will just cause pain to your grandparents and your boyfriend, and also your baby in heaven. Just be strong and talk to someone about how your feeling.

2007-01-31 07:10:47 · answer #7 · answered by juicy 3 · 4 0

omfg its not worth your life honey , well all have troubles yours were extremely bad but imagine if your brother didnt hsve you anymore there are people who want you around ive wanted to kill myself to but it took a hell of a time making your life you havent even lived it yet so why waste the most precious thing god can give you life im so sorrry about your baby and uncle , and parents , that is so wrong but people look up to you so be strong even when times are harder than expected.

2007-01-31 17:55:23 · answer #8 · answered by M.C.C. 2 · 0 0

No, hang in there. Be strong. Turn the bad things that happened into lessons for other girls who need someone to look up to. Let them say,"Look how hard she worked, she hung in there, I can too." Talk to God, he is there. Don't let your life end short. Make a happyending, after all, since when are happy endings easy? You have to work. It seems unfair but hang in there.

2007-01-31 07:35:36 · answer #9 · answered by angel 2 · 1 0

Go to a church or pick up a bible and read it. And there are people out there to talk to you've only started your life at 14 and you should not end it. Go to a church and talk to the main pastor or just somone there and they can help you out alot and if they cant help you e-mail me and i can help you through the rough times...

2007-01-31 07:23:36 · answer #10 · answered by 2000jeep 2 · 1 0

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