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She just got on my nerves too much and i don't love her anymore so what do i do about her being pregnant i mean i do not want no part in it because she knew beforehand that i don't want kids because i don't like kids.
How do i break the news to her that i am in love with someone else who is non-pregnant?

2007-01-31 06:20:12 · 44 answers · asked by LadiesLoveMySlasher 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I am not trying to run away or not be a man as you all claim. We were just dating and she knew i was not wanting any kids and that i did not love her, it was a casual thing really if you must know. Anyhow i will pay child support but i want to ask how do i tell the girl to stay out of my life cause i do not care about her at all. She makes me sick. She told me she was on the pill so that is why i rode it bareback.

2007-01-31 06:32:58 · update #1

Ok to the people that say "why have sex if you didn't want to get her pregnant" for one she said she was on the PILL and secondly everytime you all have sex is it to make a baby or just for fun cause your not making sense to me to the girl with the flowers around her head

2007-01-31 06:34:54 · update #2

By the way i can afford to throw the girl some money each month but i do not want to be part of anything about her.

2007-01-31 06:36:07 · update #3

44 answers

I am going through the same situation... But HONEY it takes 2 to make a baby... She did not get pregnant by herself. I fyou dont want to be with her tell her that but be there for the baby it is your own flesh and blood... And be prepared to pay childsupport... You say your rich and good looking so I dont think you will mind paying childsupport you have enough and well you can always find someone else!!!

If you are so grownass to have sex for fun wel be such a grown assman to pay the consequences...

2007-01-31 06:36:38 · answer #1 · answered by Princess 4 · 0 1

I hope that because you dont want kids that you are using protection. And i mean both of you. Second off if you dont want kids then why are you having sex?.

"i do not want no part in it because she knew beforehand that i don't want kids" so basically your blaming this all on her, its all her fault that YOU got her pregnant. It was YOU who was having sex with her and therefore it is also YOUR responsibility. Buddy you may not like kids but its completely different when its your own. Man up and be a father and accept responsibility in a life YOU helped create, you dont have to be with her but do realize your going to hurt her tremendously especially when you tell her "oh i dont love you anymore im in love with someone else who isnt pregnant".

Because your a guy its just that easy to leave and let her go on raising this child by herself and that is seriously wrong. Even if the child has a very loving home and an amazing childhood there are going to be scars. I grew up without a dad, and believe me it has affected me quite emotionally.

Now im not saying be with her just because shes pregnant with YOUR baby, however smarten the f**k up grab a brain and accept responsibility. And if you can't accept responsibility, then dont have sex. What are you going to do with the next girl, "oh darn your pregnant time for the next girl"

It does not matter if she was on the pill YOU should have been smart enough to say no im going to put on a condom. And as for the whole "illl throw her some money" its not about the money, your the father be a father.

2007-01-31 06:48:26 · answer #2 · answered by Chels 2 · 1 0

Buck up.. if you did not want kids. Then you should not be without a condom or some sort of birth control. Things to think about with this "non-pregnant girl". I think it is time to find a good job too.. cause you will have to pay for your child.. regardless if you want it or not. This is your responsibility as a donor, would call you a father, but you don't seem worthy of the title. If you play you should pay.. that is the simple truth! And later in life when you actually wise up and realize that you are acting like a complete fool and want to see your kid.. well I will let you learn about that on your own. It is just awful to be so ignorant.

So it is so funny how she makes you sick.. now that she is pregnant.. while riding "bareback" you seem to enjoy it. Typical juvenile. Just tell her straight forward.. because you seem like the type that will lead her on.. cause that is how you got in this situation in the first place.. there is nothing casual about sex.. it makes people have feelings.

2007-01-31 06:36:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You should not have played grown up game if your man enough to handle the responsibility. Once you and your g/f decided to have sex without protection you both know what would happen. Once she found out that you did not want a child she should of drop your***.Now that she is pregnant you don't want to be with her. How dear you destroy somebody life because your not man enough to handle your responsibility. If she know that you did not want any children she should have used birth control and for you, you should of used a condom or a cold shower instead of thinking with the head that is in your pants. Did either one of you thank about the child and how it would affect the him/her to grow up without a father. I know some father are not all what people put them up to be but you have some fathers out there that put the child before anybody and anything.You not wanting your g/f is not the problem right now the only thing you need to thinking able is the baby that is involved. You don't have to a boyfriend to the baby mother but you damn sure have to be a father to a child that you don't want.Once you see your child you might fell different about being a father. Your g/f will be going though some emotional changes due to the pregnancy. So when you tell her that you don't want her anymore because she pregnant be gentle because she is a emotional reck. And if your don't want her anymore you need to be there to her with the pregnancy and be a father to your child little boy.

2007-01-31 07:30:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is so crude, and everything that everybody here is saying is true, you are leaving her at her time of need and I don't care if she did tell you she was on the pill, the pill does not protect you from getting STD's or AIDS. If it was CASUAL like you said, you should have kept it casual by using a condom. Don't let your child grow up without a father. You really will regret it later. Sorry this happened to you, but if you do not want to be with her, tell her in a very nice way, but let her know that you are willing to take full responsibility for your kid, and you all can have a parent relationship, just not the kind of relationship she is looking for. Good Luck!

2007-01-31 06:44:57 · answer #5 · answered by Shannonsfirst 2 · 0 0

To be honest, your 'girlfriend' and you sound as bad as eachother. She's very much in the wrong for pretending she was on the pill. Her plan was obviously to get pregnant from the very start. As for you, well you just sound like a bit of a moron! This wont be a popular answer, but I don't think you should be landed with a child when you made it clear to this girl that wasn't what you were after. However, you should be aware that there are some pathetic girls out there, and if you're that against having children, you should wear a condom! You can't just take someones word for it?!! So yes.. my advice would be to tell her what a tramp she is, for getting pregnant on purpose. That her evil plan to trap you hasn't worked. That you want nothing more to do with her, but that you will set up the child support payments and that wil be that. After all thats probably all she wants.....your money, tax payers money, and a council flat! chavs

ps... how is your 144 month and 65 month old children doing?! Knobber! people can view your other questions, so it's quite obvious that you are ful of s**t!! Bet you've never even been laid! hahahaa

2007-01-31 07:12:12 · answer #6 · answered by Samantha C 2 · 0 1

You should be kicked in the balls to begin with......If you don't like kids and didn't want kids you should have been more responsible. That just shows that you are a weak little boy, not even a man. If you "don't love her anymore" then you never did. Do you even know what love is? I think you should take a long look in the mirror and remember that not only she is going to think you are a jerk, there will be a child growing up that will hate you too. All I can say is what comes around goes around and Karma is a B*tch! Enjoy!!!
Also, I don't know any respectable girl that would hook up with a guy who will walk out on someone whenever things get rough (or someone gets pregnant) I feel sorry for both the girls and I think they should both cut all ties with your sorry ***.
So it's not all her fault that she got pregnant, because you thought she was on the pill but still didn't take precautions and use a condom. I think if it was someone "I didn't like" I wouldn't even have se with them for one, and if I did I would use a condom. You are just sorry, I am done.

2007-01-31 06:28:53 · answer #7 · answered by MyOpinionMatters 4 · 4 0

Well just tell her there is someone eles. Your attitude might change once you see your childs sweet little face for the first time.

I hope that you will pay child support, however that is not your only responisbility, You also need to be a role model for your child and that takes time and attention.

Your son or daughter will want to know who daddy is sooner or later. Im sure Your girlfriend is getting on your nerves because of how she is acting right now. However its not her fault.

Her body and hormones are playing with her mind. She is confused about everything right now and she needs support. After all she did not make this baby alone.

Your baby is YOUR responsibility for the next 18+ years.

If it was casual as you say, Id suggest asking for a DNA test to make sure its your baby.

2007-01-31 07:00:45 · answer #8 · answered by tammer 5 · 1 0

That is simple - just because you got her pregnant does not mean that you "have" to stay with her - let this be a lesson to you that if you do not want to get a girl pregnant, you do not go by what she says or believe that she will always be protected, use a condom, take your future in your hands and do not rely or believe anyone else, especially a woman - You need to be honest and let her know that just because she is pregnant does not mean that you are going to be with her, that you will provide for the child and try to be there but that you will not be involved with her, unfortunately no matter what you say - she will do what she wants with the pregnancy and there is not much that you are going to be able to do about it, but you should not try to push her into not having it because she will probably do it out of anger and pain - so make it seem like you will be there for the child, as she will probably take you to child support anyhow and simply let her know that you want nothing to do with, that way she knows that you really do not want to be with HER and that it is not about the pregnancy - basically use psychology.. good luck

2007-01-31 06:34:47 · answer #9 · answered by Snowwhite 3 · 1 1

Well... if you know you do not want to be with this person, clearly you have to tell her. However, I would refrain from telling her that you are in love with someone else that is non-pregnant. Nobody needs the extra pain and humiliation that comes with that. All you need to say is that none of this situation is what you wanted, that you are overwhelmed, and that you cannot possibly continue to have a good and healthy relationship considering how you feel.
However, there is no escaping the responsibility of fatherhood if you are the biological father of the kid. Breakup or not, if you're the father you have legal duties, and that is the end of it. I think the breakup would go much better if you were willing to accept this and reassure her that you'll do your part there.
You may not have wanted it, but when this is the case, you just have to make sure YOU do not make someone pregnant... this way, they'll have no claim over you. Keep it in mind in your next relationship.

2007-01-31 06:31:31 · answer #10 · answered by yoyo 2 · 1 1

Are you serious?? You are such a sorry excuse for a man. God...where have all the real men in this world gone? Maybe you should have used a condom if you don't like kids...just a thought. Or did you not know that unprotected sex leads to pregnancy?? I hope she takes your *** to court and makes sure you pay out your nose for child support. Since you will obviously stink as a parent, maybe she can at least get you to take care of the child financially. Oh...and by the way...the new girl who is "non-pregnant" can also become pregnant to through unprotected sex....you might want to think about that. I can't tell you how many screwed up middle school kids I teach every year whose problems all stem from a sorry excuse for a father like you! Thanks!

2007-01-31 06:36:32 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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