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Recently, Maryland inaugurated Democratic Governor, Martin O'Malley. One of his first acts as governor was to silence a longtime critic by having his popular radio talk show cancelled. Tyrone Powers, a black activist, hosts a show on Morgan State University's radio station. During the 7 years O'Malley was mayor of Baltimore, Powers would attend his public events, criticizing O'Malley's policies that he felt hurt Baltimore's black community.

Within a week of O'Malley becoming governor, he requested tapes of his show from MSU and threatened to withhold state funding from MSU if Powers' show was not canceled.

Of course, O'Malley denies doing so; and, moreover, lied to the media, claiming he does not even know who Powers is.

This was confirmed to be a lie by former Baltimore Police Chief, Ed Norris, who stated that when he became Police Chief of Baltimore, O'Malley went to public events to introduce him to the city and prior to these events, O'Malley explicitly warned him about Powers.

2007-01-31 06:08:13 · 22 answers · asked by TheMayor 3 in Politics & Government Politics

So, why is this Democrat trying to stop not only freedom of speech, but also freedom of the Press? Why, except for a few local news outlets, has the media ignored this story?

Is it because a Democratic governor is doing this? If a Republican governor had done something similar, do you think it would be national headline news?

Why or Why not?


2007-01-31 06:08:38 · update #1

Billyking, than why is my source the Baltimore Sun, a very liberal news paper?

2007-01-31 06:14:30 · update #2

Cut the crap or cup or crap I do not remember your user id, you do not get the concept of freedoms do you? Tyrone Powers is a black activist he has the right to freedom of speech and express his dissenting opinions. You disagree with his opinion, so you think it's OK to take away his right to freedom of speech? You would have made a great KGB agent!

2007-01-31 06:19:49 · update #3

No, mild_irritant, you are incorrect Morgan State University is a black college, his show is part of public radio, he does not get paid for it, and it was a very popular show. More popular than most other NPR shows that broadcast on WEAA. His show was not cancelled because of ratings!

2007-01-31 06:23:44 · update #4

Cantcu, please do not try to cloud the issue with the war in Iraq, we are talking about our fundamental freedoms given to us by the Constitution. If you do not understand the significances this, I feel sorry for you.

2007-01-31 06:28:03 · update #5

Sprcpt, Sorry you are wrong, the governor asked for the tapes of his show for the past three months, during which time Powers was very critical of O'Malley's job as mayor of Baltimore and could not believe he was elected governor. O'Malley could do nothing to Powers when he was mayor of Baltimore, but now that he is governor he can have him removed by withholding state funding from MSU. There is NO conspiracy theory here.

2007-01-31 06:37:53 · update #6

Bert T. I have already stated this. Dr. Powers was doing his show as a public service, he was not being paid for it. The show is/was very popular and had high ratings.

Furthermore, just to show you how your argument is flawed. Does that mean that the President can withhold funding for NPR or PBS if he believes they are not broadcasting, in your words, in a manner consistent with everyone?

Let's take this argument one step further, what if, a President were to apply your philosophy to issuing and renewing FCC licenses. He could direct the FCC not to renew radio and TV station licenses for stations that are critical of his administration, all under the guise that they do not broadcast in a manner consistent with everyone.

2007-01-31 06:58:57 · update #7

Sprcpt, what dream world do you live in? Why, in the first place, would the governor want to review tapes of what he called and I quote "an obscure radio program?" And why did the request to remove Powers come directly from Earl Richardson, the President of the University, and not from the WEAA program director? If the governor knowingly and deliberately commits an act in violation of the US Constitution, do you really think he is going to send a signed memo to MSU demanding Powers be removed or face punitive measures? Or tape-record his phone call stating this? Give me break, your notion is ludicrous.

Of course, you are probably one of the idiots who, even with a mountain of evidence--the illegally taped phone calls and DNA stained dress, still thinks Clinton committed no crime. Nope he never perjured himself, ever.

Keep living in your happy little dream world were the Democrats do no wrong! I hope it's nice and warm there.

2007-01-31 11:10:38 · update #8

22 answers

Because college and high school newspapers and radio shows are the most vulnerable to political fascist moves by any politican. That's a fact. I'm sure the students will probably fight it if this is a true story.

A Republican IS claiming that the 1st Amendment should be suspended. And it is a big Republican doing it too, Newt Gingrich. And, he isn't getting much press on it either. Not only that but the GOP and Bush in particular, are doing more to limit free speech than this guy from Maryland, who should know better if this is in fact a true story.

2007-01-31 06:33:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

There is no such thing as liberal democrats anymore. Just politicians who do things to serve their own political interests, with a creamy layer of what democrats once stood for sitting on top of thier "just like everyone else in politics" cake. And don;t even get me started on the GOP.

The truth is american politics is in serious need of some shaking up, so that people will care more about what politicians ultimate positions are, not how they comb their hair in the morning. The press is not covering this because, although I'm sure hes big in the baltimore area, other people in other states have never heard of him, and they figure they can get better ratings by talking about a horse with a broken leg.

2007-01-31 14:16:00 · answer #2 · answered by jmtutin 2 · 3 0

Whaaaa, Whaaaa. whine, whine, simper and whimper, too f*** bad!
Politics is politics and greed goes with power it is not one party or the other that protects the first Amendment, it is in the way they let you express that Amendment that counts.
Lets take in the way the last two presidentsd, both serve as some form of godhood to each party yet....
When Clinton rode along a route he had the secret service go along route and remove any signs not agreeing with his views and Bush has the miltiary and secret service go into a town or city days before check school kids and everyone elses records to see if they belong to any subversive groups such as the dreaded Civil Libeties union, and even chruch registrys and then he has anyone wearing a tee shirt to a sign carrier herded into barbed wite cages miles from his route.
When it was Clinton the party faithfull cheered and defended his actons and now the party faithfull of a differnt party cheer Bushs actions.
You have conservative epublicans saying they musty take over America to far right religious groups who actually beleive the democtrats serve the devil and should either leave country, go to jail or get born again, OR ELSE!
Hillary refused to speak at the Retaking of America rally because some adys dressed in pink were in audience who oppsoed her views on War.
It seems somewhere somebodys forgotten the reason for the first amendment and just what it protects.
It was not meant to protect a politcal party or some demigod or demigogue but to control the governement.
Dumb and dumber Americans keep letting personalitys define the issues when it should be the process of abuse that we should condemn.
blacks against white agsainst yeloow against browns against res agaisnt commies agaisnt capitalist against Democratic party against republican party, against liberals agaisnt conservatives, every body trying to find some boggy man and the boogyman is constantly being pointed out by a very small group of polical and corproate entitys and the 1st Ameenment no longer has a bearing as it can no longer change the sytem you have kept so silent about get too powerfull.
Too bad go cry on someone elses shoulders.

The First Amendment is only available to those who dare to use it and those who even undestand what it meant and to dare protect it as when it was put into laws of land.

May they be brave enough to express it and strong enough to suffer the consequences for doing so.

2007-01-31 14:42:13 · answer #3 · answered by theooldman 3 · 1 0

Woops, unfortunately, he was running this radio show of his on State owned property, namely the State University, was he not? Governors have the duty to make sure those facilities are run in a manner consistent with everyone.

Taking away a microphone and a radio station Dr Powers DOES NOT OWN does not abridge his Freedom of Speech rights, no one guarantees a megaphone for espousing one's opinions. Dr Powers is perfectly free to pursue his opinions at a commercial radio station, which shouldn't be a problem considering the free publicity he is generating over this non-issue. Or Dr Powers could always purchase his OWN radio station and broadcast from there. He is certainly free to do that, as far as I know the only restriction to someone owning a public radio station is to be licensed the owner cant be a convicted felon.

2007-01-31 14:35:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

You have hit the nail on the head and for a change I see someone on here with a real interest in America and what our constitution is really about .
It has been bastardized ever since its conception by those who seek power and control over the masses feeling they know best whats good for America . The only matters that politicians are interested in are those that line their own pockets and the sooner we have election reform the better .
Who represents the people and labor in this nation . I will tell you ! "no one at this time ". We have been lead astray by the leaders of this nation for to long into a police state backed by a military built on the backs and expense of the working people . Now that it has begun to use the rest of the world the same way it did its own people forcing other nations to accept deals with large corporate American company's to mine and export the resources of other nations it no longer needs the people here who it does not employ that being our substantial government contractors and local civilian employees . Our police military teachers and government workers by and large elect politicians and anyone who mentions free speech or comes between a politician and his money is at the mercy of the system . It has the where with all to wage war against the people who are in opposition to the concentration of power into the hands of the few .
Our founding fathers wanted the control of government to rest among the people and it has been lost . Now people can label me anything they want from communist to ultra right wing conservative but anarchist is what I am along with the founding fathers . They believed in allowing communities to govern themselves . So places like San Fransisco can legalize pot an if as Americans we wish to use pot we can move there and provide our services from that local .
To many laws prohibit the freedom of choice our founding fathers intended . Do you think that counties who relied on hemp as a crop where happy with the anti pot laws . Do you think the importers and druggists where happy when cocaine was banned . Alcohol won its battle and was made legal once again .Only because so much crime and murder had occurred because of it . Hundreds of millions of dollars where being traded and a black market opened up so wide spread that it was not enforceable . The pressure on the black community that never was into drugs but saw a chance to make a dollar suffers to this day because of prohibition laws . Not aimed at blacks but enforced on blacks who have little opportunity to escape poverty except by selling drugs .
Our nation is in so deep it will only change if a strong leader comes forth to run this nation and lead the people out of oppression and poverty derived from a massive government build up .
This will only happen when we begin to restore individual rights that we have taken from the people and begin the real programs that provide homes and health care for all .
We have the ability just not the motivation . After all Governor O'Malley is but one of many people who use power to stop their detractors from pointing out the truth .
The truth and honesty are a rare commodity these days . Thats a sad comment on our society .

2007-01-31 14:37:17 · answer #5 · answered by -----JAFO---- 4 · 2 1

The liberal biased enabling media is the problem.

They refuse to cover negative news about liberal bedwetting moonbats and refuse to cover positive news about conservatives.

Liberals are unable to win in the market place of ideas. Liberals can't win or be successful without having to cheat.

Liberals want to shut down free speech that the internet and talk radio provide.

Liberals are the new fascists.

Liberals suffer from Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Its real and it's incurable.

When stricken with this incurable disease, liberals minds warp into anti-American terrorist supporting mean spirited bigoted hunks of quivering flesh with an appetite to appear in front of a camera somewhere.

Liberals would gladly sacrifice millions of lives abroad and here at home in they derranged attempt to discredit President Bush.

2007-01-31 19:51:23 · answer #6 · answered by Feelsgood 2 · 1 1

So the only connection here is that he knows who his critics are, big deal.

The rest is nothing more than a conspiracy theory and a publicity stunt in an attempt to extort 88.9 million dollars from the government and ultimately the taxpayer.

Edit - He said, she said, it is hearsay BS. Just because he requested tapes of the broadcast does not mean anything. Is there any documentation for the threat of withholding funds? I didn't think so.

Put your tinfoil hat back on!

2007-01-31 14:14:37 · answer #7 · answered by sprcpt 6 · 3 1

simple! when ones ego is threatened, whether they are democrat or republican, they will go to extreme measures to shut up the critics! what this governor did needs to be challenged in court and decided by judges who will decide if the governor violated that mans constitutional rights to freedom of expression and speech! just because one is democrat or republican does not matter if that person is corrupt! we put labels on these politicians and expect them to act certain ways but in many cases, they are simply greedy, egotistical, power mad paople who cannot handle criticism about their policies! in my opinion, if a person who has this power is proven to have lied to the public about anything, that person needs to be removed from public office permanetely and not be allowed to serve in public office again! sadly, if this wewre upheld, the nthe entire congress, and that jerk, GEORGE BUSH, AS WELL AS RICE AND CHENEY, WOULD ALL BE REMOVED BECAUSE THERE IS NO DOUBT THEY ARE LEADING THIS COUNTRY DOWN THE WRONG PATH!!! you must be naive and blind to not see that, no amtter what so-called LABEL!! one has, whether it is democrat or republican! personally, rejected both parties and am independent and will vote my concious for the best person who can do the job! not someone with billions of dollars in thier coffers!! people in this nation better wake up! ameerica is in big trouble! the rest of the world hatse us and will take advantage of our stupidity one day!! thanks to onel george bush! egomaniac!!

2007-01-31 14:22:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You think this compares to what Bush is doing! The feds continually threaten to cut off funding if the states don't violate someones rights!

What you describe happens every single day in this country, you think it is just Democrats? Just take a look at the Plame case and how many are going to fall on the sword for Bush!

2007-01-31 14:17:43 · answer #9 · answered by cantcu 7 · 2 2


2007-01-31 14:13:08 · answer #10 · answered by ·~*¤®§(*§ § 1 · 0 4

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