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I am always hearing stories, or reading these questions about unhappy marriages and losing the love for your spouse.

I am 23 and my boyfriend is 24, we met in college and have been dating for 2 years. I know many people say this, but for me it is absolutely true, that he is my best friend. We talk about anything and everything, I can rely on him and count on him for anything. He is attentive and sweet and charming, he even cooks dinner, takes out the trash and cleans house!!

My question is, we are talking more and more about marriage and I am thinking (hoping!) that the question will be asked soon! But after reading all these horror stories, and having his own brother going through a divorce, we are both scared. I understand things change over the years, but what are some ways that you have kept your marriage strong? And do you think its possible in this day and age for a young couple to make it?

2007-01-31 05:16:31 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

also, we have moved out of state together, away from family and friends. Both are working great jobs and have our own apartment (I don't want a house until we are married) So a lot of the 'adjusting to living together' things have already been worked out...

a couple fights over laundry and everythings been smooth sailing-haha

2007-01-31 05:28:57 · update #1

27 answers

Yes, I do think it is possible for a young couple in this day and age to make it. It just takes determination, love (the commitment type, not the "feeling" type), and the ability to forgive and forget. My parents taught me this when I was a young boy. They certainly have earned the right to tell me how to have a good marriage: they've been married 31 years. When they met, Mom was engaged to a creep, and Dad was in the Navy. Mom would see dad behind this guy's back. Well, one weekend when Dad was home on leave, Mom told Dad something terrible: she was pregnant by the other guy. Right then and there, Dad proposed to her, because he could not bear to see Mom live such a sad, hard life. They were married before my oldest brother was even born. Thirty one years and three boys later, we are the happiest family on the street, and Mom and Dad are more in love than ever. Both sets of grandparents were also married for over 50 years, and even further up the line, 60 years.

Yes, it's possible to stick it out, despite what everyone says. Good luck to you both, and I wish you a long, happy, healthy marriage. I know you can do it!

God bless.

2007-01-31 05:24:59 · answer #1 · answered by Paul T 4 · 3 1

Happy Marriage Stories

2016-12-17 14:42:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2016-12-20 15:00:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My husband and I are today celebrating 9 years of knowing each other today (it's also the birthday of both of our maternal grandmothers). We have had a long and magical relationship. We were engaged within 2 weeks of meeting each other and moved in 4 or 6 weeks after that. We had our own private marriage ceremony over the summer - we incorporated our business on the same day and picked a day that would work for the public wedding the following year. We now have 2 small children and moved across country together. We work from home together in complimentary professions and even home school our kids together.

I was 30 and he 33 when we met. I firmly believe that the human animal does not fully mature until age 28-32. It is at that time in life when we really know ourselves and have a clearer idea of what we want to do with our lives.

Having said that, I know lots of people who married younger and are still going strong. When you get to a point in your life where breaking up is just not an option - you will even consider it - then you know that you are committed enough to a relationship to try for the long haul. I have only had 2 such relationships - my husband and a man I dated in my mid 20's (we lasted 2 years, but ultimately realized that we had very different plans and timetables for our lives and broke up).

That's all I can really say - except that thoughts become things. I met my husband after making a list of all the characteristics I wanted in a man. Out of about 50 qualities, there are only 3 that this man does not possess (and that is for the better in the end). If you are in a relationship and you dwell on the failures of others, you will be attracting failure to yourself. So live, love and be happy!


2007-01-31 05:33:22 · answer #4 · answered by carole 7 · 2 0

Don't believe everything you hear on this site.Some people are just blowing off steam.Young couples can make it these days.You just have to be committed not just to each other has people but also to your relationship.If you two have been living together for any amount of time you already made it over a big hurdle.The adjustment to living with someone else.Having disagreements in a relationship is normal.Just don't blow things out of proportion.Don't make a federal case out of little things.Don't let you pride get into your arguments.A lot of fights get out of hand because someone involved doesn't like to be wrong and will go to any measures to be right.There is no room in a marriage for foolish pride.I can't speak for any other couple but one of the keys to my hubby and I being so happily married for so long is we have kept our friendship it is always first.We have been together 17 years since I was 17 and he was 20 and we have been married for 15 years and we are still happy.Good luck I hope you have a long happy life together.

2007-01-31 07:48:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If you go into marriage thinking life will be a bed of roses then your in for trouble because if you have ever picked a rose you know there is always a thorn somewhere on it.

Kids today have a better chance of a longer marriage than their parents. Back in the 60's with free love and drugs, morals got all turned around women decided they could do everything a man could do...BETTER! We no longer fear being left behind or left out, abusive behavior is no longer being tolerated by the females and role reversals are taking place in the home more often then people know about, stay at home Dad's or work from home parents are the new trend. Our eyes are more open to what were once "dirty little secrets" shared by our Mothers generation. When couples unite today, they know first hand how bad it is living in a broken home, being shuttled back and forth between parents and they don't want that life for their children so parents try harder to work on their differences before letting it get out of hand. My daughters are 29 & 32, both are married, and while it is not all wine and roses, they stay because it is worth working out the problems.

2007-01-31 05:33:20 · answer #6 · answered by sassywv 4 · 2 1

This Site Might Help You.

Some long happy marriage stories?..please!!?
I am always hearing stories, or reading these questions about unhappy marriages and losing the love for your spouse.

I am 23 and my boyfriend is 24, we met in college and have been dating for 2 years. I know many people say this, but for me it is absolutely true, that he is my best friend. ...

2015-08-15 07:50:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, I started dating my husband when I was 14 and he was almost 17. We dated for almost 4 years before getting married. We have now been married 8 years this upcoming July. We had our first child in September of 2004, a little girl. I am now pregnant again with our second child due once again in September. He is my soul mate. I have never been happier in my life than with him and my family. I honestly think that it is sad that people are so quick to give up their marriage and get divorced now days. Its very sad that more than 50% of marriages fail. What does that say about our society? I am one of the young couples that have made it. So yes it is very possible. Good Luck!

2007-01-31 05:38:53 · answer #8 · answered by mommasquarepants 4 · 1 0

I was 18 when I married my husband. Much too young for sure. Everyone gave it one year tops. This November it will be 23 years. We have 3 kids, 22, 16 and 11. I would have to say our marriage is far better now than it ever has been. We are best friends. It is quite obvious how much he adores me and how important his family is. The funny thing is, he was such a bad boy when we were young and my parents DID NOT want me to marry him. It takes mutual respect and lots of communication. Make sure you are always going in the same direction. It also takes friendship and a great sense of humor. Pick your battles carefully and do not sweat the small stuff. Life will hand you plenty of obstacles along the way. Do not create your own. Good Luck. Young people have every chance in the world of making it!

2007-01-31 05:26:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1


Yes i can say that marriage can be successful and last today if you want to have it be so.... It is all about communication and dedication to each other and to your marriage... Working together to get through the hard times and loving each other where they are at... Having God as the center of Head of your marriage is key and so is forgiveness of each others faults... We also have to be selfless and not selfish... We need to ask for forgiveness when we are wrong and admit when we are wrong. We need to constantly be working on ourselves to be the spouse we need to be to our husband or wife. We cannot change the other person we have to change ourselves for the better. As a young couple yes you can make it!!!! We have a very strong marriage because of alot of things and the factors I have said above... Marriage is what you make of it and so is life. Honest trust and loyalty are key as well and you have to both respect each other... Another thing do not ever bad mouth your husband or wife to anyone else ever.. If you have a problem with your spouse you need to go to them about it and not others. Praying and supporting each other is key as well and so is loving and accepting your spouse for what they are and not what they are. You treat and love each other the way that you would want them to love and treat you. We have been marred 7 going on 8 years and still very much in love and going strong!!!! I would marry him all over again in a heartbeat and it only seems like a short time being married to him I cannot Believe it has been so long as it does not seem it has been any time at all! He does little things for me throughout the day and calls me just to say hi and that he loves ma and asks me how my day is going.



2007-01-31 05:34:05 · answer #10 · answered by Lady Hewitt 6 · 1 1

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