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I can't believe so many people actually support this bunch of racist thugs. You can't all be that blind to the BNP's real message.

2007-01-31 04:55:26 · 19 answers · asked by jezza 3 in Politics & Government Government

19 answers

Amsterdam makes a very good allusion to Nazi Germany in the 1920's &30's.she left out the bit about the "brownshirts", the nazi thugs of low intelligence and intellect who we are told took great delight in physical attacks on all manner of people whose appearance they did not approve of.Does this sound familiar? You must be aware of the people I refer to as victims of the aggression,then and now.
Replace the brownshirts with BNP candidates and replace the Jewish victims(and others) with Black people or muslims or other ethnicities. The equation does not need Einstein to solve it. Why wont the present government wake up to this dilemma, is it because of the human rights act.
A dictatorial government would not be tolerated by the British public. My conclusion is that we are being hoisted by our own petard.We, as a developed nation do not seem to be able to learn from the mistakes of our predecessors. Ah yes, the question that needed answering , Tempted though I might be to break the habit of a lifetime and vote, I definitely would not vote for BNP. That's them stuffed then!!!!!!!!

2007-02-01 05:49:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I will not be voting for anyone, all politicians are the worst kind of lowlife in my opinion. The BNP like all the other parties are just out for what they can get, they are no different. From looking at the replies, I think that the language from some of the anti BNP camp reflect the intelligence of their argument. A good valid opposition is always far better than abuse, you gain nothing by swearing For instance how many BNP supporters have ever been to one of their meetings, what do they stand for exactly ? Perhaps all the other parties could answer the same question because I can see no difference between any of them.

2016-05-23 23:03:59 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

What happens when people are fed up with the government they have? Usually they make some sort of protest. For the majority of us this means saying such as I'm voting Tory next time. At the moment there is so much dissatisfaction with Blairite Gov.uk that people really want to make a very big protest, so when asked, are likely to say they think they might vote BNP.

Labour have a seriously enormous problem on their hands. They have ignored the white majority in favour of their social experiment to creat a multicultural society and in so doing have rubbed a lot people's feathers up the wrong way.

Lets be absolutely blunt about this. If my local Labour Party wanted to put up a white London cabbie [which we have, by the way] but Labour Party HQ said 'no, you've got to have a black candidate', then few if any of us would vote for that person.

Labour have still not learned their lesson. They tried to force Dobson on London for Mayor when we all wanted Ken, even my Tory neighbours, by the way. Labour got a big smack in the mouth for that. Labour made the same silly mistake in Wales. Result, most Welsh people prefer Plaid Comrey to Labour. Labour is also losing out to SNP in Soctland but not enough to shift them right out of the picture - yet anyway.

The working class of Dagenham have been ignored for years by Labour. They have now fought back and voted for the BNP which now forms the official oppotion on their local council.

The BNP may very well take more seats around the country as more local elections come up. They may even succeed in gaining a seat or two in parliament. Who's fault is this? Why Labour of course.

There's just one thing you never ever should do in England and that is to assume the English do not count or matter any more. They do - watch this space.


See it like this: In Wales we have the Welsh National Party, in Scotland the Scottish National Party. What would you say if the English formed their own English National Party? You'd probably have an apopleptic fit. Well, since there is no English National Party a lot of people may just vote BNP as it stands for British and most especially, British White.

As a Brythonic Celt [Welsh] by race, I am pissed off being sidelined and ignored and told I'm racist and no effin good. I dug your coal made your steel and made this country victorious in war. Don't ever forget it, because if you do I will have my revenge.

Just in case you misunderstood any of the above, let me speak plainly; the Welsh have a hobby, it's called WAR. If Labour want a WAR they're going the right way about having one and about losing it.

2007-02-01 03:18:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I think Amsterdam makes a worthwhile observation. However, the bigger issue is that the UK is in the toilet - at least that's how it looks to this ex-pat in the USA. Yes, there is a fear that the BNP will turn nasty if they get power (or a share of it). I think, though, that the bigger problem is their economic policies are too isolationist. What the BNP will do is give voice to those who are proud to be British. That is not a bad thing. It is also very sad that it should even be necessary.

The poster who commented on Enoch Powell was spot on. We should stop vilifying his so-called "Rivers of Blood" speech and start learning from it. I encourage anyone who has not read it in full to do so.

2007-01-31 22:10:32 · answer #4 · answered by skip 6 · 4 2

It,s because the british people are against racialism they are moving to the bnp, racialism is now working in reverse to the point that we daren,t look the wrong way or are afraid to say anything without the pc brigade waiting to pounce to make what they can of it. Ordinary every day folk have now had enough and the time is fast approaching when the people will look in desperation to the likes of the bnp because the established parties will not listen, or refuse to listen to the indiginous people of these islands.At the rate we are welcoming all and sundry, in the not to distant future Great Britain will be unrecognisable. Enoch warned of it, it,s just a pity he only recognised it when the thousands he and his ilk encouraged to come here to exploit outlived their usefullness i.e. they became off level with the rest of us and could no longer be exploited.

2007-01-31 05:36:57 · answer #5 · answered by osprey 4 · 1 3

Because questions of that kind always attract a disproportionate number of fringe party supporters - they tend to be more vocal about their beliefs, at least in forums where they can't be identified easily.

Incidentally, I do not and would never vote BNP. Down with the fascists!

2007-02-01 06:55:45 · answer #6 · answered by Huh? 7 · 1 2

They say they would vote for the BNP because its their choice! The BNP are a legitimate political party, therefore its not for one or the other to condemn those who choose to vote that way! I am not blind to the BNP, but I'm not blind either to the way this country is going. I'm certainly not blind to this d*mn awful government and the dreadful lies,spin, and more lies,sleaze,you name, goodness they are even under investigation from the police!!! Try looking closer at them!!! The BNP are starting to look pretty tame compared to New Labour!!!!!!!

2007-01-31 05:44:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

I don't think people necessarily want to vote BNP it is just that the people of Britain have been let down by all the other politicians and at the moment have nowhere else in which to turn.

What has happened to our country that we now have bills put through that allow sexual deviants to adopt kids, of all things.

35 years ago Enoch Powell warned us of the outcome in not controlling immigration and he was shouted down by the liberal politicians who were chasing the black vote. Recent events are proving that Enoch was correct and this is only the start, believe me.

This pig's ear of a country now has to embark on a policy of teaching kids how to be British. Now I ask you.

I don't know your age but I suspect you weren't around when Britain was a far better place than it is now.

2007-01-31 11:41:06 · answer #8 · answered by frank S 5 · 5 3

For me the government we have and have had are no longer doing any good for his country - this government is looking after the immigrants better than people who have lived and worked here all their lives. I think this country needs a good shake up - otherwise before long we are going to have a major uprising - the tension in this country is terrible and many people who live in my area and probably many other areas in the UK can also feel it

2007-01-31 05:09:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Because some of what they say is very true they might be rascist but there is a lot of honesty. Britain is falling into a huge multi-cultural society...and its not pretty. Look at some news and you will see a lot of things to do with race. If other cultures werent here and there were just white people perhaps a lot of things wouldnt happen. I arent one of those people who hate everyone who isnt a certain colour but i do disagree with people who more country even British people who move to spain america or wherever I disagree with it. I think the BNP are right in some respects but others i certainly disagree with. And you should have the power to look higher and respect other peoples opinions....especially if you ask for them.

2007-01-31 05:06:03 · answer #10 · answered by Vixz06 4 · 6 4

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