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how can gay christians believe in the bible when the bible it selfs says that homosexuality is sinful

2007-01-31 03:36:40 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

41 answers

I don't know!! How can judgemental people continue to call themselves "Christian" when th eBible tells us not to judge?

2007-01-31 03:41:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 10 2

Well, Being that I am catholic, until the age of 16 was studding to be in the Church, keep a copy of the "Good news" King James Bible (and have since I was 10) around and have actually looked for the reference too homosexuality and never found it, I would say that the bible does not say that.

I know what part you are referencing, but it does not appear in all bibles, so that argument is faulty too begin with.

secondly that part of the "bible" you are implying denounces homosexuality also condemns the eating of shellfish and the wearing of different forms of cloth and actually has some pretty damn stiff punishments for both.

Well i know I wear at least two different types of cloth on a daily basis, and I and a trained chef and love shrimp and Lobster... I guess you better start gathering stones, because according to you I should be put to death because I am committing a sin against god, just like millions of Christians and people of other faiths. Just like some one who is gay.

By the way if you think I am just some liberal "Nut", you should know I am a life long republican (and damn proud of it), from a Military family full of religious republicans and none of us have a problem with Homosexuality.

Religion is a wonderful thing, faith is a wonderful thing and hope that there is something greater than us that will bring rewards the good is a wonderful thing. But blindly following hate disguised as religion when your own religion calls Hate wrong... That's a bad and sad thing.

I hope someday you find the true message of the Bible, I think you will be happier for it.

I know I am.

2007-01-31 04:08:10 · answer #2 · answered by Stone K 6 · 3 0

The Bible consigns us all to being sinners before God. The Bible is therefore a book of redemption, restoring us from wrong standing before our Creator. Tom may be a homosexual, Richard an angry drunk, and Harry a thief. The opportunity for forgiveness through Jesus' personal sacrifice is very literally, in this example, open to every Tom, Dick, or Harry. One person has a hard time telling the truth, but he can become a Christian and might still have a hard time telling the truth. I might have an appetite for women that is harder to contain than being limited to the one woman I am married to--but I can become a Christian and still sometimes struggle with a pretty smile or a body with a pleasing jiggle. Someone else could have a similar appetite but for his fellow man--such a person can still be a Christian.

Consider what you find in Romans 7, "Oh wretched man that I am...what I would I do not, what I would not that I do". But don't forget Romans 8:1, "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus and walk after the spirit and not the flesh." It is a wonderful promise. It is also a hard task. Since I can't walk on water, as Jesus did, please forgive me, and a crowd of others, when we have to take a bridge or boat now and then.

2007-01-31 04:00:45 · answer #3 · answered by Rabbit 7 · 1 1

I am a lesbian, and I am not a Christian. I am not knocking Christianity, but I also do not desire to live as what is written in the scriptures, either. I am not here to convert anyone to my own beliefs, nor do I think it's right for Christians to force their beliefs on others. I don't believe that homosexuality is a sin, and I think that we all get our own meaning of what's in the bible, and we interpret things differently. I believe that the bible was implying that to create human beings, it will take a male and a female to do that. I don't believe that it implies that it's a sin to be homosexual. The bible also talks of having intercourse with children and using women as possessions and how it's a "sin" to mark your body or to be a glutton... If we had to follow the bible, then ALL of these practices would be respected. You don't get to pick and choose from your bible which things to live by, but that is what most Christians do, and they ignore the ones they deem unreasonable. Then, like the hypocrites they are, they accuse the gays of twisting the bible to our liking! Sorry, but nature DOES make gay people gay.

2007-01-31 03:47:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Zero answered your question perfectly.

The biblical text affirms that there is such a thing as homosexuality (thereby disproving those who consider homosexuality to be a passing fad). I believe that Christians who identify as anything other than straight love their God more than the Christian Church. Their God is meant to love everyone regardless whereas the church that (tries to) align themselves with the same God is much more selective.

We could all be looked upon as sinners in someone's eyes. Then again, those that consider others to be sinners are sinners themselves because the Bible says that one person must not judge another. Besides, unless you are having a crisis of faith then why should this affect you? Not trying to be rude there but still...

2007-01-31 04:08:23 · answer #5 · answered by Mooks 3 · 2 0

Bible passages can be contradictory, depending on who's translating them. There are passages that lead some to believe homosexuality is unacceptable, yet there are also passages that lead others to beleive it's ok. There are people among all sexual preferences breaking the ten commandments & they still celebrate Christmas pretty much the same as "Christians" who THINK they are without sin. EVERYone should celebrate the birth of Christ & let God be the judge of their sins, not mankind.

2007-01-31 03:53:02 · answer #6 · answered by SmallVoiceInBigWorld 6 · 1 0

I believe in the Bible. It exists. I don't believe everything the Bible says. The Bible, like most books, is reflective of the time in which it was written. If we followed everything the Bible said, fish would not be eaten on Fridays and women would be possessions.

I believe gay christians look to the Bible as a source of how to live kindly in a world that may not always be there for them. There are always going to be people who use the Bible to "prove" their arguments and say things like "God feels that this is a sin. It says so in the Bible." They are typically the ones who don't have a leg to stand on in an argument.

2007-01-31 03:45:10 · answer #7 · answered by JW 2 · 7 1

zero cool hit it on the head, and so have several other answers. the bible was written by humans, it was selectively altered at times, and it has been translated over and over again that even we are just guessing at the real meanings. besides, christians are people too with their own faults. they focus in on tiny nitpicky points and lose the bigger picture. the bible only mentions homosexuality, indirectly, maybe 3~4 times? yet Jesus Himself mentions on nearly every page of the new testament how we should love eachother and not judge (since we are all sinners). He also says we should give away all of our wealth to the poor, and not spend our time working selfishly for material goods that we don't need to survive (when we could be volunteering for charity). If you're desperate to practice what's supposedly your religion why don't you start with the big stuff first?

2007-01-31 04:04:54 · answer #8 · answered by bleak_kitten 2 · 3 0

how can there be gay Christians when the bible forbids homosexuality?

You mean the same way forbids working or shopping on the sabbath (Sunday shopping), the it forbids the eating of pork, shrimp and other foods, the way it forbids the wearing of mixed cloth, the way it forbids men from masturbating, the way it commands you to beat your wife or children if they mouth off, the way it commands you to stone anyone who breaks the sabbath (see Sunday shopping), I could go on but one hopes you got the point. If not, you never will and as such I would have to say you are a Christian of convenience and selective in your admonishments.

2007-01-31 03:54:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Probably for the same reason there are gay bacon eaters and gay football players. You know, touching the skin of a pig makes you unclean per the Old Testament.

Probably for the same reason there are gay people working on the Sabbath. You know, people who do that are SUPPOSED to be put to death!

Even the most religious folks out there aren't following every last Biblical admonition. Look at all the divorcing going on...oops, we're saving gay people from that by not letting them marry (for the most part).

Now here's one for you. If you claim to be Christian, why are you using your claimed faith to bash people? I seem to recall reading that Jesus was kind of an inclusive guy.

Of course, I'm only a heterosexual atheist. I just hate hypocrisy.

2007-01-31 03:45:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

Well, the bible says in Leviticus 18:22, Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

In Leviticus 20:13, If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

However, the bible says other things that are ignored by christians.

In Deuteronomy 21:18-21, it describes how to handle a stubborn and rebellious son. The men of the neighborhood stone him to death. Not exactly Dr. Spock, now is it?

21:18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:

21:19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;

21:20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.

21:21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

To the people who attribute all this to mistranslation: Does this mean that the bible is capable of having errors?

2007-01-31 03:44:54 · answer #11 · answered by A.Mercer 7 · 3 0

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