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Essentially every politician from both the Republican and Democratic parties agree that global warming is happening, and it's being caused by humans. This includes Bush, who publically admitted this five years ago, and repeated this admission in his most recent state of the union address.

So - where will all the cospiracy theorists who think global warming is a vast plot go? Clearly the Republican party doesn't want them any more, and the Democratic Party never did.

Will they start their own party? What will they call it?

2007-01-31 02:43:39 · 11 answers · asked by Steve 6 in Politics & Government Politics

11 answers

They will call themselves Denial and their slogan will be "Not just a river in Egypt"

2007-01-31 02:47:14 · answer #1 · answered by pip 7 · 1 2

"Essentially every politician from both the Republican and Democratic parties agree that global warming is happening"

Whoa, where'd you get that idea? In some ways, GW is a conspiracy. They talk like tomorrow the world is going to end because of global warming, the Day After Tomorrow was a movie. They exagerate the dangers of global warming to paint this fatalist picture of reality. Global Warming is real, but no one knows how much affect man has had, and what the consequences will be, or even if we are dooming ourselves.

Bush is only talking about global warming because the democrats won congress. Rest assured, if it was the other way around, you wouldn't hear a word about it. Still, we do need to decrease our oil imports and I support the efforts.

2007-01-31 02:50:55 · answer #2 · answered by Pfo 7 · 3 2

Consensus does no longer characterize info. call one valid Sicientific employer that has reported that "worldwide Warming" has been shown to be our (mankinds) fault and easily no longer in basic terms area of the organic climate cycles. clinical Consensus suggested there develop into no such element because of the fact the Mountain or Lowland Gorilla. clinical Consesus suggested the Coelacanths were EXTINCT for over 6 million years until fisherman have been enhance stay specimens clinical Consesus suggested all dinosaurs have been chilly blooded, now that opinion is changing. clinical Consesus suggested that guy might in no way fly, orbit the earth or walk on the moon. Opps technology proved itself incorrect there too. basically curious, if Evolution is a certainty as you declare (i've got yet to hearken to a scientist make that fact) why is it nonetheless called the theory of Evolution ? The notice theory particularly ability that is not any longer a certainty yet.

2016-11-01 23:16:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Steve...what is FACT is that you cannot provide any proof for your BS dribble. GLOBAL WARMING IS NOT BEING CAUSED BY HUMANS!!

Climate change is controlled primarily by cyclical eccentricities in Earth's rotation and orbit, as well as variations in the sun's energy output.

"Greenhouse gases" in Earth's atmosphere also influence Earth's temperature, but in a much smaller way. Human additions to total greenhouse gases play a still smaller role, contributing about 0.2% - 0.3% to Earth's greenhouse effect.

Ever heard of the Holocene Maximum? Of course you haven't! This was the warmest period in history...not today. It occurred about 5000 BC.

2007-01-31 03:59:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Politicians simply say whatever the people want to hear. The truth is the truth, and no amount of Liberal lying will change that.
Here's what Ken Adachi, Editor of the Educate-Yourself.org website has to say about Global Warming:


"Global Warming" is a psychological operation, a "psyops", to condition the public to believe that we are going to be in a lot of trouble in the near future if we don't take steps "X,Y, & Z", and do it quickly. Those "steps" are what the Illuminati want us to follow so they can further consolidate their control over our lives-and still make a ton of money in the process.

Currently, former vice president Al Gore is one of the leading baton twirlers in this parade, but you have a small army of propaganda peddlers out there who are working day and night to "sell" this 'Inconvenient Truth'.

The "Global Warming" promotion campaign is very much in the same propaganda vein as the 'peak oil' campaign, formerly headed up by CIA family alumni Michael Ruppert (who has now fled the country apparently), and discussed at length on our 'Peak Oil' index page.

They keep on pounding at these propaganda themes in order to get you to SUBCONSCIOUSLY accept them as true. That's why these lying jackals continuously employ words like "truth", "true", "honest", "sincere", etc., while they are lying through their teeth to you. Bush, Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Gore, Clinton, etc., do it ALL the time; pathological liars, one and all, of course, but Tavistock-trained pathological liars.

They use television 'documentary' production companies like WGBH in Boston (Nova) or Frontline to manufacture these 'truths'. Their productions are very well done and to the unknowledgeable and naive, they appear VERY convincing and persuasive, but if you had the advantage of a good education and have learned to think on your own, you can discern the carefully crafted distortions and fabrications that they weave into these propaganda productions. Recently, they broadcast a 'documentary' over Public TV called "Building on Ground Zero". It's the second so-called 'documentary' that I've seen on TV that pretends to explain how the World Trade Center towers collapsed. It was one continuous lie from beginning to end. It included wonderful computer graphics and simulations, of course, but it was a fanciful load of horse manure all the same.

Somewhere between the mid 70's and mid 80's, they were continuously hammering away at a similar propaganda theme which claimed that chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as freon, were responsible for creating huge "holes" in the ozone layer. We heard this from 'documentary' productions companies and politicians alike for at least ten years. The story was utterly untrue and was in fact concocted by Tavistock. Big Illuminati chemical companies like Dupont (one of the top 13 Illuminati families) made an awful lot of money selling the expensive substitute chemical which was used to replace the far less costly freon. Of course, you had to replace the freon in every sort of refrigeration and air conditioning system in existence because it was mandated by law. These laws were passed because, after ten years of propaganda hammering, everyone simply KNEW that freon caused the hole in the ozone layer!

I recognize that there is physical evidence of the warming of the polar regions, Alaska, etc. Some people will argue that it's a normal fluctuation cycle that the earth has gove through many times before. My own suspicion is that they are using secret technology to create the atmospheric warming over polar regions. HAARP is an obvious one, but I'm sure there are other secret systems that we know nothing about.

If there is coastal flooding in coming years due to melting ice caps, it won't happen suddenly and give you a tidal wave effect. It will be very gradual and you'll have plenty of time to relocate to higher ground. I wouldn't worry so much. It's mostly hype.

2007-01-31 03:04:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

We're not deniers, just skeptics...

How, again, is GW a conspiracy? I think it's just a coincidence.

Moreover, who cares if the earth gets warmer? If evolution is true, than a major climate event should spur speciation via natural selection, that's your theory, right? Why not welcome a chance to prove it?

Politicians cater to one belief: money equals votes equals power. They'll say whatever it takes to get elected. GW will get my support when "essentially every" climatologist agrees on it, and so far that's not the case.

2007-01-31 02:55:54 · answer #6 · answered by littleman77y 3 · 1 0

Climb back under your rock, Steve. No one denies that global warming is happening, but you can show us NO PROOF that man is the cause. The warming/cooling cycle has been going on for MILLIONS of years, long before man could effect anything.

2007-01-31 02:54:36 · answer #7 · answered by Amer-I-Can 4 · 2 0

Ever notice how when you ask for proof that we cause it, all you get is a smokescreen? Oh well this person believes it, and you're a planet-hating, homophobic denier, and you're just like the tobacco companies, and you must work for Exxon, and you're stupid, etc..... Lot of name-calling, lot of intimidation, still no PROOF.

If it's that simple, if it's that undebatable, you should be able to prove what you say.

2007-01-31 03:01:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Looking at correlational data with a skeptic's lens and applying the scientific method has nothing to do with politics.

The sun has more to do with global warming than the human species, and you should speak to some astrophysicists and astronomers regarding the solar em field, the moving of our northern magnetic pole, the melting of polar caps on mars, and sunspot and solar flare activity.

Having a skeptical mind is scientific. It is tragic that you would assume correlational data alone is solid for scientific merit. it is more tragic that you automatically label skeptics as nut jobs.

2007-01-31 02:53:33 · answer #9 · answered by lundstroms2004 6 · 3 2

The Sheeplitarian Party, and our slogan is "as long as I've got church.who needs a stinking library"

2007-01-31 02:51:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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