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And i m not just talking about conservative societies but also the liberal one

2007-01-31 02:04:56 · 44 answers · asked by tring tring!! 3 in Politics & Government Politics

44 answers

You know sagic wisdom says: Behind every successful man their is a woman,.....oh uh....hold on ,today's chauvanistic society has moulded this doctrine as the other way round!!

Hold on people....its not about a tug-of-war as to which sex is a better one,God created us as dependants on each other,one can't exist without the other,we got well defined roles to play in a society..ah ha! ,now THIS is were we make a mistake,we tend to think that boardrooms are a 'mans front' whereas bedroom is a lady's! We are one sided,come on guys n gals,open yr minds ,both are equally efficient of filling up each others shoes,
its all about our mind.

Then why deter in accepting a woman leader??!!
I guess its the chauvanistic so-called 'male gene' that tends to endeavour ruling the roost.....no matter what. Few men,were this gene is more...what I call dominant 'allele' feel threatened ,intimidated and develop an inferiorty complex if a lady sits on the throne.Its the cliche' that they want always,a man leading a mans world! If the tables turn around, its an armageddon of the sexes!
But not all are like that,only besotted,but many a few!

In a nutshell,its human nature,we are not too comfortable with new trends n changes,we lecture about the need for revolutions,mold breakers etc.............but unfortunately we bar 'a sex change' in politics ourselves.

C'mon people,there is no such thing as a better sex,both are equally pivotal,what we need to do is digest changes!

So, ....do I hear Hillary's supporters cheer in answer?!!

2007-01-31 03:18:57 · answer #1 · answered by cerebral onus 3 · 0 0

Well they should change with times, America is supposed to be one of the most liberated countries in the world as far as women's issues are concerned, so it is about time they did have a woman President. They had a women prime minister of Canada, Kim Campbell, New Zea land has had two female prime ministers, Helen Hunt. Ireland has a woman President and the UK had Mrs Thatcher. Even some Asian countries like India have had a woman in charge and Israel. So it is well time they had a woman president in America. Why they haven't is because we are still living in a sexist world, and woman are admired for their beauty and little else, and men for their achievements and brains. When men can look up to powerful women without feeling frightened and learn to admire powerful women then we will be getting somewhere.
What a sick attitude the person who answered your question called "White Sale" has.

2007-01-31 02:29:26 · answer #2 · answered by mellouckili 3 · 1 0

There are a lot of people in our society that would not have a problem with a woman as president.

Unfortunately there are more that do have a problem with it. There are still people in our society that think that women belong in the house cooking. It is sad but it is true.

Yes we are in the 21st century but take a look at who actually votes these days. It is more likely that people in their 30's and up are going to vote versus people in their teens and 20's. The voters that are in their 30's and up still remember the society where women mostly stayed home and did not go into the work force. Just recently (the last two decades) did more and more women start entering the workforce as competition to the men for their jobs.

If you took a poll of people walking down the street how many of them would even know who was possibly going to run for president? Have you ever seen Jay Walking with Jay Leno? He has actually encountered people who couldn't even recognize the picture of our VICE PRESIDENT. I mean come on.

There are a lot of our younger generation that don't even vote because there wasn't enough emphasis on politics in their home environment. I know that a lot of the news is bad on news station but you still need to know what is going on in the world.

Sorry I got a little carried away.

2007-01-31 02:25:45 · answer #3 · answered by cmssko 5 · 0 0

Because people are afraid of change. They are afraid that a woman would make smarter decisions than any man that has ever ran for President. Sometimes we all need a little change, and I think if the right woman comes along, then they can lead this country called United States of America into something great.

George Bush is an idiot, he caused nothing but problems for this Country. All I know, is that once he gets out of office, things will be looking up for this country. Im not a big fan of Hillary Clinton, but I bet she would do a better job at being President then George Bush.

2007-01-31 02:17:53 · answer #4 · answered by Fantasy686 4 · 1 1

The fact that we've never had one plays a part in that concern. My concern is Hillary herself. This women has displayed herself publicly as a trash talking, vindictive bit ch! Oh, she's been on her best behavior lately, but that could be because slick Willie is being more discreet with his extra marital escapades.

I have no objection to a women president, but frankly, I have not seen the ideal candidate surface. Clinton, Rice, Boxer, Pelosi, are not my ideal as a candidate, but then again, the guys haven't brought one to the table that makes much sense, either. Well, maybe Giuliani!

2007-01-31 02:19:24 · answer #5 · answered by briang731/ bvincent 6 · 0 0

No no no! You are missing the point!

England, even from the Stone Age, has had no trouble having women as leaders.

It is not the question of gender, but the ability to perform the duties.

If a woman was running for president and if I am convinced that she will do her job right, then she will get my vote.

2007-01-31 02:18:30 · answer #6 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

Margret Thatcher was a capable woman. America doesn't have any of these in the political Field at the moment. Furthermore, why do we make such a deal out of it anyway. So what if it take another 300 year before we see a black or female president. I liked Allen Keys a lot myself.

2007-01-31 02:16:45 · answer #7 · answered by sean e 4 · 2 0

It is not hard to accept.......
I'm Irish, and our last 2 presidents have been "Mary's".
They are better at politics, men are better at war.
Mary Robinson our former President became High Commissioner for Human Rights for the U.N. when she completed 7 years as President.
So people shouldn't think it's inappropriate or in-acceptable

2007-01-31 02:18:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Whatever You say , our human community is dominated by Male since ages becoz of its own heredity...In ancient times Male is the one who goes into dark forests to get food and livelyhood for his family...the Female is meant for reproduction,entertainment, family care...etc., So even developed states boasts of liberalisation and equality for women, but it is not so when it comes to Power or ruling ....Nothing to bother about it...each one has its own capabilities in thier own domain...Can a male can withstand labour pains/periods,emotional stablity ..?? Not at all as proved in famous Psychological surveys recently by Top universities in the World...there are exception due to inherritance rights like late Mrs.Indira Gandhi,Mrs.Sonia ji,MsBenazair Bhutto, Ms.Bhander Nayake,....but truly speaking there are good and honest Male administrators (like Late Mr.PV Narasimha Rao,Mr.Chandra Babu Naidu,Mr.Seshan,Mr.Vergheese Kurien,Dr.Sam Pitroda,Dr.Swami Nathan,Dr.Bill Gates,Dr.Nelson Mandela,....etc.,)as compare to those Power hungry Women leaders (??)...So be open to the world and pl face the situation as it comes ...neither U nor me can change this world politics.Jai India !

2007-01-31 17:58:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Many nations have had female heads of state. Israel, India and England just to mention a few. The US seems to have a problem viewing a woman as equal in abilities to a man. For the life of me I can't understand it. However, I believe the biggest problem people have of Senator Clinton is that she is viewed as a liberal. The funny thing is if people would forget the rhetoric and take thetime to look at her voting record they would see she is far from liberal. She is as moderate as they come.

2007-01-31 02:14:30 · answer #10 · answered by toff 6 · 1 3

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