Israel should give the Palestinians their land so that there will be no more anti-Jew and anti-American terrorism.
2007-01-30 17:47:23
answer #1
answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7
One could also ask if it would be better for the world if all the Arabs disappeared. In answer to your question, no the world would not be better off. If Israel vanished, that would leave a power vaccuum in the region. Arabs from all over would rush to occupy the land previously held by Israel. Hatred of Israel has been the one unifying factor among Arab nations since 1948. With that gone, we would see a hundred Iran-Iraq wars. Arab countries seem to hate each other until they have someone else to hate in common. The US would likely fill that role nicely though I doubt we'd have all the conflicts the Arabs and Israelis had over the years. Most likely, we'd have to deal with a never ending parade of terrorists. What a cheery thought.
2007-01-31 01:54:53
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No. Israel has the best hospital's, technology,medicine,etc in the world. We'd be in big trouble without their gracious help. We'd be better off if the terrorists would disappear.
2007-02-02 12:39:28
answer #3
answered by 14 4
I would prefer the anti-semites disappearing, but, judging by some of these answers, it would be a lonely planet...
If your questions means the State of Israel disappearing, with the land being under the exclusive control of the Palestinians, just read the world news about the conflict between Fatah and Hamas, for control of the Palestinian government. Like the Sunnis, Kurds, Shiites and other groups vying for control of Iraq, the Palestinian groups are just as brutal against each other, as they are against Israel.
Thus, in answering your question, I believe that there would still be fighting in the Middle East; but as civil wars, as opposed to war against Israel.
Besides, without Israel's presence in the Middle East, The U.S. would not have a reliable (I know I am biased; I just accept it) ally in the Middle East area.
Concerning the person's response that the Jews should not have Israel, but should be given Antartica: Marie Antoinette lost her head for saying something less benign...
2007-01-31 05:55:27
answer #4
answered by MenifeeManiac 7
Wow, ballsy question... I dont think that Israel should disappear, but, I do think that the US should stop pumping so much $$ into that country, enabling us to play an even hand in any peace process... I also think that Israel needs to recognize it's borders, allow a right of return (after all, they threw Palestinians out of their homes, but allow any Jew to return to Israel), get rid of their nukes, and share Jerusalem.... lastly, the US must stop with it's blind support of the nation, take a look at the number of UN resolutions that Israel does not recognize or has broken, and how many times the US has vetoed... 100%. When the most powerful nation in the world blindly supports anything/anyone, they gain power and arrogance, which is where Israel is now....
2007-01-31 02:46:26
answer #5
answered by Marat's Maiden 3
Wow, you sure are gunning for some hate, aren't you? But seriously, the only reason that they are there in the first place is the US and Britain gave them that land after WWII. The only reason the Allies wanted to give them their own country there is they needed a friend in that region to help in securing all that oil they found. Don't give me the bible said so answer either. They could not have cared less about that. If they really had cared about the Jews in the first place, they would have gone in and stopped the Holocaust, which they knew was happening lllloooonnnggg before they put it under the spotlight it deserved. It just gave them good PR, unfortunately. So, unfortunately, I think the answer is yes. Or at least reduce their power and support they get from us in the region to stop all the violence that their presence causes by them being there.
Oh, and the guys you gave me their thumbs down don't crack a history book that much, do they? Quit believing propaganda by right wing nuts jobs who say these things just because it's good way to line their pockets with money from other right wingers whose kind of thinking has been used as been used against Muslims since the time of the Crusades. Dummies.
2007-01-31 02:01:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It doesn't matter what Israel gives Palestine. Don't you get it? They want the Jews dead. Would it be better if Palestine disappeared? It can go both ways idiot.
2007-01-31 01:51:31
answer #7
answered by nomadder 4
No, not at all. what would be better for the world is if Democrats disappeared.
2007-01-31 09:48:51
answer #8
answered by 1gdg2 1
Ignorant! If you pay more effort in researching, studying in books, you will realize that, after Israel gone, US will become next target! We must keep our allies since they help us to survive. Tough life is better than death.
2007-01-31 02:17:22
answer #9
answered by holyfire 4
Israel is the U.S only wedge/pokerhand in the mideast. it`s disspearance wouldn`t make things better. Mideast ppl are combative by nature.
2007-01-31 08:25:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Absolutely not,but I know it would be better for the world if anti Semites disappeared.
2007-01-31 01:51:30
answer #11
answered by yupchagee 7