yes may be . the carbon and water -in form of ice is there . there is possibility of life .it will be expensive.
2007-01-30 17:49:12
answer #1
answered by ramila p 3
It is quite difficult to survive on Mars as yet
It could become possible for us to inhabit Mars but that will take more than 100 years
The main reason why we cannot inhabit Mars is that there is no atmosphere there...this makes us prone to the harmful radiations emitted from the sun which can kill any living organism that it encounters
On Earth...the ozone layer protects us from these rays but on Mars..there is no such layer so we eill have to live underground at all times and if we want to come out on the surface...we will need to wear protective gear that cost a fortune
To live on Mars we need to live in oxygen chambers that are too expensive to make and it is too difficult to manufature oxygen in such chambers
Moreover the gravity on Mars being less than that on Earth....if humans will live there...they may suffer from bone thinning and die
So unless we come up with solutions to these is highly difficult for us to inhabit Mars and make it into a living planet
2007-01-30 18:46:40
answer #2
answered by Aamil 2
There is a famous quotation in English. The quotation is MAN CAME FROM MARS. Man has come from Mars and due to Global Warming and if major destruction of this World takes place then people maybe skyrocketted to Mars within a few hours!!!
Natural calamity can do this kind of effects!!! It is beyond Science!!! Maybe we may go along with our houses/buildings!!!
It is like going on a SPACE CRAFT. Nothing will be known as we sleep inside our bedroom we could be in Mars. God only knows. It is just beyond Science. Scientists may fail with many inventions but my LOGIC will happen as iit is. It is God's gift of knowledge beyond SCIENCE I possess.
2007-02-02 03:03:00
answer #3
answered by Indian wizard 2
scientists used to think that Mars may support life buut it has now been proved that life cannot exist there,atleast not anymore.
this is because first of all there is very less oxygen there.Plus, the ice in the poles is not water it is dry ice which means it is not made up of oxygen but is frozen carbon dioxide.the dark patches which was believed to be vegetation was actuall shadows of rocks or deep pits.but many years ago the are evidences that life existed there by seeing river marks and other such proofs.but life does not exist there anymore.
2007-01-31 17:35:20
answer #4
answered by Heady 3
We cannot live in mars as there is a lot of carbon dioxide and other gases.There is no oxygen and ozone layer.Carbon dioxide forms a layer as it becomes as greenhouse effect.So the planet becomes hot.Maybe we can live on mars in the future after scientists discover protective suits
2007-01-30 19:39:16
answer #5
answered by Tejus PM 2
yes ,
mars can be the next living planet . just it lacks some heat ...
as it contains lots of water in the form of ice & lots of carbon which is sufficirnt to start a new life there .. what all we need is to
release some heat on mars so that that ice can start melting..
if u hav any queries abt it just send me a mail at
2007-01-30 17:38:32
answer #6
answered by ROMIL 1
The planet lacks alot of the necessary things to support life. Such as an atmosphere, oxygen supply or food source. All these things and more would have to be created for humans to live there and I just don't see it happening. Not in this lifetime anyways.
2007-01-30 23:14:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Probably yes! But moon holds stronger possibility due to its closeness to earth. But mars has an atmosphere of its own and gravity as that of Earth so may be it'll be our next earth
2007-01-30 17:42:56
answer #8
answered by coollovablechap 1
Looking at present scenario it is possible but cost of living would be too high and risky ,probably if we discover new sources of energy & technology.. remember Arnold's "TOTAL RECALL"
2007-01-30 17:43:21
answer #9
answered by sultan 4
Yes, so possible. I love to live on Mars.
2007-01-30 21:57:54
answer #10
answered by Qyn 5