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18 answers

because our society has this idea that this is the only way to get a guy to marry you is to withhold sex until he's "trapped." the reason it originated was to control women's sexuality (men were never held to this standard with anywhere near the same intensity), but this is the reason it has stuck. it's very cynical and degrading to both sexes.

there is the religious argument, but religion can be used to justify almost anything, and it has been throughout history. the trick is figuring out why people continue to use it to push for a certain agenda.

2007-01-30 16:29:38 · answer #1 · answered by scruffy 4 · 0 3

Actually, most people in Europe, the United States, and Canada do not think this. In fact, the number of couples in the US cohabitating is greater than the number of married couples.

Many religions do speak out against sex before marriage, but keep in mind that most religions are also thousands of years old. They arose at times when reliable birth control was not available. Encouraging people to wait until after marriage was one way to make sure that children were born to people with the resources to raise them. Being a single mom may be doable now, but it was a *lot* more challenging hundreds of years ago.

2007-01-31 00:05:29 · answer #2 · answered by JD 2 · 3 1

Well Marriage has a religious connotation and you're not supposed to have sex before marriage if you are a member of Judaism, Christianity or Islam. Since most of the world is one of those three you can figure the rest out.

2007-01-31 00:15:34 · answer #3 · answered by collegedebt 3 · 0 1

The reason alot of people believe in sex after marriage is because it is still quite common. What has changed is that there are people out there whom make a decision to have sex before marriage because they full completely at ease with the partner their with and people are also living together as well before marriage too. There will always be people out there that think it is wrong, it like anything in this world, people are always going to disagree, but they shouldn't prevent someone doing what they believe is right. Because in the end we all make our own decisions and you only hold yourself accountable no one else.

2007-01-30 23:54:16 · answer #4 · answered by downundergirl2002 2 · 1 2

I don't want to upset you or anything, but why are asking this in the LGBT section? I appolgize if I have upset you. Please read my whole answer.

But to try to answer your question, I don't think most (or alot) people think like this anymore. I think some people think sex before marriage is just taboo or afraid it will jinx the marriage or worse it makes them a sinner (but we are all sinners to a certain degree). It may also be because they feel its wrong to know what their respective partner is like before the honeymoon. If its bad, then why should I marry him or her. I guess there is other reasons for it as well, but thats what I think it is more or less in my opinion.

2007-01-31 00:27:06 · answer #5 · answered by artistguy 3 · 0 1

1) The Bible says so, and religious people follow it, and non-religious people unconsciously adopt similar morals.

2) Traditionally, it's always been seen as such.

3) Most people abuse it. People who aren't committed to one another have sex and their relationships sometimes fail, teen girls get pregnant, STD's run rampant, etc., etc.. Basically, for someone who treats sex before marriage the way it should be treated- respectfully, completely understanding what sex really entails- then it's fine, even if something I don't advise doing. But the majority of people seem to screw it up.

4) If we assume marriage is about love, and sex is an expression of love, then waiting to get married is seen as the ultimate way of showing your love, faith, and commitment in your partner . . . you aren't just treating them like a piece of meat for sex.

5) Anxious parents and friends worry about the concept of "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"

Those are just some of the reasons. Hope that helps!

2007-01-31 00:56:56 · answer #6 · answered by cando_86 4 · 1 2

It's the bible thingy. I don't believe it's wrong. If two people are in agreement on having sex whether married or not, it is their choice and isn't wrong by any means. Not everyone's gonna get married anyways cos marriage itself is a choice, and doesn't mean that two unmarried people, straight or gay, can't have consensual sex.

2007-01-31 03:05:53 · answer #7 · answered by xander 5 · 1 1

Sex after marriage can be wrong too!

2007-01-31 00:02:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

When married people cheat on their spouse it is called "Adultery."
When unmarried people have sex, it's called "Fornication."
St. Paul in his New Testament Letters includes fornication in a long list of sins.
Classic Protestant belief - sola scriptura (by scripture alone).
Bottom line, it is condemned in the New Testament.

2007-01-31 01:01:34 · answer #9 · answered by kwtk 2 · 1 1

Religion...but it is wrong i think. Im not religious i just think you should save yourself for the one person you love. PLus their is STI's and stuff. If you save your self for that person you have a clean slate and its SPECIAL...like it should be.
I don't really plan on saving myself although i would like too. I wouldnt call it wrong...but i dont think your virginity is something that should just be wasted.

2007-01-31 04:18:29 · answer #10 · answered by Jungle Luv 5 · 1 2

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