Stick with what you believe and blow off any other person that says other wise.
2007-01-30 12:52:51
answer #1
answered by zen522 7
Well honey first of all stop listening to all the negativity. Don't read the hate mail. If you are ugly face it and do something about it go and get a makeover, excercise learn how to do your hair makeup or whatever. Get your education be smart and interesting, that will boost your confidence get in front of a different audience. And dont carry this to them start over with who you are inside not outside. Of course you cannot laugh it off it is not funny so reinvent yourself ok.
2007-01-30 20:55:59
answer #2
answered by Ms. Moxie 1
If you are getting hate mail from Y! Answers users - it may be because they just can't accept an opinion different from their own and in their pettiness, just can't keep themselves from sending ugly emails to you. I myself have been called a Self-righteous B**** just today by a user who didn't like that I wasn't all for finding an easier way for an ex-con to find a job. Don't allow the people on here to get to you that way. Thier ugliness and hatefulness is a reflection of their small minds.
Focus on the people in your life who are real, family, friends and such. If they're the ones sending you hatemail, I don't really know what to tell you.
2007-01-30 20:54:56
answer #3
answered by Marvelissa 4
Of course it affects you sweetheart. Remember that people who prey on other peoples insecurities are miserable lonely souls themselves. Surround yourself with positive people. People who may share the same interests, excel at what you're good at and watch the respect come from that. If you have deep seeded hurt in your heart, contact a therapist. United Way is wonderful. Don't be ashamed of who you are. You should always love yourself first, you're not a loser, just a little lost soul. God bless you on your journey to inner peace, that's where real beauty lives.
2007-01-30 21:02:46
answer #4
answered by #1 saints fan 2
Disregard the hate mail garbage. In fact, it should boost your confidence even more because somebody is either jealous of you or feels threatened by your competence or simply by how you carry yourself.
Keep up the good work.
2007-01-30 21:14:55
answer #5
answered by soulguy85 6
ignore the email - what the heck is email? if they have something to say they should say it to your face... however they themselves have an inferiority complex if they have to mask it with email.
so ignore the email, and ignore those words - especially if they can't say it to your face, it's kind of sad.
as to boost it, not sure. laughing doesn't help unless there's something to laugh at. for now ignore what other's say. find a hobby your good in. and perferably better than everyone else at.
2007-01-30 20:54:29
answer #6
answered by mike s 6
you should never doubt your self. People just say these comments because their unhappy with their self and feel like making fun of someone to boost their confidence....ive been in this position but i dont let it get to me because i am me and cant ever change that....they will just have to deal with it.... ..just keep that in mind.....! :)
2007-01-30 20:55:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
People that write hate mail have more problems than you could ever have. Just remember there is Karma for those people.
2007-01-30 20:53:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Just ignore what people say about you, most likely they are just jealous of you, and so they make their confidence higher by making others feel bad about themselves. Just remember to love yourself for who you are, and others will begin to do the same.
Also stick yourself around people who only make you feel good about yourself, and stay clear of people who make you feel crummy.
2007-01-30 20:52:50
answer #9
answered by Rocker Chick 4
hate mail? what? well, no offense but since you havent given much information (i generaly need some kind of specifics to give a good answer) all i can remind you of is this cute little saying. people who take it to heart, generaly have better outlooks on life and themselves. "STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES BUT WORDS WILL NEVER HURT ME!"
2007-01-30 20:54:06
answer #10
answered by shutgstr1 3
No easy way to face it but you MUST LOVE AND RESPECT YOURSELF!
yeah yeah, joking aside, you simply must accept yourself for who you are. Once you can love yourself, then you'll start treating yourself better. You will not let anyone else treat you badly (ie. an abusive relationship).
And probably more importantly, once you love and respect yourself, you will be able to let someone else love you too.
2007-01-30 20:57:31
answer #11
answered by lane447423 1