Serious Answer:
1. Take the Date off the pictures!!! Looks like your house has been on the market since 2005. So your house would of been on Market for TWO YEARS. This very BAD NEWS.
2. Borrow someones camera and get pictures with a 5 meg or more. They come out clear and will not blur when you blow them up.
3. Take out the Tree in front of the house. The middle one. Its young tree and takes away from the face of the house. Also cut back the big tree on the left away from the house.
4. Go to neutral color's. Boring but hey the $10 paint will save you in the long run. Remember you don't want to live there anymore so who care's if its boring.
5. Tell the New Home Owner you will throw in a Flat Screen TV. Who cares what size people like Free TVs. Yeah too much Marketing but they do.
Hope these tip's help
2007-01-30 16:02:31
answer #1
answered by 4
Marketing, Marketing, Marketing!! You must 1st figure out who you are selling to, then market. If you are serious about selling fast. Advertise "No payments for 6 Months". Of course this means for full price offer. Payments @ 175K for 30 years @ 7%=$1,164.28. Take that number times 6 = 6985.68. So when they ask, you say, do you have closing costs? If not you pay for their closing costs and a couple of pizzas. I've tried a plasma TV but didnt get the same response as 6 months no payments thing. Also, consider a lease option. Advertise owner will finance. Get creative! Offer up a trip to Disney or a Cruise. Its a slow market so don't do what everybody else does. You can always sit around a cry like the rest of the "sky is falling" idiots. Also, when do think the best time to buy is? When everybody else is selling! Wanna know when the best time to sell is? You guessed it, when everybody is wanting to buy. Don't be a in a heard of sheeople, be the sheeople hearder!
2007-01-30 21:34:25
answer #2
answered by outwest 2
I've got a friend who owns a real estate company in Florida. He owns 100s of rental units personally and has 50+ agents.
I asked him what the number one reason that a home does not sell and his answer was very simple (I was NOT expecting simple).
"One word, PRICE!"
At first, I wanted to dismiss this remark as too simplistic. However, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. If your house were listed for $1 (yes one dollar) do you think it would sell tomorrow? Well, just keep increasing by a dollar and soon (well maybe more than a dollar at a time, but you get the picture) there will come a time when the offers would greatly slow down or decline.
Set the price right and it will sell quickly. If you want/need more than a quick sale price - the balancing act of that is up to you and your Realtor (if you have one).
Best of Luck!
2007-01-30 19:55:59
answer #3
answered by Joe K 3
There are many reasons a house will not sell immediately. I can tell you this is not the time for people to move, usually during the summer when kids are out of school, plus the housing market has slowed down dramatically over the last year.
Your house is beautiful....I don't know how the houses are priced in IN, but here in TX there is no way I would be 175,000 for only 2010 square feet. My house is 2356 and I paid much less, although....your house has many beautiful qualities. I wish I could help, but I cant think of anything other than the price compared to the market value in your neighborhood. I wish you luck!
2007-01-30 19:52:25
answer #4
answered by Lisa S 1
Well, there is a housing bubble that hasn't quite leveled off yet.
Look, if I'm gonna sink a few hundred thousand into a home, it better not have a purple bath. That's just screaming for home renovations that I can't afford at this time, and it's a ghastly color for a bathroom!
See if there's anything else about the inside or outside of your house that needs to be changed. See if your neighbor's houses are selling.
2007-01-30 20:11:06
answer #5
answered by SloBoMo 5
I have to tell you, I am a real estate agent in Western New York State. Your house in my area would sell almost immediately! Number one, you have such low taxes! Property taxes here would run you between $5000 and $7000 per/year! Not kidding! New York state is unbelievable with the taxes! What does your realtor say? Is your house priced high for your area? Is it in a desirable area? It is a buyers market, but proper marketing should sell this house in no time. Is your realtor advertising it? Open houses? Try to stay patient, give it a few more weeks. Push your realtor to work for you! She should be doing some real pushing and advertising at this point! Good luck!
2007-01-30 20:08:17
answer #6
answered by Katie Rose 2
Too many pictures, if buyers can see all of that on your site why bother taking the time to come to the house. Don't mean to be rude but what is up with your color scheme? Dark colors like the purple bathroom and dark red stairwell might be dealbreakers. Cut back on the pics and drop the price if you can afford too. Personally I would spend a few hundred bucks and get someone in there with a paint roller.
2007-01-30 19:51:12
answer #7
answered by ebosgramma 5
Depending on where the house is located, it may be due to the slump in the housing market that is very soon going to turn into a dive. Many people have refinanced themselves right out of the ability to pay for their inflated mortgage. Many people took creative mortgages where the rates changed and now they cannot pay. Most people that can buy a house already have one. I live in one of the fastest growing cities in America , and we too are having a housing slump for the above cited reasons.
Try increasing your house's curb appeal. Burn cinnamon apple spice candles when showing the house, it gives people a homey feeling and subliminally makes them think of the house as a home. Good Luck.
2007-01-30 19:47:41
answer #8
answered by Rosebudd 5
regardless of how you feel about it you Must invest in some beige paint and paint the house get rid of the red and purple rooms. try watching the show on HGTV Designed to Sell they ussually take about $1000 and totally change the look of the house so buyers would be interested.
2007-01-30 19:48:26
answer #9
answered by angrycroak555 3
Wow, well I think your house is very beautiful, the only reason I can thing of is, that you should paint those bright colors in the Red kitchen, and purple bathroom to more neutral colors. Other than that I think your house is great.
2007-01-30 19:46:46
answer #10
answered by Rocker Chick 4