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do you always feel like you're on top of the class? i do... i want to send my portfolio to Chanel to see if i can be the new chanel face, how do i find a contact address where i can try out and stuff like that? or even a number??

2007-01-30 10:27:00 · 1 answers · asked by la virgen 2 in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

1 answers

you can't just send your picture directly to Chanel as a model. First you have to have a good agent and then if Chanel is hiring and if they are looking for someone your style then your agency can submit your picture to them for review but even then you may not get anything. It is best to get an agent first. If you go to models.com and create a free account you can submit your pictures to agencies all over the US and Europe and if they like you they may sign you.

2007-01-30 10:36:33 · answer #1 · answered by questions 1 · 0 0

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