You have chosen a very difficult field to get into. There are many scams and they will take your money. Check out any agency with the Better Business Bureau to make sure they are reputable. The chances are slim that she will be accepted. Encourage her to get into a profession that values her mind, not her face or body.
2007-01-30 09:56:07
answer #1
answered by notyou311 7
The first thing you gotta do is calm down, dude...
Second thing you gotta do is get pictures and make a professional portfolio. Modeling agencies will not take you seriously if you don't have a portfolio. A modeling resume is also good...Was your daughter in any plays in school? Talent shows? GOOD...if she was, create a resume for her. If she's still in school, GET her to do stuff in school that will put her out in the spotlight. Sign her up for no-pay extras work in movies/commercials, etc. It might not be paying (FOR NOW), but that resume will grow longer and THAT'S what modeling agencies look at. They don't care about just a pretty face anymore, they want pretty faces AND proof that they've had experience before. Wish her luck for me.
2007-01-30 17:57:00
answer #2
answered by Detroit Diva 3
Check out in the jobs section under TV. They always have a ton of open call listings for models and actresses. And why not go out for an open audition for America's Next Top Model or The Janice Dickinson Agency? Even if your daughter doesn't make it, I bet she'd meet people who could help her along.
2007-01-30 17:59:09
answer #3
answered by CrysV 5
A lot of models are discovered or maybe your just not going to the right agencies. You should go to a large agency rather than a small one even if it means going out of the country. The thing agencies look for is the IT factor. Looks isn't the only thing they are looking for. They have to have the attitude, the face, and the IT factor.
2007-01-30 17:56:43
answer #4
answered by . 6
Tyra Banks made a great point on one of her shows, she said that when she wanted to get into modeling that real people would pay her family to let her model for them. I think she is right, if they really want your kids then they will pay you not the other way around, please dont give these people any money. I am a financial advisor and would never tell me clients to pay for a modeling service. If you have anymore questions please visit or you can even call him.
2007-01-30 17:59:39
answer #5
answered by poling2482 1
Please don't type in all caps. You're shouting when you do that.
Call a modeling agency and ask for suggestions. That would be the best place to find answers.
2007-01-30 17:56:31
answer #6
answered by Blue 6
I use to go to male& & they usaully give u info. but that was while back it might b different!!
2007-01-30 18:00:19
answer #7
answered by mbiii06 2
cuz the prices are insane...what about Barbizon?
2007-01-30 17:55:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous