It is definitely harder to judge yourself than it is to judge others and even when someone tries to judge themselves, they usually fail because they feel like their situation is somewhat different.
When a person can correctly judge themself, then that means that they have grown within themselves and have learned to be honest with themself.
2007-01-30 09:44:21
answer #1
answered by Truth Hurts 6
Not too many people understand them selfs. It took me a lot of time an effort to figure out who I am and what I stand for.
Even tho this may seem silly to some people you have to get to know your self befor you try to understand others. That's why it's easyer to judge somebody else.
You can stay indiferent to another person because the way you judge them for good or bad does no effect you in any way. While judging your self is a long, hard struggle of getting to know who you really are.
We try to kid our selfs by thinking we are better then some people even when this isn't true. Compleatly agree with the quote a wise person understands who he/she is and will be able to see mistakes in his/her self not only others.
And befor anybody says I knwo my self answer this question honestly 10 times: Who am I?
And you will see that you know so much less about your self then you originaly thought.
And to leave with a thought of my own for your question here is a great quote
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." ~e.e. cummings
2007-01-30 10:01:47
answer #2
answered by methisz 2
Of course! Some people can make jokes about others, but they really cant take jokes made at them. For those who can judge others but 'cant take a joke', they need to do some self observation and discovery.
Yet some people think they're too far or weak based on others judgements, while others are too cocky. I know my strengths and weaknesses, though sometimes it helps to be reminded of them.
how can you berate others when you cant put yourself under the same microscope? in the military, many higher ranks have no one to check them when they do wrong and get away with a lot of things. Yet if they evaluate themselves, they might see it in another light.
I like this quote: Dont critique until you walked in their shoes.
2007-01-30 10:27:08
answer #3
answered by Sore wa himitsu desu! 3
For a person to be able to make a qualified self-judgement, this implies that one must have given the necessary time and effort toward introspection. Another requirement to initiate such action lies in fervent determination to be bold enough to accept the honest results of such introspection. Thirdly, then, inevitably we arrive at a point of decision: do we act upon our findings or do we ignore the discoveries and refuse to make the required self-repairs? Few get to this point, and fewer still choose to make any changes, which then compounds misery within us. We know what is best for ourselves, but now we have chosen NOT to proceed. It would have been better for that person to never have undertaken this mission, than to have done so and chosen not to complete the journey. Contrary to popular theory, It is not wrong to judge the motives and actions of others. In truth, each and every functioning member of society does so daily without even realizing it as we contact others. What IS wrong, in my opinion, is to attempt to judge others before we have carried out the above-mentioned exercise upon ourselves. To do so is the height of audacity and ignorance.
2007-01-30 10:02:45
answer #4
answered by Dr. J 3
We all think we know ourselves better than anyone else does. But sometimes people tell you things about yourself that you didn't realize were true. (Example: I sometimes feel insecure inside myself. My friends say I am a calming influence; they don't see my insecurities.)
We also tend to be self-critical. We think we need to be perfect. We hold ourselves to a higher standard that we hold others. Our first goal should be to love ourselves best, first and foremost.
True wisdom is difficult to find. Life is a long journey as we learn who we are and what we want to leave as our legacy.
Good luck on your journey!!!
2007-01-30 09:52:18
answer #5
answered by 7