Braxton Hicks feel similar to early labor...but BH never get stronger and they come and go...whereas real labor you will feel it intensifying and coming closer and closer together.
Not all women even feel BH contractions...I never did with my first pregnancy. Some women get them all the time in the 3rd trimester. Either way, or in between, is all normal.
If you feel BH (usually they are strongest after exercise or having sex) just relax and you should feel them fade away eventually. There is no need to do anything.
With real labor, if you are at term, then stay home as long as you are comfortable. Once you can't talk through the contractions plan on heading to the birthing center.
2007-01-30 05:02:57
answer #1
answered by bgmom 3
Braxton Hicks contractions also know as false labor will come and go, they will usually not be consistent, example they will be 1 at 10 min 1 at 9 min and 1 at 10 lasting various lengths of time. They will stop or ease up if you change position. Get up and walk if you were sitting. If they do get regular the will be regular for a short amount of time, then fade away. They can be painful just like real contractions, but in the end they lack consistency.
Contractions real ones will usually start off slow and build up getting closer and longer. They will be consistent, example one every 10 min lasting 30 seconds. As they get closer together they will get more painful or harder. They stay on this pattern and do not regulate from the build up.
If you go into labor try to stay calm, it helps with the pain. Be relax and get to the hospital when your doctor when the doctor told you ( mine said 3-5 min apart, your doctor might say something different.)
If you have braxton hicks or aren't really sure, change positions, if you were sitting, get up and walk around, drink an eight oz glass of water (sometimes BH comes from dehydration).
2007-01-30 13:13:17
answer #2
answered by The Invisible Woman 6
Braxton Hicks 'contractions' are generally evenly spaced over time, while 'true labor' contractions get 'closer together' over time. Some women 'feel' their BH contractions, and some don't. Generally, if you don't go to the hospital until you have 'timed' your contractions out to two minutes or less apart (from the start of one to the start of the next) you should be okay as long as you live within 15 minutes (door to door) time of the hospital where you want to 'deliver' ... otherwise, you will probably need to 'move faster' and 'go earlier' ... but generally you will 'know' in your mind that you've got a 'baby coming NOW' and your water may 'break' to show you that it IS TIME to go to the hospital. My advice is 'RELAX and enjoy every 'weird moment and feeling' and also DO WHAT YOU WANT (including taking an 'anaesthetic' even if you planned on a totally 'natural birth' and/or your husband says 'no' ... it's YOUR BODY and YOU have the control, not the doctor or your husband) ... and give your 'new little person' an extra kiss from me when it's born, because you may be 'quite young' but you asked a very 'important question' and that tells me that you will make an excellent mom.
2007-01-30 13:08:04
answer #3
answered by Kris L 7
Congrats on your pregnancy. I'm 23 weeks too w/ my second baby. The difference between Braxton Hicks and real contractions is that real contractions will become more intense and be painful; you may also feel pain in your lower back. You will know the difference, and when in doubt, time your contractions; if they come in intervals, you need to call the hospital. Also, if your water breaks you should call the hospital but that doesn't necissarily mean you will have to go in right away. And remember, you may not go into labor on your own at all! Make sure you take a child birth education class. They can be very helpful. Good luck to you!
2007-01-30 13:03:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I started to get BH at around 23 weeks. The first one I felt, actually hurt, but I think it was because it scared me and I didn't know what was going on. But they didn't hurt again after that, just a little uncomfortable. BH should stop and go away if you change your activity. If you are just sitting around, try getting up and walking around. If you have been on your feet for a while, try sitting down with your feet up for a while. They should stop. They should also be irregular and not have a pattern to them.
If you go into labor there are a few things you need to know. If you go before 36 weeks, call your dr asap, because they can stop it sometimes. But if it's after 36 weeks first thing you need to do is take a deep breath and relax. I called my dr when my contractions were 4-5 minutes apart. I went to the hospital about 2 hours later and the contractions were 2-3 minutes apart by then. I was only 2 cm! I thought I was going to die! But I got my epidural and was able to take a quick nap.
If you water breaks, the first thing you need to do, is sit down for about 5 min! Then call your dr and head to the hospital. Most women think that they have some time if their water breaks, but there is a complication that can occur, your baby's cord can come out and get caught between the babys head and your cervix. This is an emergency, so they recommend sitting for a few minutes before getting up and moving around.
Ok I think that's everything. Congrats on your first baby! I wish you a happy healthy baby and a speedy delivery.
2007-01-30 13:08:59
answer #5
answered by rn4sicbabies 2
braxton hicks are not rythmic or build. people feel them different ways. some feel them like menstral cramps, some feel them from just pressure, some NEVER feel them. it's not true that you may not feel them early in pregnancy....if you are having contractions frequently...more than 4 an hour lay down on your left side drink LOTS of water and call your doctor, you could be at risk for preterm labor. real contractions will build in intensity...albeit they still may not necisarily hurt, but are ever 8 min...if you are experincing any of those symptoms call your doctor IMEDIATELY...take it from someone who has has 3 preterm deliveries! preterm labor is nothing to mess around with! but most likely you will just have a happy, healthy normal pregnancy! listen to your body and relax and enjoy this time you have! good luck! and congrats
2007-01-30 13:12:35
answer #6
answered by StinaMommie 3
ok so this is my third pregnancy and I know that every woman is different, but I have had B/H contractions with all of my children from very very early and throughout the entire pregnancy and B/H can be painful as well, but the real ones are more painful (when it comes time to go into labor). The only way I know the difference is that real contractions will continue to come and continue to get stronger, B/H are milder and come and go. Trust me when it is time you will know, and don't worry if you go in to the hospital and they send you home I think most us go through that. (I know I did with my first one)
2007-01-30 13:06:35
answer #7
answered by unhappyinin 4
BH are mostly felt in front, in your abdomen. Real labor is usually in your back like menstrual cramps. Real contractions get longer, stronger and closer together. In other words they get worse and don't give you a break. Sometimes a change in position or change in activity will stop BH.
The key: Longer, Stronger, Closer together
2007-01-30 13:02:11
answer #8
answered by Proud Mommy of 6 6
BH is sporadic contractions. The strength is never the same and don't have a pattern. Real contractions have a pattern and will get stronger with time.
2007-01-30 13:03:23
answer #9
answered by guysmommy_09142001 2
My BH contractions are just pressure and feel like someone is squeezing me and there is not pain..When you get real contractions, you will be cramping and it gets worse and worse and worse.
2007-01-30 13:00:38
answer #10
answered by Blondi 6