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I love sites that make me think or have something different going for them. Do you know any. I liked the crimson room but I'm looking for something a little different. Can you help? :-)

2007-01-29 21:36:55 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Internet

3 answers

http://www.consumerfreedom.com + sister sites http://www.animalscam.com & http://www.petakillsanimals.com which exposes the hypocrisy of various extremist groups (animal rights groups, diet scolds, etc)

http://www.capc.co.uk (the campaign against politcal correctness), http://www.politicallyincorrect.me.uk + http://www.sterlingtimes.co.uk highlights some of the problems that extreme political correctness & other loopy liberal being in charge results in.

http://driving.timesonline.co.uk - click on the "Jeremy Clarkson" links to read some of his amusing opinion pieces + car reviews (which usually start off raving about something, before eventually getting to saying something about the particular car)

2007-01-30 04:15:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

just read this
http://www.mylot.com/?ref=vikkramm this is my referall link
1)this site will help u.
2)no registration fee is required .
3)they also give money for discussions.
4)u can discuss any thing u want in this site.
5)if u intrested please join using my link.
6)they give money because every site needs users so that they earn money from adds.
7)it works same as yahoo but they give money for points .
8)just do the samething u do in yahoo.
9)i given this information to u because i want referalls.
10)u can use paypal or egold for money transfer.

2007-01-30 06:00:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yahoo answers

2007-01-30 06:00:19 · answer #3 · answered by AVANISH JI 5 · 0 1

fedest.com, questions and answers