They still think Iraq did 9/11
2007-01-29 15:01:11
answer #1
answered by Duffman 5
I feel the war on terrorism is the right war. I know Iraq did not have anything to do with it. After 9/11 Saddam all but giggled like a high school girl asked to the prom by the most popular boy in the school. After that event it doesn't take long for the drama queens to start driving wedges into that relationship. Well in this case it was UN Resolutions and Reputation that gave excuse to put Saddams neck in the noose. Mind you this was no reason.
I think our government saw how easy it was to "win"' the ground war in Afghanistan and still high on the outcome decided to go after Saddam.
A lot of folks have also forgotten the preliminary cost estimate of shutting down the stock market those 4 days after 9/11. For some reason they do not equate that with the initial cost of these wars. The preliminary cost of shutting down the stock market was a 400 billion dollar loss, for those 4 days. Even that website that calculates the cost of these wars is inaccurate. Right alongside the intelligence that got us into this predicament. Right alongside the continual rhettoric that keeps us there.
Disecting a frog in a biology class cannot be called any thing but a mess afterwards. There is no way to put it back together and call it a frog.
2007-01-29 15:45:28
answer #2
answered by eks_spurt 4
Iraq is at the center of the Middle East. It had a dictator as a leader and was about to pass that leadership to his sons (that would have been another set of major issues). Iraq borders Iran, it already established mass murder, and continued to threaten or play games with its weapons.
Now, research the "Ink and Stain" strategy and relate it to Western Europe - you will need to do some homework (history) here.
Terrorism is embedded throughout the Middle East and has spread throughout most European nations.
Hate towards Israel is about as high as WWII. Wrapped in the middle of this issue is the balance of the world's economy.
Do you really believe that the timing of Iran's aggressive nuclear program and the fact our military is on its border is a coincidence?
Is war right or wrong? I don't know, but it has and always will exist. Is going into Iraq the right strategy? Don't know and only time will tell. Is leaving Iraq and possibly leaving the Iraqi people to either another Afghanistan or Genocide the right strategy?
I find it interesting that the public believes leaving Iraq is the best and easiest decision. I guess the risk of genocide is OK?
2007-01-29 15:27:56
answer #3
answered by Hammy 2
K Biz & Ruth, excellent job answering in a clearly expressed factual manner. Contrary to what many claim, we did not go to Iraq as a response to 9/11, or for oil, or for revenge for Bush#1, or to perpetuate world domination.
We went in response to Saddams defiance of United Nations edicts. Many other countries supported our mission, altho not all volunteered troops.
As the President stated last week, "the war we entered is not the war we are facing now.......but it is the one we're in!!"
I don't believe the war is "right" , but I do believe it was an appropriate response to a man(Saddam) who refused to respect reasonable UN directives...If Saddam had done the RIGHT thing he would still be dictator of Iraq & we would have no war.. He made a BAD choice , we responded w our only viable answer to his "line in the sand"
2007-01-29 15:26:26
answer #4
answered by SantaBud 6
First of all, our government chose to fight it. This includes both the President and Congress (including many of the current detractors).
It was thought that taking out Saddam (a genocidal maniac) and establishing a democracy in Iraq, would prove beneficial to the world.
Unfortunately, Iran, Hezbollah, and other Islamic terrorists saw an opportunity to get Iraq for themselves. Some of us think this makes winning even more important.
We cannot treat a war like a Las Vegas marriage, ending it when we are bored.
2007-01-29 15:05:49
answer #5
answered by ? 7
Saddam Hussain was a curse on his own people, never bothered about their welfare, go madly to war with Iran, invaded Kuwait, threatned to dominate all the middle east. He got what he deserved. Now the war in Iraq is between Iraqies not between US & Iraqies.
2007-01-29 23:25:19
answer #6
answered by cjosepoulose 2
because Iraq(Saddam) did not follow the UN sanctions placed upon it,leaving us no choice,beacuase some of the money went through there for the 9/11 cause by Jihad,because they harbored Osama and the terrorist camps during the course of Al queida,theres more but i think you get the point
2007-01-29 15:50:48
answer #7
answered by stygianwolfe 7
Because in a post 9/11 America, we cannot afford to leave in power a dictator in the Middle East that is pro-terrorism, pro-WMD, and very unpredictable. Now you are probably saying, well there are alot of Middle Easter Dictators that fit that bill. Yeah, but SAddam Hussien was in violation of 17 UN resolutions, which gave us the RIGHT to go in and remove him.
Remember this, write it down, take a picture, I don't care. THIS is THEE reason we went to war with Iraq.
2007-01-29 15:05:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
those are the people who have really messed up logic.
2007-01-29 15:04:29
answer #9
answered by mysteriouspenguin 1