Personally I see nothing wrong with this providing the kids indiscretion warrants it. You as the parent need time to cool off and measure the importance of the punishment and by telling the child that you need time to think about how long he will be grounded for you are not reacting to event and making unrealistic curfews. Plus it will allow the child to reflect back on what he has done while he awaits his sentencing. Parenting is certainly the toughest jobs any of us will ever hold and someday all these children will learn about too, just as our parents warned us. Ha! Best of luck.
2007-01-29 14:04:59
answer #1
answered by crazylegs 7
Depends on what you did there is no release date I hope you are not a prisoner.How you tried being a good 14 year old boy and setting down and talking to the people that grounded you in the first place.The way I feel about this as long as you live under your mother and father roof (in there house eat there food sleep in there bed use there elect.ride in there car put the clothes on they buy)then you have to do what they say when they say OK,understand
2007-01-29 14:07:52
answer #2
answered by Douglas R 4
you should tell a child how long they are being punished for so that there is an end point. after they are done being grounded talk to them about the incident and give them positive reinforcement that they can do good and now they can go and play. if you just say till you decide it isn't a guideline sentence and it makes it more difficult for them.
2007-01-29 13:59:03
answer #3
answered by kodiackgazer 2
well, I think in the heat of the moment, it's OK to tell them "until I decide" but that after you've had time to consider the offense and appropriate punishment, you should clarify the terms. It doesn't have to be a date in time, it could also be a goal he has to reach. "Mow the yard, rake the leaves, do five loads of laundry. OR, until you get your grade up to a B, or one day of no TV for each foul word you spoke." You get my drift?
2007-01-29 14:03:39
answer #4
answered by reddevilbloodymary 6
I'm a 13 year old girl. My dad grounds me and give no date it ends so at night I sneak out bedroom window. If I had a date then I have something to look forward to. no date I will sneak out and brake every rule I can. Why not, have nothing to lose.
2007-01-29 14:07:29
answer #5
answered by sara a 2
I think there should always be guidelines to punishments - what privledges they lose, what you expect from them during that timeline and the length of punishment. Kids need to know what to expect when they do something wrong that deserves reprimanding.
2007-01-29 14:12:49
answer #6
answered by Cute But Evil 5