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There is a girl at work that is doing everything she can to get me in trouble. This is includes making false accusations and getting HR involved. I fear that a few things I have done are against policy, however I do this for everyone and feel that everyone in the company does the same thing. What am going to do? I am so aggravated and under so much pressure. She has told several people she's out to get me, and that she hates me. I am in upper managment and she is too, just at a different location. I am so FRUSTRATED.. I don't feel anything I do is any different then my other managers. Please HELP!... Should I find a new job? If so, she would win and I don't want that, but this has been going on for 2 years now, and I don't know how much more I can handle.


2007-01-29 13:09:56 · 3 answers · asked by Can't stand this 4 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

3 answers

All of the material that I've read on such sabotage in the work place follows along these lines.

If you can't get management aligned with you against her, then by default they are with her and against you. Neutrality is not an option, since upper management can rescue you or let her terror reign. So only you know that status. If you can get your immediate boss with you then you stand a chance to get her caught in the act of instigating falsehoods etc. But since she will just shout louder, what you've done wrong. You will have to be ready with your defence.
As always, Bullies can only dish it out they can't take it at all. If you have it in you to turn the tables some then try running her down and spreading viscious gossip about her. Try making her look a fool in front of upper managment. Get to work on tearing her down a peg or two. If it's not in you to fight with her on her hair pulling tantrums then she will win out. The real problem with this is that you can end up with another bully at another job. So it's better to get in there and try to take her down.

If you know in your heart that you have lost, just leave. If any of the management has sided with her, leave. You cant' win over a whole croud. No matter what you do you can't the tide has turned.

Best of luck,

2007-01-29 13:21:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Take it from someone who has been there done that. I had a job I loved. My manager was a good friend, and a childhood friend of my husband's. She was also the best friend and felt sorry for this other person who always poor mouthed. Anyway, this other person was always trying to get other people in trouble. She did a VERY good job at it too. Some people even got fired too. She then turned her wrath towards me. I tried to talk to my manager, she would say I know how she is, I know, I know. This was in June. It kept going on, she complained about me, about things I didn't do. I finally was getting tired of it and decided at the first of the year I would put in for a transfer. Well in Nov I was fired. She kept it up until I got fired.

So, unless you are able to stop it and put her in her place, you might transfer or find yourself a new job. Unemployment is no fun. I went from 3600 a month to unemployment and I have not recovered since. At the pay I am making now I may never recover.

Good luck

2007-01-29 21:36:56 · answer #2 · answered by cybervagabond_27801 2 · 0 0

Wow, a GIRL at work. So they hire people under the age of 18 where you work and they get to work in upper management. What a deal! I wonder what you did that you do for EVERYONE and she is the only one with the gonads to stand up to you.
Hmmmmm . . . maybe some details would help.
Otherwise you sound like a lech, sorry.

2007-01-29 21:17:04 · answer #3 · answered by Sassygirlzmom 5 · 0 0

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